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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
100131 Áåëèêîâà Á.Ì. Ïðîáëåìû êèáåðíåòèêè âûï. 25 1972
100130 Ìàðòûøåâ Ô.Ã. Ïðóäîâîå ðûáîâîäñòâî 1973
100129 Öâåðàâà Ã.Ê. Íèêîëà Òåñëà [1856 - 1943] 1974
100128 Àëÿáüåâ Ñ.À., Ãîð÷àêîâ Å.Â. Óñòðîéñòâî è ðåìîíò ýëåêòðîâîçîâ ïîñòîÿííîãî òîêà 1977
100127 News. calendar of meetings (vol 5 ¹ 3 1972) 1972
100126 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 6 ¹1 1972) 1972
100125 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol. 12 ¹6 1975) 1975
100124 Osamu Aono Thermodynamic Coupling of Diffusion with Chemical reaction 1975
100123 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 15, ¹5 1976) 1976
100122 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 10 ¹5 1974) 1974
100121 Frey J. A New Closure Hypothesis for the BBGKY System of Equations 1974
100120 The 1970 Midwinter Solid-State Research Conference 1970
100119 Gardner C.S., Radin C. The Infinite-Volume Ground State of the Lennard-Jones Potential 1979
100118 I. Adawi A note on Sommerfeld's formula for Fermi-Dirac integrals 1975
100117 Taneja I.J. On Measures of Information and Inaccuracy 1976
100116 H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder Dynamic properties of the Monte Carlo method in statistical mechanics 1973
100115 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 12 ¹5 1975) 1975
100114 Simo C. On the Henon-Pomeau Attractor 1979
100113 Dufour C. G. Nonequilibrium expressions for entropy and other thermodynamic quantities 1977
100112 Witold Brostow, Yvon Sicotte Some properties of the informational model of the liquid state 1973
100111 Yasue K. A Note on the Derivation of the Sehrodinger-Langevin Equation 1977
100110 Important announcement (from journal of statistical physics vol. 7 ¹ 1 1973) 1973
100109 Thomas M.W., Snider R.F. Boltzmann Equation and Angular Momentum Conservation 1970
100108 J. Groeneveld Critique of the paper “on the gas-liquid phase transition” 1973
100107 Dufty J.W., Lindenfeld M.J. Nonlinear Transport in the Boltzmann Limit 1979
100106 Stephen Grossberg On learning and energy-entropy dependence in recurrent and nonrecurrent signed networks 1969
100105 L. S. Schulman, P. E. Seiden Statistical mechanics of a dynamical system based on Conway's game of Life 1978
100104 Brezin E., Parisi G. Critical Exponents and Large-Order Behavior of Perturbation Theory 1978
100103 A. Shavit, Y. Zvirin Macroscopic Phenomenological Relations for Nonlinear Processes in Kinetic Theory 1974
100102 Agnessa Babloyantz, G. Nicolis On the theory of fluctuations in continuum systems 1969
100101 Braun E., Flores A. A Convergent Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanical Theory for Dense gases. I. The Two-Body Distribution Function 1973
100100 Teresa Ree Chay Bead-spring model of a polymer chain: A transient solution 1972
100099 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 11, ¹4 1974) 1974
100098 A. Lenard Thermodynamical proof of the Gibbs formula for elementary quantum systems 1978
100097 Paul D. Fleming III, Julian H. Gibbs Application of Stochastic Theory to Dilute Gas Reactions 1976
100096 P. B. Visscher Cell hydrodynamics: An information-conserving theory 1978
100095 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol. 13, ¹2 1975) 1975
100094 Katja Lakatos On the statistics of a three-dimensional gas of long thin rods 1970
100093 Tunaley J.K.E. Diffusion in a Lattice of Randomly Placed Sites and Application to ac Conductivity 1976
100092 P. Resibois H-theorem for the (modified) nonlinear Enskog equation 1978
100091 Hosokawa, Iwao Ensemble mechanics for the random-forced Navier-Stokes flow 1976
100090 Cercignani C. Global Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation on a Lattice 1979
100089 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 13 ¹3 1975) 1975
100088 Hagai Meirovitch, Z. Alexandrowicz On the zero fluctuation of the “microscopic free energy” and its potential use 1976
100087 Henri R. Leribaux A contribution to the equation of state of fluids at low temperatures based on thermodynamic Green's functions 1971
100086 Kalos M.H., Percus J.K., Rao M. Structure of a Liquid-Vapor Interface 1977
100085 Reiss H. Introduction (from journal of statistical physics vol. 1 ¹ 1 1969) 1969
100084 Landauer R. Entropy Changes for Steady-State Fluctuations 1974
100083 Robert H. Swendsen The interpretation of a theorem by Lebowitz 1973
100082 Kometani K. A Study of Self-Organizing Processes of Nonlinear Stochastic Variables 1975

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