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Поиск книг, содержащих: Von Mises yield condition
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bathe K.-J. — Finite element procedures | 599 | Stein E. (ed.), Ramm E. — Error-controlled adaptive finite elements in solid mechanics | 62, 72, 291 | Alder B., Fernbach S., Rotenberg M. — Methods in computational physics. Volume 3. Fundamental methods in hydrodynamics | 198, 214, 228, 244, 250 | Alder B. (ed.), Fernbach S. (ed.), Rotenberg M. (ed.) — Methods in computational physics: advances in research and applications. Volume 3. Fundamental methods in hydrodynamics | 198, 214, 228, 244, 250 | Fuchs M., Seregin G. — Variational Methods for Problems from Plasticity Theory and for Generalized Newtonian Fluids | 7 | Popov E.P. — Engineering Mechanics of Solids | 448 |