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Поиск книг, содержащих: Satake compactification
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Harris J., Morrison I — Moduli of curves | 45 | Barth W., Peters C., Van de Ven A. — Compact complex surfaces | 106 | Laumon G. — Cohomology of Drinfeld modular varieties (Part 2) | 246 | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinberg E.B., Solodovnikov A.S. — Geometry of Spaces of Constant Curvature | 171 | van der Geer G. — Hilbert modular surfaces | 44 | Ueno K. — Advances in Moduli Theory | 52 | Schlichenmaier M. — An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces | 77 | Popp H. — Moduli Theory And Classification Theory Of Algebraic Varieties | 125 | Onishchik A.L. (ed.), Vinberg E.B. (ed.) — Lie Groups and Lie Algebras | 83, 84 | Onishchik A.L., Vinberg E.B. (eds.) — Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (volume 2) | 83, 84 |