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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
11050 Reif-Lehrer L. Grant Application Writers Handbook 2005
11049 Jewell A. (ed.) Ageing, Spirituality and Well-being 2004
11048 Maddala G.S. Introduction to Econometrics 1992
11047 Motto J.R. (ed.) Introduction to Solid State Power Electronics 1977
11046 Vaughan R., Andersen J.B. Channels, Propagation and Antennas for Mobile Communications 2003
11045 Kehal H.S., Singh V.P. Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences, and Challenges 2005
11044 Wiberg M. The Interaction Society: Practice, Theories and Supportive Technologies 2005
11043 Roberts T.S. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education 2005
11042 Bali R.K. Clinical Knowledge Management: Opportunities and Challenges 2005
11041 Hefferon J. Linear Algebra 2003
11040 Azar B.S. Fundamentals of English Grammar 2002
11038 Feynman R.P. The Meaning of it All 1999
11037 Âèëêîâ Ë.Â., Ïåíòèí Þ.À. Ôèçè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû èññëåäîâàíèÿ â õèìèè 1987
11036 Netzley P.D. Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects 2000
11035 Lesk M. Understanding Digital Libraries 2005
11034 Oyiborhoro J.M.A. Aural Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities 2005
11033 Ñòðàæåâ Â.È., Òîìèëü÷èê Ë.Ì. Ýëåêòðîäèíàìèêà ñ ìàãíèòíûì çàðÿäîì 1975
11032 Craig J.J. Introduction to Robotics Mechanic and Control 1989
11031 Tullock G. Public Goods, Redistribution and Rent Seeking 2005
11030 Weiss J. (ed.) Poverty Targeting in Asia 2005
11029 Snowdon B., Vane H.R. Modern Macroeconomics 2005
11028 Jovanovic M.N. The Economics of European Integration 2005
11027 Pretty J. (ed.) The Pesticide Detox: Towards a More Sustainable Agriculture 2005
11026 Depledge J. The Organization of Global Negotiations: Constructing the Climate Change Regime 2005
11025 Mason M.R. The New Accountability: Environmental Responsibility Across Borders 2005
11024 Hoyt E. Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: A World Handbook for Cetacean Habitat Conservation 2005
11023 Zarsky L. (ed.) International Investment for Sustainable Development 2005
11022 Stokke O.S., Hovi J., Ulfstein G. Implementing the Climate Regime: International Compliance 2005
11021 Evans B., Joas M., Sundback S. Governing Sustainable Cities 2005
11020 Agassi M., Cobello D., Welsh K.S. The Agassi Story 2004
11019 Lowery J.W. Dreamweaver 4 Bible 2001
11018 Dopita M.A., Sutherland R.S. Diffuse Matter in the Universe 2001
11017 Digital Camera World (October 2004) 2004
11016 Nicolson D., Ayers H. Adolescent Problems 2004
11015 Thompson G., Evans H. Thinking it through. Linking language skills, thinking skills and drama 2005
11014 Reid G. Dyslexia and Inclusion. Classroom Approaches for Assessment,Teaching and Learning 2005
11013 Crowell B. The modern revolution in physics 2000
11012 Crowell B. Optics 2000
11011 Crowell B. Electricity and Magnetism 2000
11010 Crowell B. Vibrations and Waves 2000
11009 Crowell B. Conservation Laws 2000
11008 Crowell B. Newtonian Physics 2000
11007 Àëüâåí Ã., Ôåëüòõàììàð Ê.-Ã. Êîñìè÷åñêàÿ ýëåêòðîäèíàìèêà. Îñíîâíûå ïðèíöèïû 1967
11006 Walton R., Walton A. Magical Mischief Jokes that Shock and Amaze 2005
11005 Tse D., Viswanath P. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication 2004
11004 Gruber H. Economics of Mobile Telecommunications 2005
11003 Kiusalaas J. Numerical Methods of Engineering with MATLAB 2005
11001 Lindsey C.S., Tolliver J.S., Lindblad T. JavaTech. An Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing with Java 2005
10999 van Creveld M. The Rise and Decline of the State 1999
10998 Watkins E. Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality 2005

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