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Anderson S., Auquier A., Hauck W.W. — Statistical methods for comparative studies: Techniques for bias reduction |
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Aalen, O. 210
Accelerated life testing 227
Actuarial estimator 208 211
Additive hazards 226—227
Adjustment 4 49 50
Adjustment techniques, use of in randomized studies 34 143
Adjustment, confounding factors in 49
Adjustment, effect of measurement error on 52
Adjustment, unnecessary 14—15
Age-specific failure rate 206
Althauser, R.P. 95 111
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A) 5 73 115 140—160 262 263 270
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A) vs. matching 266—268
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A) vs. stratification 263—264
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), adjusted difference of means 146—148
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), application to premeasure/postmeasure designs 239
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), assumptions 144 148—151
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), departures from the standard assumptions 151—157
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), formulas 157—159
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), mathematical model 60 144 145 162—163
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), measurement error 156
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), multiple confounding variables 156—157
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), nonlinear but parallel regressions 154—156
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), nonparallel regressions 152—154
Analysis of covariance (ANCOV A), use of transformations 155—156
Analysis of variance (Anova) 90 140—141 143
Andersen, E.B. 123 135 138
Anderson, S. 125
Anderson, T.W. 169 175
Anscombe, F.J. 136 138
Armitage, P. 202 226 231 233 234
Ashton, W.P. 170 176
Association, coherence 275 278
Association, coherence, consistency 275 277
Association, coherence, gradient of effect 275 278
Association, coherence, specificity 275 277
Association, coherence, statistical 8
Association, coherence, strength 275 276—277
Association, coherence, temporality 275 278
Atkins, H. 29 30
Attributable risk 20
Background factor 7
Background factor in randomized studies 34—35
Background factor in survival analysis 201 216—219
Background factor, time dependent 201
Background factor, treatment effect dependent on 18 27—30
Balancing 91
Belson estimate 152—153
Belson, W.A. 152 159
Berkson, J. 21 30 169 170 176
Bias, due to confounding factors 3 8 10 11 25 71—74
Bias, due to confounding factors, elimination of 57 66
Bias, due to confounding factors, in log-linear analysis 190
Bias, due to confounding factors, in logit analysis 167
Bias, due to confounding factors, observation 39 40
Bias, due to confounding factors, of an estimator, defined 11 17
Bias, due to confounding factors, selection 40 42 44
Billewicz, W.Z. 266 267 273
Binary regression 169
Birch, M.M. 122 135 138
Bishop, Y.M.M. 121 138 167 177 180 190 197
Black welder, W.L. 176
Blind studies 33 39
Blomquist, N. 238 259
Borich, G.D. 156 159 160
Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program 40 44
Breslow, N. 171 176 202 210 215 216 219 229 231 232 233 234 272 273
Bross, I.D.J. 51 277 279
Brown, B.W. 234
Bryk, A.S. 251 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
Burgert, D.E. 232
Byar, D.P. 224 233
Cain, G.G. 253 259
Campbell, D.T. 55 67 240 252 260
Carpenter, R.G. 95 100 111 267 270
Case-control study 39—42
Case-control study, definition 37
Case-control study, estimation of treatment effect in 21 40—41
Case-control study, log-linear analysis in 188
Case-control study, logit analysis in 170—171
Case-control study, observation bias in 40
Case-control study, odds ratio in 21 41—42 43—44
Case-control study, properties 40
Case-control study, selection bias in 40 42 44
Case-control study, standardization in 121—122
Cassell, J.C. 112
Categorical variable, definition 19
Categorical variable, measures of treatment effect with 19
Causal inference 47 50
Causal inference in cross-sectional studies 43
Causal inference, facilitated by randomization 33
Censoring 200
Censoring, assumptions concerning 224
Change score 238
Chatterjee, S. 150 155 159
Chi-square statistic, conditional likelihood ratio 171 190—192
Chi-square statistic, Pearson 171 181 190
Chi-square test 180
Chiang, C.L. 128 138 225 232
Choice of procedure 261—274
Choice of procedure, categorical or numerical variables 262—266
Choice of procedure, matching vs. adjustment 266—270
Chowdhurg, N.R. 68
Clark, V.A. 202 227 233
Clayton, D.G. 215
Cochran, W.G. 35 37 44 49 51 67 76 83 84 86 90 93 95 97 100 106 111 112 115 119 128 138 144 150 152 156 157 159 167 177 214 234 263 266 268 270 273
Cohort study 38—39
Cohort study, definition 37
Cohort study, log-linear analysis in 188
Cohort study, observation bias in 40
Cohort study, properties 38
Cohort study, prospective 38
Cohort study, retrospective 38
Colton, T. 23 30 202 209 232
Combining procedures 270—273
Committee for the Assessment of Biometric Aspects of Controlled Trials of Hypoglycemic Agents 35 45
Comparative studies, nonrandomized 35—37 43
Comparative studies, randomized 32—35
Comparative studies, types of 37—43
Comparison group, defined 2
Comparison group, establishing, ways of 31 43
Competing risks 201 225—226
Conditional maximum likelihood estimator of the odds ratio in matching 94 104
Conditional maximum likelihood estimator of the odds ratio in stratification 122—124 125 134—136
Confidence limits 11 67
Confounding factor 11
Confounding factor in log-linear analysis 185 187 191 197
Confounding factor in survival analysis 216
Confounding factor, definition of 7 25
Confounding factor, effect on an estimate of treatment effect 3 24—27
Confounding factor, individual growth trajectory as 252
Confounding factor, marginal and joint distribution 48 50
Confounding factor, multiple 5
Confounding factor, omitted 46—52 105—106
Confounding factor, selection of 49—50
Confounding factor, separation of groups on 63—67
Contingency table, definition 178
Contingency table, dimensions of 178
Contingency table, log-linear analysis of 178—198
Contingency table, treatment effect in 19 180
Control group, defined 2
Cornfield, J. 35 45 164 168 176 177
Cox regression model in survival analysis 202 225 229—231
Cox regression model, estimation of coefficients in 230—231
Cox regression model, log-likelihood for 230
Cox regression model, relative efficiency of 227
Cox regression model, testing hypotheses within 230
Cox, D.R. 35 45 50 67 90 111 169 176 202 210 215 216 217 219 220 221 226 229 230 232 233 234 272 273
Cox, G.M. 35 44
Cronbach, L.J. 150 159 253 260
| Cross product ratio 20
Cross-sectional study 42—43
Crowley, J. 210 221 222 223 224 229 232
Cumulative hazard 210 221
Daniel, D. 23 30
Day, N.E. 273
DeGracie, J.S. 156 159
Delay in treatment 201 222
Dichotomous variable 19
Difference of averages 22 25
Difference of rates 20
Difference of rates, standardized estimators of 120—121 130—131
Direct standardization 115—117 120 121 126 132—133
Discriminant analysis 51 66
Discriminant analysis as alternative to logit analysis 167—168
Discriminant analysis, application to matching 95 102
Discriminant analysis, application to stratification 127
Donner, A. 170
Dorn, H.F. 40
Draper, N.R. 150 155 159
Drolette, M.E 227 232
Duncan, D.B. 174 177
Efron, B. 35 45 168 176 227 230 232
Elashoff, J.D. 150 151 159
Eraut, C.D. 68
Erlebacher, A. 240 252 260
Estimator 11
Ethical considerations 36 64
Everitt, B.S. 180 197
Extent of exposure 212
External standard of comparison 145
External validity 5 36
Failure rate, age specific 206
Fallible variable 52 78
Fan spread hypothesis 240
Fan spread model, strong 250
Fearn, R. 258 260
Feinberg, S.E. 138 180 194 197 198
Feinstein, A.R. 40 45
Finney, D.J. 164 176
Fisher, L. 210 224 232 233
Fisher, R.A. 34 45 141 160 168 169 176 278 279
Fleiss, J.E. 19 21 30 94 111 128 138 270 273
Floden, R.E. 159 260
Force of mortality 206
Frei, E. 232
Freireich, E.J. 200 232
Gail, M.H. 223 226 232
Gain, simple 238
Gain, standardized 238
Gart, J.J. 122 123 125 128 134 135 136 137 138
Gehan, E. 216 232
Gendel, B.R. 232
Generalized residuals 221
Gilbert, E.S. 168 176
Gilbert, J.P. 36 45
Gillespie, M.J. 210 233
Glass, G.V. 151 160
Godbout, R.C. 159
Goldberger, A.S. 164 176
Goldbourt, V. 176
Goldman, A. 121 138
Goodman, E.A. 122 123 190 198
Goodness-of-fit of log-linear models 190
Goodness-of-fit of logit model 171
Gordon, T. 164 176
Greenberg, B.G. 93 111 141 142 143 147 148 157 160
Greenhouse, S.W. 168 177
Greenwood, M. 209 233
Gross, A.J. 202 227 233
Groups, comparison 2
Groups, control 2
Groups, exposed 6
Groups, fan close 246
Groups, fan spread 246
Groups, Growth trajectories, cross over 246
Groups, individual 243 254—258
Groups, mean 246
Groups, nonexposed 6
Groups, parallel 246
Groups, risk 7
Groups, separation on a confounding variable 63—67
Groups, treatment 2
Guerrier, C.J. 68
Haberman, S.J. 180 198
Haddon, W.Jr. 39 45 103 111
Haenszel, W.M. 122 124 137 139
Haitovsky, Y. 265 273
Haldane, J.B.S. 136 137 139
Halperin, M. 168 176
Halvorsen, K.T. 273
Hanushek, E.A. 23 30 164 169 176
Haphazard allocation 32
Harris, C.W. 238 260
Hauck, W.W. 124 125 137 139 170 176
Haurani, F. 232
Hayward, J.L. 30
Hazard function 202 205—206 228
Hazard function, weibull 227
Hazard rate 228
Hennekens, C.H. 271 272 274
Herman, J.B. 176
Herring, R.A. 115 139
Herrmann, W.L. 274
Hill, A.B. 22 30 202 231 277 278 279
Hinkley, D.V. 272 273
Hoel, P.G. 170 176
Holford, T.R. 272 273
Holland, P.W. 138 197
Homogeneity of groups, in survival analysis 204 210
Hoogstraten, B. 232
Howard, S.V. 233 234
Hu, M. 221 222 223 224 232 234
Ibrahim, M.A. 42 45
Ikeda, K. 112
Indirect standardization 117 120—121 126 130—133
Interaction 64 78 118
Interaction in analysis-of-covariance 149
Interaction in log-linear analysis 185
Interaction in logit analysis 165 172
Interaction in survival analysis 217
Interaction, definition 29
Internal validity 5
Jackson, J.E. 23 30 164 169 176
Jafary, M.H. 68
Johnson — Neyman technique 154
Johnson, P.O. 154 160
Jones, R.H. 174 176
Jones, S. 68
Kahn, H.A. 168 176
Kalbfleisch, J.D. 202 219 227 233
Kalton, G. 93 111 126 139
Kanarek, P. 224 232
Kannel, W. 177
Kaplan — Meier estimator 211 229
Kaplan, E.E 210 233
Kark, J.D. 112
Kay, R. 221 222 233
Kelsey, J.E. 273
Kempthorne, O. 35
Kenny, D. 253 260
Keyfitz, N. 118 128 139
Kitagawa, E.M. 118 139
Klugman, D.J. 30
Lachenbruch, P.A. 51 67 102 111
Lagokos, S.W. 225 226 233 234
Lancaster, T. 200 233
Laycock, F. 112
Leahy, F.J. 125
Lee, S. 232
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