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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83597 Ãàñíèêîâ À.Â., Êëåíîâ Ñ.Ë., Íóðìèíñêèé Å.À. Ââåäåíèå â ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîå ìîäåëèðîâàíèå òðàíñïîðòíûõ ïîòîêîâ 2010
83598 Buonocore G. (ed.), Bellieni C.V. (ed.), de Paula I.C. (ed.) Neonatal pain: suffering, pain, and risk of brain damage in the fetus and newborn 2008
83599 Sanchez A.C. (ed.), Alsina J.C. (ed.), Duenas-Diez J.L. (ed.) Selective estrogen receptor modulators: a new brand of multitarget drugs 2006
83600 Roth A.C., Baird R.J. Small gas engines 1992
83601 Derry R. PC audio editing 2002
83602 Snoek F.J., Skinner T.C. Psychology in diabetes care 2000
83603 Derenchuk V.P. (ed.), von Przewoski B. (ed.) Polarized sources and targets: proceedings of the ninth international workshop, Nashville, Indiana, USA, 30 September-4 October, 2001 2002
83604 Barnes M. Practical variable speed drives and power electronics 2003
83605 Elefteriou A. (ed.), McIntyre A. (ed.) Methods for the study of marine benthos 2005
83606 Geiser K., Commoner B. Materials matter: toward a sustainable materials policy 2001
83607 Clegg J.D. Petroleum engineering handbook. Production operations engineering. Volume 4 2007
83608 Baklanov A. (ed.), Grimmond S. (ed.), Mahura A. (ed.) Meteorological and air quality models for urban areas 2009
83609 Gasevic D., Djuric D., Devedzic V. Model driven engineering and ontology development 2009
83610 Luthria D. L. Oil extraction and analysis. Critical issues and comparative studies 2004
83611 Ehsani M., Gao Y., Gay S. Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles. Fundamentals, theory, and design 2005
83612 Schrimpf R.D., Fleetwood D.M. Radiation effects and soft errors in integrated circuits and electronic devices 2004
83613 Sams A.R. Poultry meat processing 2001
83614 Black S.C., Chiles V., Lissaman A.J. Principles of engineering manufacture 1996
83615 Drobny J.G. Radiation technology for polymers 2003
83616 Abramovitch R. A. Pyridine and its derivatives. Part three 1974
83617 Denisov E.T., Afanas’ev I.B. Oxidation and antioxidants in organic chemistry and biology 2005
83618 Serre J.L. Diagnostic techniques in genetics 2006
83619 Stachniss C. Robotic mapping and exploration 2009
83620 Skvarenina T.L. The power electronics handbook 2001
83621 Syka J., Merzenich M.M. Plasticity and signal representation in the auditory system 2005
83622 Chhem R.K., Brothwell D.R. Paleoradiology. Imaging mummies and fossils 2008
83623 Clarence H Suelter C.H. (ed.), Watson J.T. (ed.) Biomedical applications of mass spectrometry (volume 34) 1990
83624 Green M., Limebeer D.J.N. Linear Robust Control 1994
83625 Warner H.R. (ed.) Petroleum engineering handbook. Emerging and peripheral technologies (volume IV) 2007
83626 McNally G. Soil and rock construction materials 1998
83627 Perry A.H.(ed.), Symons L.J. (ed.) Highway Meteorology 2003
83628 Grue J. (ed.), Liu P.L.F.(ed.), Pedersen G.K. (ed.) PIV and water waves (volume 9) 2004
83629 Fistul V.I. Impurities in semiconductors: solubility, migration, and interactions 2004
83630 Luyben W.L., Yu C.-C. Reactive distillation design and control 2008
83631 Kimura F. (ed.), Horio K. (ed.) Towards synthesis of micro-/nano-systems: the 11th international conference on precision engineering (ICPE) august 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan 2007
83632 Williams J.R. Medical ethics manual 2005
83633 Blech Z.Y. Kosher food production 2008
83634 Amiji M.M. (ed.) Polymeric gene delivery: principles and applications 2004
83635 Gasparyan O. Linear and nonlinear multivariable feedback control: a classical approach 2008
83636 Parcak S.H. Satellite remote sensing for archaeology 2009
83637 Barker M., Rawtani J. Practical batch process management 2005
83638 Nobre F.S., Tobias A.M., Walker D.S. Organizational and technological implications of cognitive machines: designing future information management systems 2008
83639 Lou L.-F. Introduction to phonons and electrons 2003
83640 Smulders E. Laundry detergents 2002
83641 Meyer V.R. Practical high-performance liquid chromatography 2004
83642 Kalogirou S. Solar energy engineering: processes and systems 2009
83643 Vijayaraghavan G., Brown M., Barnes M. Practical grounding, bonding, shielding and surge protection 2004
83644 Nations U. Mankind and the oceans 2005
83645 Hoffmann E.T. Progress in nonlinear analysis research 2009
83646 Megson T.H.G. Structural and stress analysis 1996

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