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Поиск книг, содержащих: Incremental learning
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Dietterich T.G., Becker S., Ghahramani Z. — Advances in neural information processing systems 14 (Vol. 1 and vol. 2) | 705 | Maier R. — Knowledge Management Systems: Information and Communication Technologies for Knowledge Management | 122 | Mandic D.P., Chambers J.A. — Recurrent neural networks for prediction: learning algorithms, architectures and stability | 21 | Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP | 291 | Furui S., Sandhi M.M. (eds.) — Advances in Speech Signal Processing. Part II | 565 | Nienhuys-Cheng S., Wolf R. — Foundations of Inductive Logic Programming | 171, 354, 355 | von der Malsburg C., von Seelen W. — Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96: 6th International Conference, Bochum, Germany, July 16 - 19, 1996, Proceedings | 383 |