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Popov E.P. — Engineering Mechanics of Solids |
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Abbreviations and symbols inside front cover
Allowable stress, definition of 34
Allowable stress, design (ASD) 35 470 608
Allowable stress, tables of A-1 A-2
Angle sections, properties for designing A-9 A-10
Angle-of-twist of circular members 189
Angle-of-twist of noncircular solid bars 208
Angle-of-twist of thin-walled tubular members 215
Anistropy 147
Answers to odd-numbered problems A-15
Area-moment method see "Moment-area method"
Areas, moments of inertia of 285 340
Areas, second moment of 285
Areas, useful properties of A-4
Axes, neutral 284
Axes, principal 319 341
Axial force 15 235
Axial force diagrams 74 240
Axial loads see also "Columns"
Axial loads, definition of 16 235
Axial loads, deformation due to 71 94
Axial loads, stresses due to 12 16 87
Beam-columns 596 600
Beams of two or more materials 288 301
Beams of variable cross-section 298 480
Beams, bending moments in 237
Beams, bending stresses in 283
Beams, calculation of reactions for 230 267
Beams, center of twist see "Shear center"
Beams, classifications of 228
Beams, classifications of, built-in see "Fixed-end"
Beams, classifications of, cantilever 229
Beams, classifications of, continuous 229
Beams, classifications of, fixed-end 228
Beams, classifications of, overhanging 229
Beams, classifications of, planar 224
Beams, classifications of, prismatic 297
Beams, classifications of, restrained 229
Beams, classifications of, simple 228
Beams, classifications of, simply supported 228
Beams, classifications of, uniform strength see "Constant strength"
Beams, composite cross section of 288 301
Beams, constant strength 480
Beams, curvature 282 337
Beams, curved 306
Beams, definitions of 224 A-13
Beams, deflection of see "Deflection"
Beams, design of see "Design"
Beams, elastic curve for 261 499
Beams, elastic section modulus of 293
Beams, elastic strain energy in 299 531
Beams, flexure formula for 283 339
Beams, inelastic bending of 311
Beams, inelastic bending of, deflection for 534
Beams, lateral stability of 623
Beams, limit analysis of 534 708
Beams, maximum bending stresses in 286 321
Beams, moment diagrams for 241 252
Beams, moment-curvature relations for 283 337 499
Beams, neutral axis in 284 320
Beams, plastic analysis of 314 708
Beams, plastic section modulus of 315 A-11
Beams, radius of curvature of 282 499
Beams, reinforced concrete 304 318
Beams, section moduli of 294 A-6 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-12
Beams, shear in 236
Beams, shear stress in 357 367
Beams, statically indeterminate 23 506 517 524 686
Beams, supports for 225 506
Beams, unsymmetrical bending of 319 336
Beams, warpage of 373
Bearing stress 21
Bending moment, and elastic curve, relation between 285 501
Bending moment, and shear, relation between 250
Bending moment, definition of 237
Bending moment, diagrams by integration of shear 252
Bending moment, diagrams for 240
Bending moment, sign convention for 238
Bending of beams 281 336
Bending of beams with axial loads, deflections due to 498
Bending of beams with axial loads, elastic 324
Bending of beams with axial loads, inelastic 311 333
Bending of beams with axial loads, pure 280
Bending of beams with axial loads, unsymmetrical 319 336
Bending, strain energy in 299
Bending, stresses due to 280 339
Biaxial stress 10
Bifurcation point 580
Body forces 8
Boundary conditions, for bars in torsion 198
Boundary conditions, for beam-columns 601 602
Boundary conditions, for beams in bending 505
Boundary conditions, for columns 584 586 602
Buckling of columns, energy method for 670
Buckling of columns, Euler load 583 585
Buckling of columns, generalized Euler formula 590
bulk modulus 152
cantilever 229
Castigliano's theorem, first 666
Castigliano's theorem, second 665
Castigliano's theorem, second, for statically indeterminate systems 670
Center of twist see "Shear center"
Centroids and moments of inertia of areas A-4
Centroids of areas 284 338
Channel sections, properties for designing A-8
Circumferential stress 154
Coefficient of thermal expansion 84
Collapse mechanism, plastic 711
Columns 574
Columns, critical load 584
Columns, critical stress 588
Columns, design of 605
Columns, double-modulus theory for 591
Columns, eccentrically loaded 582
Columns, effective length for 587
Columns, Euler formula for 585
Columns, formulas for concentrically loaded 608
Columns, formulas for eccentrically loaded 616
Columns, intermediate length 592
Columns, long 589
Columns, secant formula for 582
Columns, short 592
Columns, slenderness ratio of 589
Columns, tangent-modulus formula for 591
Compatibility equations 100 145 641 659 689
Complementary strain energy 92 661
Concentrated moment, effect on moment diagrams 258
Concentration of stress see "Stress"
Connections, bolted 47
Connections, riveted 47
Connections, welded 50
Conservation of energy, displacements by 95 215 638
Conservation of energy, principle of 94 215 637
Consistent deformations, method of see "Force method"
Constant strength beams 480
Constitutive relations 68 139 146
Continuous beams, analysis of 517 556 687
Continuous beams, definition of 23 229
Conventions for supports, diagrammatic 225
Conversion factors for U.S. customary to SI units inside back cover
Couplings, shaft 201
creep 33 71
Critical section 22 470
Curvature, radius of 282 499
Curvature-area method 536
Curved bars, deflection of 650
Curved bars, stresses in 308
Cylindrical pressure vessels, thick-walled 159
Cylindrical pressure vessels, thin-walled 152
D'Alembert's principle 38
| Deflection of axially loaded bars 74 94
Deflection of beams A-13
Deflection of beams, by Castigliano's theorem 665
Deflection of beams, by integration 499 507
Deflection of beams, by singularity functions 523
Deflection of beams, by virtual force method for 642
Deflection of beams, due to impact 531
Deflection of beams, due to shear 531
Deflection of beams, dummy-load method 644
Deflection of beams, governing differential equations for beams 501 505
Deflection of beams, moment-area method for 537
Deflection of beams, strain energy method for 531
Deflection of beams, successive integration method for 507 514
Deflection of beams, superposition method for 525
Deflection of beams, unsymmetrical bending 529
Deflection of frameworks 644
Deflection of helical springs 391
Deformation of axially loaded bars 71
Deformation, thermal 84
Degrees of freedom 106 195 697
Design of axially loaded members 34 73 470
Design of beams, non-prismatic 480
Design of beams, prismatic 472 475
Design of circular torsional members 185
Design of columns 605
Design of columns, concentrically loaded 608
Design of columns, concentrically loaded, aluminum alloys 610
Design of columns, concentrically loaded, steel 608
Design of columns, concentrically loaded, wood 611
Design of columns, eccentrically loaded 616
Design of columns, eccentrically loaded, allowable stress method 616
Design of columns, eccentrically loaded, interaction method 617
Design of complex members 482
Design of connections 47
Design of torsion members 185 471
Design, deterministic 31 34
Design, probabilistic 31 38
Design, probabilistic, coefficient of variation 40
Design, probabilistic, load and resistance factor (LRFD) 45 608
Design, probabilistic, normal distribution 42
Design, probabilistic, probability density function 40
Design, probabilistic, probability of failure 43
Design, probabilistic, sample mean 40
Design, probabilistic, sample variance 40
Design, probabilistic, standard deviation 40
Deviation, tangential 540
Diagrams for beams, axial-force 240
Diagrams for beams, bending moment 240 252
Diagrams for beams, shear 240 250
Differential equation for axially loaded bars 125
Differential equation for beam deflection 501 504 505
Differential equation for element equilibrium 11
Differential equation for torsion in circular members 197
Differential equation of equilibrium for beams in bending 248
Dilatation 152
Dirac delta function 265
Displacement method 106 108 195 697 700
Doublet or dipole 265
dynamic loads 96 199 533
Effective column length 587
Eigenvalue 426 581
Elastic curve 261 499 337 503
Elastic design for strength 470
Elastic energy methods 634 661
Elastic limit 66
Elastic modulus 66
Elastic strain energy for axially loaded bars 636
Elastic strain energy for column buckling 674
Elastic strain energy for multiaxial stress 635
Elastic strain energy for shear 141 636
Elastic strain energy for uniaxial stress 91
Elastic strain energy in bending 299 636
Elastic strain energy in torsion 200 215 637
Elastic strain energy, complementary 665
Elastic stress analysis 461
Elasticity, definition of 67
Elasticity, modulus of 66
Endurance limit 32
Energy dissipating mechanism 711
Equilibrium, differential equations of element equilibrium 11
Equilibrium, equations of statics 22 640
Equilibrium, stability of 574
Euler formula 585
Euler formula, generalized 590
Euler formula, limitations of 588
Factor of safety 34
Factors of stress-concentration for helical springs 391
Factors of stress-concentration in bending of flat bars 297
Factors of stress-concentration in tension or compression of flat bars 89
Factors of stress-concentration in torsion of circular shafts 188
Failure, theories of see "Yield and fracture criteria"
Fatigue 32
Fiber stress, definition of 34
Finite element method 87 373 467
Fixed-end actions of beams, definition of 698
Fixed-end actions of beams, table A-14
Flange, definition of 299
flexibility 75 191
Flexibility coefficients, definition of 688
Flexibility coefficients, reciprocity of 690
Flexibility method 102 194 690
Flexural rigidity 509
Flexure formula for curved beams 308
Flexure formula for straight beams 285
Flexure formula for straight beams, generalized 339
Force method 100 194 687
Fracture criteria 441
Frameworks, deflection of 79 85 105 687
Free-body, definition of 3
Gage length 60
Gages 62 438
General state of stress 7
General state of stress, principal stress 424
Helical springs 389
Hinge, plastic 710
Hooke's law for isotropic materials 146 148
Hooke's law for shear stress and strain 130
Hooke's law for uniaxial stress 66
Hooke's law, generalized 146 148
Hoop stress 154
Horsepower and torque relation 186
I-shape steel beams, crippling in 478
I-shape steel beams, properties for designing A-5 A-6
I-shape steel beams, shearing stresses in 376 381 385 478
Identity matrix 704
Impact, deflection due to 96 199 531
Impact, factor 98 533
Impact, loading 96
Indeterminate members see "Statically indeterminate systems"
Inelastic behavior of beams 311
Inelastic behavior of circular torsion members 202
Inelastic deflection of beams 534
Inelastic deflection of torsion members 204
Inertia, moment of 285 340
Inertia, moment of, principal 342
Inertia, product of 340 342
Inflection, point of 262
Interaction curve 335
Interaction formula for columns 617
Internal forces 4 176 234 284
Internal strain energy 94 200 299 635
Invariant of strain 436
Invariant of stress 408 426
Isotropy, definition of 146
Kern 332
Kinematic indeterminancy 106 195 697
Lame problem 160
Lap joint 48
Lateral stability of beams 623
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