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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
127183 Urabe M. Japan-United States Seminar on Ordinary Differential and Functional Equations 1972
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131053 Urakawa H. Calculus of Variations and Harmonic Maps 1993
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176221 Urban P. Mathematics for the International Student. IB HL Core 2004
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183783 Urbaniak R. Lesniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics 2014
38674 Urbanik K. Lectures On Prediction Theory 1967
151954 Urbano J. The Method of Intrinsic Scaling: A Systematic Approach to Regularity for Degenerate and Singular PDEs (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2008
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163814 Urbanski T. Urbanski Chemistry and Technology Of Explosives. Volume 2. 1965
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30646 Urben P. Bretherick's Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards (Volume 1) 1999
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14420 Urdang L. (ed.) The Oxford Thesaurus: An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms 1991
57152 Ure A.(Ed.), Davidson C.(Ed.) Chemical Speciation in the Environment 2002
41593 Urey H.C. The Structure of the Hydrogen Molecule Ion 1925
211326 Uriã Fancelli Populismo e negacionismo: o uso do negacionismo como ferramenta para a manutenção do poder populista 2021
195235 Urman S., McLaughlin M. Oracle Database 10g PL SQL Programming(1008) 2004
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102185 Urmoneit W. Reduktion des Ranges von linearen Gleichungssystemen zur Berechnung der Verlustwahrscheinlichkeit von vielstufigen Koppelanordnungen 1980
211634 Urquhart J. Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration 2021
207072 Urrunaga R., Bonifaz J.L. Estudios de caso sobre regulación en infraestructura y servicios públicos en el Perú 2008
153909 Urs E. Gattiker The Information Security Dictionary Defining The Terms That Define Security For E-Business, Internet, Information And Wireless Technology n/a
54833 Ursini A. (ed.), Aglianò P. (ed.) Logic and Algebra 1996
138839 Ursino D. Extraction and Exploitation of Intensional Knowledge from Heterogeneous Information Sources: Semi-Automatic Approaches and Tools (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2002
152235 Ursula F. Ott International Joint Ventures: An Interplay of Cooperative and Noncooperative Games Under Incomplete Information 2006
204825 Urteaga P., Guevara A.G. El Estado frente a los conflictos por el agua: Terceras Jornadas de Derecho de Aguas 2016
155949 Urysohn P. Memoires sur les Multiplicites Cantoriennes 1927
199885 Urzyczyn P. Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 7 conf., TLCA 2005 2005
32827 Urzyczyn P., Sorensen M.H. Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism 2006
16744 US Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services: Report of the United States Preventive Services Task Force 2002
50769 USG Gypsum Construction Handbook 2000
41371 Ushakov P.V. IA -Automorphisms of Free Products of Two Abelian Torsion-Free Groups 2000
57776 Usher D. Political Economy 2003
50771 Usher P.M., Angles J.G., Rixom M.R. Guide to chemical admixtures for concrete 1980

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