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Поиск книг, содержащих: Competing risks
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rosenberger W.F., Lachin J.M. — Randomization in Clinical Trials : Theory and Practice | 3 | Lawless J.F. — Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data | 37, 40, 433 | Meeker W.Q., Escobar L. — Statistical Methods for Reliability Data | see “Multiple causes of failure” | Nelson W.B. — Recurrent events data analysis for product repairs, disease recurrences, and other applications | 108 | Kotz S. — Breakthroughs in Statistics (volume 3) | 348, 353 | Maddala G.S. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Robust Inference | 553 | Anderson S., Auquier A., Hauck W.W. — Statistical methods for comparative studies: Techniques for bias reduction | 201, 225—226 |