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Rautenberg W. — A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Universitext) |
Предметный указатель |
-function 189
-elementary class 139
-function 170
-formula 185
-induction 206
-formula 54
-formula, simple 158
-sentence, -theory 148
-formula, -sentence 54
-theory 66
-group 159
-formula 46
-model 49
-operation 169
-operation, bounded 172
-consistent 195
-incomplete 196
-rule 226
-term 90
-maximal 32
-formula 184
-completeness 186
-completeness, provable 215
-formula 184
-formula, special 208
(finitely) generated 36
(Monic) polynomial 82
(Recursively) decidable 169
(Relatively) interpretable 200
<-induction 86
A.c. (algebraically closed) 38
Abelian group 38
Abelian group, divisible 81
Abelian group, torsion-free 82
Abraham Robinson 85
Absorption laws 39
Algebra 34
algebraic 38
Almost all 48 163
Alphabet XVII
antisymmetric 36
Arithmetical 184
Arithmetical hierarchy 205
Artin 147
Associative 37
Automated theorem proving 94
Automorphism 40
Axiom of Choice 90
Axiom of continuity 85
Axiom of extensionality 88
Axiom of foundation 90
Axiom of infinity 90
Axiom of Power Set 89
Axiom of replacement 89
Axiom of union 89
Axiom system of a theory 65
Axiom system, logical 29 95
Axiomatizable 81
Axiomatizable, finitely, recursively 81
Basis theorem for formulas 160
Basis theorem for sentences 140
Behmann 98
Birkhoff rules 99
Boolean algebra 39
Boolean algebra of sets 39
Boolean algebra, atomless 156
Boolean basis for in T 160
Boolean basis for in T 140
Boolean combination 45
Boolean function 2
Boolean function, dual, self-dual 12
Boolean function, linear 8
Boolean function, monotonic 13
Boolean matrix 40
Boolean signature 4
cardinal number 134
Cardinality 134
Cardinality of a structure 135
Chain 37
Chain of structures 148
Chain of theories 80
Chain, elementary 148
Characteristic 39
Church's thesis 171
Clause 112 118
Clause, definite, positive, negative 112
Closed under MP 30
Closure axioms 200
Closure of a formula 51
Closure of a model in T 152
Closure, deductive 16
Cofinite 28
Collision of variables 55
Collision-free 56
Commutative 37
Compactness Theorem 24 82
Compatible 65
Completeness theorem 80 96 97
Completeness theorem, Birkhoff's 100
Completeness theorem, propositional 23
Completion 93
Completion, inductive 150
composition XVI 169
Computable 169
Concatenation XVII
Concatenation, arithmetical 174
Congruence 41
Congruence classes 41
Congruence in 58
Conjunction 2
Connective 3
Connex 36
Consequence relation 16 17
Consequence relation, finitary 16
Consequence relation, local, global 63
Consequence relation, predicate logical 51
Consequence relation, propositional 15
Consistency extension 220
Consistent 75 123
Constant XVII
Constant expansion 76
Constant-quantihcation 76
Continuity Schema 86
Continuum Hypothesis 135
Contradiction 14
Contraposition 17
Converse implication 3
Coprime 185
Course-of-values recursion 174
Cut rule 20
Davis 199
Decidable 81
Deduction Theorem 17 31
Deductively closed 16 64
Definable 53
Definable in a structure 53
Definable in theories 211
Definable with parameters 85
Definable, explicitly 53 69
Definable, implicitly 69
DeJongh 225
Derivability conditions 210
Derivable 18 19 29
Diagram 132
Diagram, elementary 133
Diagram, universal 149
Direct power 42
Disjunction 2
Disjunction, exclusive 2
Distributive laws 39
| Domain XVI 34
Ehrenfeucht game 142
Elementary class 139
Elementary equivalent 55
Elementary type 139
Embedding 40
Embedding, elementary 136
End extension 84 186
Enumerable, effectively or recursively 92 174
equation 45
Equation, Diophantine 184 198
Equipotent 87
Equivalence class 41
Equivalence relation 36
Equivalent 9 50
Equivalent in (or modulo) T 65
Equivalent in a structure 59
Equivalent, logically or semantically 9 50
Euclid's lemma 189
Existentially (or -)closed 149
Existentially closed 155
expansion 36 62
Explicit definition 68
Extension 36 64
Extension of a language 62
Extension of a theory 64
Extension, conservative 52 67
Extension, definitorial 68
Extension, elementary 133
Extension, finite 65
Extension, immediate 152
Extension, transcendental 138
f-closed 35
Factor structure 41
Falsum 4
Family (of sets) XVI
Fermat's conjecture 199
Fibonacci sequence 174
Fictional argument 8
Field 38
Field of algebraic numbers 134
Field of characteristic 0 or p 39
Field, algebraically closed 38
Field, ordered 39
Field, real closed 153
Filter 27
Filter, proper, principal 28
Finitary 16
Finite model property 97
Finiteness theorem 21 23 73 81
Fixed-Point Lemma 194
Formula 45
Formula algebra 34
Formula induction 5 46
Formula, Boolean 4
Formula, closed 47
Formula, defining 67
Formula, dual 12
Formula, first-order 45
Formula, open (quantifier-free) 45
Formula, prenex 61
Formula, representing 8 184
Formula, universal 54
Four-colour Theorem 26
Frege 60
Function XVI
Function, bijective XVI
Function, characteristic 169
Function, identical XVI
Function, injective, surjective XVI
Function, partial 138
Function, primitive recursive 169
Function, recursive (= -recursive) 169
Functional complete 12
Gap 37
Generalization 62
Generalization, anteriour, posterior 62
Generalized of a formula 51
Generally valid 50
Gentzen calculus 18
Goal clause 123
Goedel number 173
Goedel number of a number sequence 173
Goedel number of a proof 177
Goedel number of a string 176
Goedel term 191
Graph 37
Graph of an operation XVII
Graph, k-colorable 25
Graph, planar, simple 25
Ground (or constant) term 44
Ground instance 107
Group 38
Group, ordered 38
Groupoid 38
H-resolution 116
Harrington 219
Henkin set 77
Herbrand model 108
Herbrand model, minimal 111
Herbrand universe 108
Hilbert calculus 29 95
Homomorphism 40
Homomorphism theorem 41
Homomorphism, canonical 41
Homomorphism, strong 40
Horn clause 116
Horn formula 109
Horn formula, basic 109
Horn formula, positive, negative 109
Horn formula, universal 109
Horn resolution 117
Horn sentence 109
Horn theory 109
Horn theory, universal, nontrivial 110
Hyperexponentiation 186
I-tuple XVI
Idempotent 37
Identity 99
Immediate predecessor 37
Immediate successor 37
Implication 3
Incompleteness Theorem, First 194
Incompleteness Theorem, Second 217
Inconsistent 22 75
Independent (of T) 65
Individual variables 43
Induction axiom 84
Induction hypothesis 83
Induction on 7 46
Induction on t 44
Induction schema 83
Induction step 83
Infimum 39
Infinitesimal 86
Instance 107 123
Integral domain 38
Interpretation 49
Invariance Theorem 55
Invertible 37
Irreflexive 36
Isomorphism 40
Isomorphism, partial 138
j-term 68
Jeroslow 225
Julia Robinson 199
Jump 37
Kernel (of a prenex formula) 61
Kleene 169 205
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