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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
124415 Luczka J. Relaxation Problem with a Quadratic Noise: Analysis 1987
124414 Farago J. Injected Power Fluctuations in Langevin Equation 2002
124413 Ciach A. The Effect of a Constant Number of Particles on the Pair Correlation Function and the Density Profile in a One-Dimensional Lattice Gas 1985
124412 Heilmann O. Exact Solution of 1D Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Variable Cluster Size 2004
124411 Lehr W., Machta J. Current Noise and Long Time Tails in Biased Disordered Random Walks 1984
124410 O'Carroll M. Convergent Expansions for Asymptotically Degenerate Inverse Correlation Lengths of Classical Lattice Spin Systems 1984
124409 Lawrence A., Kim N. Multifluxon Dynamics in Driven Josephson Junctions 1985
124408 Schmitz R., Cohen E.G.D. Fluctuations in a Fluid Under a Stationary Heat Flux. III. Brillouin Lines 1987
124407 Yong W.-A. Nonexistence of H Theorem for Some Lattice Boltzmann Models 2005
124406 Koo Y.-E., Kopelman R. Space- and Time-Resolved Diffusion-Limited Binary Reaction Kinetics in Capillaries: Experimental Observation of Segregation, Anomalous Exponents, and Depletion Zone 1991
124405 Alikakos N., Fusco G. The Equations of Ostwald Ripening for Dilute Systems 1999
124404 Axel F. Spectrum and Extended States in a Harmonic Chain with Controlled Disorder: Effects of the Thue-Morse Symmetry 1989
124403 Cirillo E.N.M., Olivieri E. Renormalization Group at Criticality and Complete Analyticity of Constrained Models: A Numerical Study 1997
124402 Banach Z. On the Fundamentals of Extended Thermodynamics (ET) of a One-Dimensional Rarefied Gas 1987
124401 Keller J., Merchant G. Flexural Rigidity of a Liquid Surface 1991
124400 Kurtze D. The Yang-Lee Edge Singularity in One-Dimensional Ising and N-Vector Models 1983
124399 Hoover Wm.G., Posch H.A. Computer Simulation of Irreversible Expansions via Molecular Dynamics, Smooth Particle Applied Mechanics, Eulerian, and Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics 2000
124398 Parisi G. Field-Theoretic Approach to Second-Order Phase Transitions in Two- and Three-Dimensional Systems 1980
124397 Gayrard V. Thermodynamic Limit of the q-State Potts-Hopfield Model with Infinitely Many Patterns 1992
124396 Malyshev V.A., Nickolaev I.V., Terlecky Yu.A. Temperature Dynamics of the Locally Perturbed Classical Ideal Gas 1985
124395 Ernst M.H., van Velzen G.A. Long-Time Tails in Lattice Lorentz Gases 1989
124394 Fronzoni L., Mannella R. Stochastic Resonance in Periodic Potentials 1993
124393 Carmona R., Kotani S. Inverse Spectral Theory for Random Jacobi Matrices 1987
124392 Aktekin N. The Finite-Size Scaling Functions of the Four-Dimensional Ising Model 2001
124391 Cercignani C. Global Weak Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation 2005
124390 Gia Nguyen B. Gaussian Limit for Critical Oriented Percolation in High Dimensions 1995
124389 Salas J., Sokal A. Dynamic Critical Behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-Type Algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller Model 1996
124388 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
124387 De Masi A., Ianiro N. Small Deviations from Local Equilibrium for a Process Which Exhibits Hydrodynamical Behavior. I 1982
124386 Lubaehevsky B.D., Stillinger F.H. Geometric Properties of Random Disk Packings 1990
124385 Au-Yang H. Baxter's Solution for the Free Energy of the Chiral Potts Model 2001
124384 San Miguel M., Sancho J.M. A Colored-Noise Approach to Brownian Motion in Position Space. Corrections to the Smoluchowski Equation 1980
124383 Lebowitz J.L. Hydrodynamic Limit of Brownian Particles Interacting with Short- and Long-Range Forces 1999
124382 Miller J., Derrida B. Weak-Disorder Expansion for the Anderson Model on a Tree 1994
124381 Appert C., Zaleski S. Phase Separation in a Three-Dimensional, Two-Phase, Hydrodynamic Lattice Gas 1995
124380 Hamm A., Graham R. Quasipotentials for Simple Noisy Maps with Complicated Dynamics 1992
124379 Longtin A. Stochastic Resonance in Neuron Models 1993
124378 Daems D., Nicolis G. Probabilistic Approach to Homoclinic Chaos 1994
124377 Ishio H. Quantum Transport and Classical Dynamics in Open Billiards 1996
124376 den Hollander W.Th.F. Random Walks on Lattices with Points of Two Colors. II. Some Rigorous Inequalities for Symmetric Random Walks 1985
124375 Bandt C., Hadeler K.P., Kriese F. Particle Systems Acting on Undirected Graphs 1998
124374 De Fabritiis G., Succi S. Electronic Structure Calculations Using Self-Adaptive Multiscale Voronoi Basis Functions 2002
124373 Bianchi A., Contucci P. Stochastically Stable Quenched Measures 2004
124372 Nihat Berker A. Hierarchical Models and Chaotic Spin Glasses 1984
124371 Issigoni M.E., Papatriantafillou C. The Influence of Fixed Spins on the Thermodynamic Behavior of an Ising Ferromagnet 1986
124370 Machado F. Branching Exclusion Process on a Strip 1997
124369 Bouchet F., Dauxois T. Large Deviation Techniques Applied to Systems with Long-Range Interactions 2005
124368 Benedetto D., Castella F. Some Considerations on the Derivation of the Nonlinear Quantum Boltzmann Equation 2004
124367 Cercignani C. Global Existence of Solutions for a Model Boltzmann Equation 1987
124366 van Enter A. Nonperiodic Long-Range Order for Fast-Decaying Interactions at Positive Temperatures 1998

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