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Roth A.C., Baird R.J. — Small gas engines |
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Acceleration system, float-type carburetor 68 69
Acceleration well 69
Adequate ventilation 11
Adjustable wrenches 166
Adjusting valve clearance 285 286
Adjustment, high speed 192
Adjustment, high speed and idle mixture 192 193
Adjustments, carburetor 192
Air cleaner 186
Air cleaner service 186
Air cleaners 300 301 307
Air cleaners, air filters 81 82
Air cleaners, dry-type 82
Air cleaners, oil bath 81 82
Air cleaners, oil-wetted 82
Air cooling, engines 128 129
Air filters, air cleaners 81 82
Air vane 76
Air vane governor 76—78
Air, compressed 12
Air-fuel mixture 63 64
Allen wrenches 166
Alnico 95
Alternator systems troubleshooting chart 235
Alternators, maintenance 233—235
Alternators, output tests 235—237
Ammeter 230
Ampere 87
Antifreeze 129 188
Antifriction bearings 272
Apex seals 47
API Engine Service Classification System 116 117
Applications, small gas engine 297—321
Assembly, valve spring 27
Atmospheric pressure 64
Atomizing 19
Auto-transformer 106
Auto-transformer type ignition coil 106 107
Automatic compression release 293 294
Ball peen hammers 169
Barrel pump 120
Basic terminology, engine performance 138—153
Basis for an engine, admitting fuel mixture to engine 26 27
Basis for an engine, camshaft 28—30
Basis for an engine, connecting piston to crankshaft 25
Basis for an engine, crankshaft and crankcase 22—24
Basis for an engine, flywheel 30
Basis for an engine, intake and exhaust 25 26
Basis for an engine, parts alignment-cylinder block 21 22
Basis for an engine, pistons 23—25
Basis for an engine, valve lifter or tappet 28
Basis for an engine, valve spring assembly 27
batteries 227 228
Batteries, ammeters 230
Batteries, checking voltage 228
Batteries, hydrometer test 228
Batteries, recharging 229
Batteries, switches 230 231
Batteries, wiring 229 230
Battery ignition systems 104—108
Battery ignition systems, alternators 233—235
Battery ignition systems, auto-transformer type coil 106 107
Battery ignition systems, battery construction 107
Battery ignition systems, DC starter-generator circuit 232
Battery ignition systems, discharging battery 107 108
Battery ignition systems, distributors 238
Battery ignition systems, high voltage secondary current 106
Battery ignition systems, ignition timing 238 239
Battery ignition systems, lead-acid 107
Battery ignition systems, lubrication 239
Battery ignition systems, servicing 227—239
Battery ignition systems, voltage 107
Battery ignition systems, voltage regulator service 237
Battery, construction 107
Battery, discharging 107 108
Battery, voltage 107
Bearing clearance 275
Bearing crush 271
Bearing spread 271
Bearings and connecting rods 269—273
Bearings, antifriction 272
Bearings, friction-type rod bearings 270 271
Bearings, measuring clearance 275
Bearings, rods, and valves 269—296
Blade brakes 303
Blade guard 317
Blade sharpening, lawn mowers 306 307
Bore 138 139
Boring machine 249
Boundary layer 127
Boundary lubrication 113
Box-end wrenches 165
Brake horsepower 144
Breaker points 94
Breaker points, adjusting 222 223
brushes 232
Brushes and commutators 232 233
Bypass filter system 122
Bypass system, oil filters 122 123
Cam angle and dwell 99 100
Cam-ground piston 254
Camshaft 27 28—30 292
Capacitive discharge ignition (CDI) system 100—102
Carbon monoxide 11
Carburetion 63—84
Carburetion, air filters 81 82
Carburetion, diaphragm-type carburetors 72—74
Carburetion, governor throttle controls 75—81
Carburetion, manual throttle controls 74 75
Carburetion, principles 63—66
Carburetion, types of carburetors 66
Carburetor assembly 198
Carburetor disassembly 195 196
Carburetor kits 194
Carburetor overhaul 194 195
Carburetor pressure differences 64—66
Carburetor removal 195
Carburetor repair, diaphragm 199—211
Carburetor repair, float-type 194—199
Carburetor, adjustments 192
Carburetor, float-type 67—72
Carburetors, types 66
career opportunities 323—326
Career opportunities, engine mechanic 323 324
Career opportunities, engineer 325
Career opportunities, entrepreneur 325
Career opportunities, executive 325
Career opportunities, general manager 324
Career opportunities, sales manager 324
Career opportunities, service manager 324
Career opportunities, service representative 325
Career opportunities, technician 324
Center electrode 91
Center punches 170
Centrifugal 76
Centrifugal force 132
Centrifugal governors, hunting 80
Centrifugal or mechanical governor 78 79
Chain guard 311
Chain saw maintenance, air cleaner (filter) 313 314
Chain saw maintenance, cylinder fins 313 314
Chain saw maintenance, fuel and carburetor 313
Chain saw maintenance, fuel filter 314
Chain saw maintenance, guide bar 315
Chain saw maintenance, lubrication 314 315
Chain saw maintenance, muffler 315
Chain saw maintenance, spark plug 315
Chain saw maintenance, storage 315
Chain saws, avoid kickback 312 313
Chain saws, purchasing 309 310
| Chain saws, rules for safe operation 312
Chain saws, safety features 311 312
Changing oil 185 186 304 307
Changing speed setting, governors 79 80
Checking oil level and condition 184
Choke 67
Choke system, float-type carburetor 67 68
Cleaning spark plugs 214 215
Cleaning tank, tools 173
Clearances 180
Clothing, proper 10 11
Coil specification chart 221
Coil, ignition 90
Cold chisels 171 172
Combination square 163 164
Combination wrenches 165
Combustion pressures sealed, lubricating oil 115
Commutators 232
Commutators and brushes 232 233
Compressed air 12
Compression 33
Compression ratio, engine performance terminology 139
Compression release, automatic 293 294
Compression rings 257—259
Compression stroke, four-stroke cycle engine 34
Compression test 183 215
Condensation 186
Condenser 95
Conduction 128
Connecting rod 25 269
Connecting rods and bearings 269—273
Constant level splash system, engine lubrication 120
Construction, piston ring 256
Continuity 220
Convection 128
Cooling fins 21 184
Cooling systems, saltwater 187 188
Cooling systems, storing water-cooled 188
Cooling systems, water 187 188
Cooling, engine 127—135
Cooling, rotary engines 48
Corrected horsepower 148
Correction factor 148—150
Counterweights 273
Crank offset 138
Crankcase 23
Crankcase and crankshaft 22—24
Crankcase breather 186
Crankcase breather service 186 187
Crankcase intake, two-stroke cycle engine 39
Crankcase seals 275—277
Crankshaft 22 273—277
Crankshaft and crankcase 22—24
Crankshaft throw 273
Crankshaft, balance 273 274
Crankshaft, clearances 274 275
Crankshaft, connecting piston to 25
Crankshaft, main bearings 274
Cross-scavenged 38
Cutout relay service 238
Cycle, MBI magneto 96—98
Cylinder block 21
Cylinder block, parts alignment 21 22
Cylinder fins 313 314
Cylinder gage 247
Cylinder head, installation 290
Cylinder head, reinstalling 227
Cylinder inspection 245—247
Cylinder measurement 247 248
Cylinder reconditioning 243—252
Cylinder reconditioning, engine inspection 243 244
Cylinder repair, honing 250 251
Cylinder repair, reboring 248—250
Cylinder sleeves 249
Cylinder taper 247
Cylinder walls 261 262
Dampening coils 289
DC starter-generator circuit, checking 232
DC starter-generator circuit, commutators and brushes 232 233
Depth micrometer 224
Design variations, two-stroke cycle engine 38 39
Detergent/dispersant additives 114 119
Dial indicator 164 165 225
Diaphragm carburetor 72
Diaphragm carburetor operation 73 74
Diaphragm carburetor repair 199—211
Diaphragm-type carburetors 72—74 199
Diaphragm-type carburetors, assembling 204—206
Diaphragm-type carburetors, engine governor adjustments 206—211
Diesel and kerosene fuels 54
Diesel fuel 54
Diode 236
Dipper 119
Dipstick 184
Disassembling the engine 244
Disassembly 195 196
Displacement, engine performance terminology 139
distributors 238
Downdraft carburetors 66
Drift punches 171
Driving mechanism, rotary engines 47
Dry types 81
Dry-type air cleaners 82
Dwell 99
Dwell and cam angle 99 100
Dynamometer 145 146
Easy starting, lubricating oil 113
Eccentric shaft 47
Economizer circuit, float-type carburetor 69
Economizer circuits 69
Edger and trimmer maintenance 319
Edger and trimmer storage 319 320
Edger/trimmers, purchasing 316
Edger/trimmers, rules for safe operation 318 319
Edger/trimmers, safety features 316—318
Ejection pump 120
Electric starts 302
Electrical units of measurement, ignition systems 87 88
Electrical wiring/grounding, safety 12
Electricity and magnets 89 90
Electrode types, spark plugs 93 94
Electron theory, ignition systems 86 87
Emergencies 13 14
End gap 260
Energy, engine performance terminology 143
Engine brake horsepower, measuring 144 145
Engine construction and principles of operation 17—31
Engine cooling 127—135
Engine cooling, how air works 128 129
Engine cooling, how exhaust works 128 129
Engine cooling, how water works 129 130
Engine cooling, oil 134
Engine cooling, outboard water circulation 131—134
Engine cooling, water pumps 130 131
Engine disassembling, organization 245
Engine governor adjustments 206—211
Engine inspection 243 244
Engine inspection, cylinders 245—247
Engine lubrication 111—125
Engine lubrication, constant level splash system 120
Engine lubrication, ejection and barrel pumps 120
Engine lubrication, fourcycle 119
Engine lubrication, friction 111—113
Engine lubrication, full pressure system 121
Engine lubrication, oil 113—115
Engine lubrication, oil filter systems 122 123
Engine lubrication, oil selection 115—117
Engine lubrication, positive displacement pumps 120 121
Engine lubrication, splash system 119 120
Engine lubrication, two cycle 36 118 119
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