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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
144085 Audin M., Silva A., Lerman E. Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 2003
144084 Lakshmipathy U., Chesnut J., Thyagarajan B. Emerging Technology Platforms for Stem Cells 2009
144083 Barlotti A. Combinatorics '90: Recent trends and applications 1992
144082 Huang S., Li K., Irwin G. Intelligent Computing: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006, Proceedings, Part I 2006
144080 Sloot P., Tan C., Dongarra J. Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002. Proceedings 2002
144079 Rogstad D., Mileant A., Pham T. Antenna arraying techiques in the deep space network 2003
144078 Lau D. Function Algebras on Finite Sets. A Basic Course on Many-Valued Logic and Clone Theory 2006
144077 Áîáûëåâ Ñ.Í., Ãðèöåâè÷ È.Ã. Ãëîáàëüíîå èçìåíåíèå êëèìàòà è ýêîíîìè÷åñêîå ðàçâèòèå: Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå 2005
144076 Pol J., Weber M. Model Checking Software: 17th International SPIN Workshop, Enschede, The Netherlands, September 27-29, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Computer Science and General Issues) 2010
144075 Ïîëòîðàê Î.Ì. Ñîâðåìåííûå òåîðèè õèìèè è èçó÷åíèå õèìèè â øêîëå 1995
144074 Ôàëîâà Î.Å. Ôèçèîëîãèÿ ýíåðãåòè÷åñêîãî îáìåíà: Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå óêàçàíèÿ 2006
144073 0 Áèîëîãèÿ: Äåìîíñòðàöèîííûé âàðèàíò ýêçàìåíàöèîííîé ðàáîòû äëÿ âûïóñêíèêîâ 9 êëàññîâ (2010 ã.) 2010
144072 Giambruno A., Milies C., Sehgal S. Groups, Rings and Group Rings 2006
144071 Roulet C. Ventilation and Airflow in Buildings: Methods for Diagnosis and Evaluation 2008
144070 Schiele B., Dey A., Gellersen H. Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007, Proceedings 2007
144068 Hermann R. C-O-R Generalized Functions, Current Algebras, and Control 1994
144067 Elliott R., Kopp E. Mathematics Of Financial Markets 2005
144066 Iakovidis I., Wilson P., Healy J. E-Health: Current Situation And Examples Of Implemented & Beneficial E-Health Applications (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics) (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics) 2004
144065 Berliner L., Robitaille P. Biological Magnetic Resonance: Volume 15: In vivo Carbon-13 NMR (Biological Magnetic Resonance) 2002
144064 Frame J. Managing Projects in Organizations: How to Make the Best Use of Time, Techniques, and People 2003
144063 Proudfoot A., Wells T., Power C. Chemokine Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 138) 2000
144062 Yao J., Lingras P., Wu W. Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology: Second International Conference, RSKT 2007, Toronto, Canada, May 14-16, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 2007
144061 Goldfeld D. Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R) (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) 2006
144060 Upadhyaya S., Chaudhury A., Kwiat K. Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Communications Technologies (Operations Research Computer Science Interfaces Series) 2002
144058 Fried G., Hademenos G. Schaum's Outline of THEORY AND PROBLEMS of Biology 1999
144057 Lazakidou A. Biocomputation and biomedical informatics: Case studies and applications 2010
144056 Kingma B. Economics of Information: A Guide to Economic and Cost-Benefit Analysis for Information Professionals 2001
144055 Zhu R. Calorimetry in Particle Physics: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference, California, USA 25-29 March 2002 2003
144054 House D. Seamanship Techniques, Third Edition: Shipboard and Marine Operations 2004
144053 Tsao G., Ouyang P., Chen J. Biotechnology in China II: Chemicals, Energy and Environment (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology, Volume 122) 2010
144052 O'Connor T. Persons and Causes: The Metaphysics of Free Will 2002
144051 Swartzlander E. Computer design development: Principal papers 1976
144050 Christopher C., Li C. Limit Cycles of Differential Equations 2007
144049 Õîëìîãîðîâ Â.È., Õîëìîãîðîâ Ã.È. Èñòîðè÷åñêèå ìàòåðèàëû î öåðêâàõ è ñåëàõ XVI-XVIII ñò . Çâåíèãîðîäñêàÿ äåñÿòèíà 1882
144048 0 MacIntosh Technology in the Common Hardware Reference Platform 1995
144047 Stillwell J. Naive Lie Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 2008
144046 Ëûñî÷åíêî À.À. Ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèé êîìïëåêñ ïî êóðñó ''Ýêîíîìèêà îáùåñòâåííîãî ñåêòîðà'' äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ ýêîíîìè÷åñêîãî ôàêóëüòåòà. ×àñòè 1,2 2004
144045 Hog-Angeloni C., Metzler W., Sieradski A. Two-Dimensional Homotopy and Combinatorial Group Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) 1993
144044 Sautoy M., Woodward L. Zeta Functions of Groups and Rings (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2008
144043 Ìàëååâà Þ.Â., ×óá Â.Â. Áèîëîãèÿ: Ôëîðà. Ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûé ó÷åáíèê äëÿ ó÷àùèõñÿ 7 êëàññîâ. 1994
144041 Elleithy K., Sobh T., Iskander M. Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation 2010
144040 Eaton S., Eaton G., Berliner L. Biomedical EPR: Methodology, Instrumentation, and Dynamics 2005
144039 Verstovsek S., Tefferi A. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Biology and Therapy (Contemporary Hematology) 2011
144038 De Bernardis E. Applied and industrial mathematics in Italy III 2010
144037 Hosek J. Attracting the Best: How the Military Competes for Information Technology Personnel 2004
144036 Hall J., McAdams J. Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (2nd Edition) (Effective Software Development Series) 2010
144035 Options Institute Technical Analysis from A to Z, 2nd Edition 1995
144034 Bullen P. Handbook of means and their inequalities 1988
144033 Ðûæåíêî Â.È. Ñîâðåìåííûå ìàòåðèàëû 2008
144032 Hong S. Wireless: From Marconi's Black-Box to the Audion (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2001

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