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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
140713 Keengwe J., Kidd T. Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Online Technologies and Outcomes 2010
217323 Russon J. Adult Life: Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of Happiness 2020
142661 Lear B.W. Adult Programs in the Library 2001
169238 Lear B. Adult Programs in the Library (Ala Programming Guides) 2002
181669 Lear B. Adult Programs in the Library (Ala Programming Guides) 2002
125753 Jan N. Adult Survival in Partridge-Barton model of Biological Aging 1994
33739 Evans J. (ed.) Adults Mathematical Thinking and Emotions: A Study of Numerate Practice 2001
167415 Author Unknown ADV IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY VOL 21 APL, Volume 21 (Advances in Microbial Physiology) (v. 21) 1981
128764 Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, David Halpern Adv Math Mech App using MatLab Book 2003
170996 Zelkowitz M. Advaces in computers. Volume 47 1998
191998 Parthasarathy H. Advance engineering physiscs 2006
208645 Harvey Cohn ADVANCED NUMBER THEORY 1962
19181 Robinson S. Advanced .NET Programming 2002
27824 Rammer I., Szpuszta M. Advanced .NET Remoting 2005
12441 Rammer I. Advanced .NET Remoting (C# Edition) 2002
79194 Harbour J.S. Advanced 2D Game Development 2008
191489 Walsh P., Perez A. Advanced 3-D Game Programming with DirectX 8.0 2002
26979 Finney K.C. Advanced 3D Game Programming All in One 2005
23651 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming Using DirectX 9.0 2003
208540 Peter Walsh Advanced 3D Game Programming Using DirectX 9.0 2003
149634 Peter Walsh Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10.0 (Wordware Game and Graphics Library) 2008
138216 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 2003
143318 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 2003
156947 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 2003
162747 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 (Wordware Game Developer's Library) 2003
165917 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 2003
177996 Fleming B. Advanced 3D Photorealism Techniques 1999
19357 Kulagin B. Advanced 3Ds Max 5: Modeling and Animating 2003
62730 Fischer P.M., Taylor W.J., Cheng R.H. Advanced Accounting (with Electronic Working Papers CD-ROM and Student Companion Book) 2005
27520 Lott J., Patterson D. Advanced ActionScript 3 with Design Patterns 2006
15588 De Donatis A. Advanced Actionscript Components: Mastering the Flash Component Architecture 2006
147017 Cortes U., Poch M. Advanced Agent-Based Environmental Management Systems 2009
46729 Wang L.K. Advanced Air and Noise Pollution Control: Volume 2 2004
30329 Lauriat Sh.M. Advanced Ajax: Architectureand Best Practices 2007
55063 Knapp A.W. Advanced Algebra 2007
126179 Yan M. Advanced Analysis 2009
51648 Li G., Li J. Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Frames 2007
33008 Siegel C.L. Advanced Analytic Number Theory 1980
107008 Siegel C.L. Advanced analytic number theory 1980
26980 Watt A., WAtt M. Advanced animation and rendering techniques 1992
23745 Adams J. Advanced Animation with DirectX 2003
213903 Appleman D. Advanced Apex Programming in Salesforce 2021
136564 Changqing Li Advanced Applications and Structures in Xml Processing: Label Streams, Semantics Utilization and Data Query Technologies 2010
216732 Matouk A.E. Advanced applications of fractional differential operators to science and technology n/a
141530 Gielen M., Willem R., Wrackmeyer B. Advanced Applications of NMR to Organometallic Chemistry 1996
58544 Ross C.T.F. Advanced Applied Stress Analysis 1987
195068 Nicola Fourikis Advanced Array Systems, Applications and RF Technologies 2002
129338 Bhatnagar H. Advanced ASIC chip synthesis: using Synopsys Design Compiler, Physical Compiler, and Prime Time 2002
40291 Duric N. Advanced Astrophysics 2003
185916 Duric N. Advanced astrophysics 2004

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