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Поиск книг, содержащих: Tennyson, Alfred, Lord and theology
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Armstrong I. — Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poets and Politics | 39 (see also “Associationism, in Tennyson; ballad, Tennysonian; Cambridge Apostles, Tennyson’s work in the light of; Christianity, in Tennyson; class, in Tennyson; Coleridge, and Tennyson; Crimean war, Tennyson and; culture, Tennyson and; double poem, Tennyson’s use of; feminine, in Tennyson; Fox, on Tennyson; Hallam, and Tennyson; ideology, in Tennyson; Keats, and Tennyson; labour, in Tennyson; love, in Tennyson; masculinity, representation of, in Tennyson; power, in Tennyson; representation, in Tennyson; Romantic poetry, Tennyson’s critique of; sensation, poetry of, Tennyson and; sexual politics, and Tennyson; Shelley, and Tennyson; women, Tennyson’s representation of”) |