Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Operator, divergence
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 441 | Aubert G., Kornprobst P. — Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations | 256 | Shapira Y. — Solving PDEs in C++: numerical methods in a unified object-oriented approach | 414, see “Divergence” | Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. — The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2) | II-2-7, II-3-1 | Mercier A. — Analytical and canonical formalism in physics | 87 | Aubert G., Kornprobst P. — Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations And the Calculus of Variations | 334 | Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory | 372 | Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics | 295, 442, 477 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 441 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 854 | Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 | II-2-7, II-3-1 |