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Armstrong I. — Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poets and Politics
Armstrong I. — Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poets and Politics

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Íàçâàíèå: Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poets and Politics

Àâòîð: Armstrong I.


In a uniquely comprehensive and theoretically astute study, Armstrong rescues Victorian poetry from its images as a "moralized form of romantic verse" and unearth its often subversive critique of nineteenth-century culture and politics.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 560

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
1848 revolutions      162 204 205 446
Adams, William Bridges      123 124
Adams, William Bridges, The Vision. A Dramatic Sketch’      113 125
Adams, William Bridges, ‘Coriolanus No Aristocrat’      476
Alienation      426 456
Alienation and democracy      3
Alienation in Arnold      217
Alienation in Browning      116 122 142 299 300
Alienation in Hallam      166
Alienation in Tennyson      80 82 85 87 266 alienated”)
Alienation of artist      95
Alienation of intellectual      192
Alienation, class      156
Alienation, language, alienated All the Year Round      329
Allen, Matthew      272
Allen, Matthew, Essay on the Classification of the Insane      267
Allingham, William      2 175 199
Allingham, William, Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland. A Modern Poem      198 480
Allingham, William, ‘The Emigrant’s Dream’      252 253
Allingham, William, ‘The Music Master’      252 254
Allingham, William, ‘The Pilot’s Pretty Daughter’      252 253
Allingham, William, ‘The Train’      252
Allott, Kenneth, The Poems of Matthew Arnold      204
Anti-Maud      264 266 275
Apostles      see “Cambridge Apostles”
Armstrong, Tommy      128
Arnold, Matthew      1 7 64 105 133 152 192 227 228 288 299 301 374
Arnold, Matthew and classical form      11 279 297
Arnold, Matthew and critical effort      153
Arnold, Matthew and democracy      387 515
Arnold, Matthew and influence of Keats      164 496 500
Arnold, Matthew and pleasure      221
Arnold, Matthew as modern      2 480
Arnold, Matthew on Shelley      376 514 in and Arnold
Arnold, Matthew on the ‘people’      154 500
Arnold, Matthew, 1853      Preface 163 167 175 204 206 207 214 280 298 373 481
Arnold, Matthew, Balder Dead      164
Arnold, Matthew, Culture and Anarchy      178 310
Arnold, Matthew, Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems      162 163 165 168 172 202 203 204 206 211 212 214 298 300 481 501
Arnold, Matthew, liberalism of      162 295
Arnold, Matthew, Merope      397
Arnold, Matthew, myth, in Arnold Works: ‘Alaric at Rome’      202
Arnold, Matthew, On Translating Homer      175
Arnold, Matthew, Poems      162 164
Arnold, Matthew, sea as symbol in      222
Arnold, Matthew, Sohrab and Rustum      171 172 202 212 225
Arnold, Matthew, The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems      162
Arnold, Matthew, Tristram and Iseult      164
Arnold, Matthew, ‘A Farewell’      168
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Consolation’      172 202
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Courage’      172
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Dover Beach’      168 170 204 213 215
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Quiet Work’      168 171
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Religious Isolation’      171
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Resignation’      202
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Self-Dependence’      169
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Stanzas in Memory of the Author of “Obermann” ’      168 170
Arnold, Matthew, ‘The Church at Brou’      212
Arnold, Matthew, ‘The Forsaken Merman’      201 214
Arnold, Matthew, ‘The New Sirens’      203
Arnold, Matthew, ‘The Scholar Gipsy’      162 166 201 202 214
Arnold, Matthew, ‘Thyrsis’      166 171 172 197 204 215
Arnold, Matthew, ‘To a Republican Friend’      171
Arnold, Matthew, ‘To Marguerite–Continued’      168 172
Arnold, Matthewand Clough      35 161 162 168 175 181 183 199 202 225 498
Associationism      29 87 133
Associationism and language      32
Associationism in Tennyson      48 227 244 260
Associationism, Fox and      109 139 139 141 181 483n6
Associationism, Hallam and      59 64 103
Athenaeum      94
Austin, Alfred      385 449
Austin, Alfred, Lyrical Poems      451
Avant-garde      7 24 40 61 467
Aytoun, W.E.      385
Aytoun, W.E., Bothwell      497 n11
Aytoun, W.E., Firmillian      496 n11 506
Bagehot, Walter      279 281 372 376 381 489 514
Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution      310
Bailey, P.J., Festus      164 496
Bakhtin, Mikhail      1 13 14 482
Ballad form      214 475
Ballad form in Chartist poetry      188 189
Ballad form in Kipling      466
Ballad form in Morris      227 229 235
Ballad form in Swinburne      390 397
Ballad form in Wordsworth      101
Ballad form, Christina Rossetti’s use of      337 343
Ballad form, Hallam on      62
Ballad form, popular      128 155 157 375 385 389 468
Ballad form, Scott’s use of      28 65
Ballad form, Tennysonian      93 157
Bamford, Samuel      165 217 221 495 502 502
Bamford, Samuel, ‘Hymn to Spring’      222
Bamford, Samuel, ‘The Labourer’s Orison at Sunrise’      189
Bamford, Samuel, ‘The Landowner’      156
Bamford, Samuel, ‘Union Hymn’      156 157
Barnes, William      426
Barrell, John      495 n52
Barthes, Roland      392
Bate, Jonathan      487 n36
Baudelaire, Charles      1 376 392 393 518
Baudelaire, Charles, Les Fleurs du Mal      395 405
Beauvoir, Simone de      399 402
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, Death’s Jest-Book      164
Benjamin, Walter      1 26 36 521
Bentham, Jeremy      493 n17
Bentham, Jeremy and associationism      29
Bentham, Jeremy and theory of fictions      142 144 283 284 292 430 485 494 494 494
Bentham, Jeremy, influence of      26 32 34 35 36 139 141 153 162 166 199 228 240 279 297 483
Besant, Annie      455
Bhagavad Gita      204 205
Bible, the      57 116 118 126 328 358
Blackwood’s Magazine      56 89 314
Blake, William      45 154 242 376 389 392 395 399 460 499
Blanchard, Laman      315
Blind, Mathilde      312 315 332 359 361 362 363 469
Blind, Mathilde, Birds of Passage: Songs of the Orient and Occident      365
Blind, Mathilde, The Ascent of Man      365 366
Blind, Mathilde, The Heather on Fire      366
Blind, Mathilde, The Prophecy of St Oran      365
Blind, Mathilde, ‘On a Torso of Cupid’      365
Bloom, Harold      2 14 392 479 480
Boer War      471
Bopp, Franz      33 63 384
Boyd, Robert      28 49
Bradlaugh, Charles      463
Bradlaugh, Charles, The Land, the People, and the Coming Struggle      449
Bradlaugh, Charles, ‘A plea for atheism’      449 451 453 455 457 458 520 520
Bramwich, John Henry      188
Bridges, Robert      417 427
Bronte, Anne      314 324
Bronte, Anne, ‘If this be all’      325
Bronte, Anne, ‘Song’      325
Bronte, Anne, ‘The Arbour’      325
Bronte, Charlotte      317 324
Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre      359
Bronte, Charlotte, The Lonely Lady’      326
Bronte, Emily      460
Bronte, Emily, ‘Enough of Thought, Philosopher’      326 327
Brough, Robert      521 n7
Brown, Ford Maddox      496 n4
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett      7 130 279 281 302 328 331 332 335 509 521
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Aurora Leigh      20 312 316 329 347 358 359 362 496
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, ‘A Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point’      360
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’      337 347 363
Browning, Robert      1 2 8 56 59 108 162 163 164 168 197 207 396 479 509 509 521
Browning, Robert and drama      30 143 150 152 429
Browning, Robert and idea of fictions      144
Browning, Robert and Monthly Repository group      7 24 26 32 162 429 in Browning in Browning’s in in in in
Browning, Robert, Aristophanes’ Apology      372
Browning, Robert, Arnold on      202
Browning, Robert, Balaustion’s Adventure      372
Browning, Robert, Bells and Pomegranates      152
Browning, Robert, Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day      287
Browning, Robert, Dramatic Idylls      467
Browning, Robert, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics      154 501
Browning, Robert, Dramatis Personae      279 309 371
Browning, Robert, Fifine at the Fair      372
Browning, Robert, his use of language      6 10 11 147 177
Browning, Robert, Men and Women      17 19 20 279 280 281 284 291 301 307 309 501
Browning, Robert, Paracelsus      141 150
Browning, Robert, Pauline      26 110 123 124 125 128 131 282 484
Browning, Robert, Pippa Passes      152 279
Browning, Robert, Red Cotton Night-Cap Country      372
Browning, Robert, representation, in Browning Works: ‘Abt Vogler’      309
Browning, Robert, Sordello      152 154 229
Browning, Robert, Strafford      30 141 150 310 494
Browning, Robert, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus      372
Browning, Robert, The Ring and the Book      279 293 309 467 475
Browning, Robert, ‘A Death in the Desert’      309
Browning, Robert, ‘A Lover’s Quarrel’      306
Browning, Robert, ‘A Toccata of Galuppi’s’      285
Browning, Robert, ‘Andrea del Sarto’      283 284 286
Browning, Robert, ‘Bishop Blougram’s Apology’      284 287 302 303
Browning, Robert, ‘By the Fire-side’      283 306 312
Browning, Robert, ‘Caliban upon Setebos’      309
Browning, Robert, ‘Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came’      18 19 307
Browning, Robert, ‘Cleon’      287 290 291 295 297
Browning, Robert, ‘Clive’      467
Browning, Robert, ‘Epistle of Karshish’      287 302
Browning, Robert, ‘Fra Lippo Lippi’      11 280 283 291 295 301
Browning, Robert, ‘In a Balcony’      286
Browning, Robert, ‘Incident of the French Camp’      154
Browning, Robert, ‘Johannes Agricola’      131 135 141 145 147 149
Browning, Robert, ‘Love among the Ruins’      17 285 295 307
Browning, Robert, ‘Love in a Life’      307 436
Browning, Robert, ‘Mesmerism’      284
Browning, Robert, ‘Old Pictures in Florence’      286
Browning, Robert, ‘One Word More’      301
Browning, Robert, ‘Porphyria’      125 131 133 141 142 145 147 148 149
Browning, Robert, ‘Saul’      208 283 284 286 287 501n23
Browning, Robert, ‘The Bishop orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church’      280 281
Browning, Robert, ‘The Cavalier Tunes’      154
Browning, Robert, ‘The Englishman in Italy’      154
Browning, Robert, ‘The Lost Leader’      154
Browning, Robert, ‘The Medium’      309
Browning, Robert, ‘Two in the Campagna’      286 293
Buchanan, Robert      374 376 391 397 514
Buchanan, Robert, London Poems      375
Burbage, Thomas      162
Burke, Edmund      26 66 68 153 221 320
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward      496 n4
Burnes, Alexander, Travels in Bokhara      212
Burns, Robert      66 155
Byron, George Gordon, Lord      42 94 96 164 364 398
Cambridge Apostles      24 30 437 482 488 507
Cambridge Apostles and aestheticisationof politics      26 35 91
Cambridge Apostles and Arnold      201 204
Cambridge Apostles and conceptualisation of gender      33
Cambridge Apostles and representation      36
Cambridge Apostles and unified culture      27 57 65 99 100 126
Cambridge Apostles and work of Trench      103 249
Cambridge Apostles on language      31 63
Cambridge Apostles, Captain Swing riots      28 49 50
Cambridge Apostles, Hallam and      49 61 109
Cambridge Apostles, Tennyson’s work in the light of      40 42 56 75 92 94 484
Carlyle, Thomas      205 393 495
Carlyle, Thomas and fatalism      90
Carlyle, Thomas and feudal past      231
Carlyle, Thomas and institutional reform      28
Carlyle, Thomas and work      87 97 374
Carlyle, Thomas on language      4 9 15 16 20 176 280 374
Carlyle, Thomas, Sartor Resartus      4 6 19 81 121 480n20
Carlyle, Thomas, ‘Signs of the times’      3 480
Carpenter, Edward, Towards Democracy      471 521
Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland      380
Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass      380 384 388 396
Catholicism      185 186 305 329 374 392 409 469
Chalmers, Thomas      60 487
Chambers, Robert      255 507
Chartism      106 155 156 162 165 167 187 209 210 219 223 499 521
Chaucer, Geoffrey      431 460
Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales      197
Christianity and atheism      453 456 461 464
Christianity and atheism and poetic tradition      65 71 72
Christianity and atheism and race      361
Christianity and atheism as myth      2 5 51 69 125 168 197 302 449 451 452 460
Christianity and atheism in Browning      287 303 304
Christianity and atheism in Chartist poetry      209
Christianity and atheism in Hopkins      409 423
Christianity and atheism in Swinburne      392 395 406
Christianity and atheism in Tennyson      55 75 80 251 254 255
Christianity and atheism within women’s poetry      318 335 345 353 357 359 360
Christianity and atheism, Keble on      333
Christianity and atheism, Unitarianism civic humanism      153 495n52
Clare, John      166 214 218
Clare, John, ‘Dull must that being be’      215
Clare, John, ‘Enclosure’      215
Clare, John, ‘I am’      214
Clare, John, ‘Letter to Miss B.’      215 217
Clare, John, ‘The Thrush’s Nest’      41
class      26 107 152 166 199
Class and myth      29 81 467
Class and Tory aesthetics      72 100
Class in Arnold      213
Class in Clough      175 179 184 185
Class in Fox’s aesthetics      110 126 127 139 154
Class in Meredith      432
Class in Swinburne      395
Class in Tennyson      251 252
Class in Thomson      386 465
Class, awareness      34
Class, conflict      162 219 467
Classicism      11 175 211 212 227 295 297 371 372
Cleaver, Thomas      219
Clough, Arthur      7 105 152 161 162 164 166 207 227 240 496 498
Clough, Arthur and democratic language      175 176
Clough, Arthur on the Crimean War      224 225 in
Clough, Arthur, Amours de Voyage      162 165 172 188 195 201
Clough, Arthur, Dipsychus      162 165 169 172 177 188 195 197 201 219
Clough, Arthur, his relationship with Arnold      35 154 163 167 171 201 203 206 212 214
Clough, Arthur, Mari Magno      197
Clough, Arthur, The Bothie of Tober-Na- Vuolich      162 165 169 171 172 175 177 192 193 195 198 199 202 204 205 213 228
Clough, Arthur, Works: Ambarvalia      162
Clough, Arthur, ‘Duty–that’s to say complying’      197
Clough, Arthur, ‘Easter Day–Naples, 1849’      168 197
Clough, Arthur, ‘Les Vaches’      168
Clough, Arthur, ‘Qua Cursum Ventus’      169
Clough, Arthur, ‘Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth’      190
Clough, Arthur, ‘The Latest Decalogue’      197
Coleridge, Mary      469
Coleridge, S.T.      164 414 487
Coleridge, S.T. and allegory      204
Coleridge, S.T. and associationism      29
Coleridge, S.T. on the ‘people’      154
Coleridge, S.T., colonialism      2 8 68 84 90 107 192 198 251 299 340 386 387 390 391 396 397 465 466 467
Coleridge, S.T., Fox on      27 120 141 145
Coleridge, S.T., his influence on poetic tradition      26 34 35 57 153 162 166 199 201 227 228 488
Coleridge, S.T., Tennyson and      42
Coleridge, S.T., Works: Aids to Reflection      62 483
Coleridge, S.T., ‘Church and State’      483 n6
Coleridge, S.T., ‘Kubla Khan’      75
Coleridge, S.T., ‘Lay Sermons’      483 n6
Coleridge, S.T., ‘Religious Musings’      51
Coleridge, S.T., ‘The Destiny of Nations’      51
Coleridge, S.T., ‘War Eclogue’      121
Collins, Lottie      388
Congreve, William      432
Conservatism, radical      3 4 24 36 53 56 57 65 71 72 75 91 92 93 97 105 106 107 276
1 2 3 4 5
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