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| Taft E.J. Communications in Algebra (Vol.25 №8 1997)
| Taft E.J. Communications in Algebra Volume 3
| Marcel Dekker, Inc Communications in Algebra, volume 16, number 5, 1988
| Taft E.J. (ed.) Communications in Algebra, volume 25, number 12
| Marcel Dekker, Inc Communications in Algebra, volume 25, number 9, 1997
| Marcel Dekker, Inc Communications in Algebra, volume 26, number 1, 1998
| Taft E.J. (ed.) Communications in Algebra, volume 26, number 2
| Taft E.J. (ed.) Communications in Algebra, volume 26, number 4
| Marcel Dekker, Inc Communications in Algebra, volume 26, number 6, 1998
| Taft E. J. (ed.) Communications in algebra. Volume 19. №10
| Vrabie I.I. Compactness methods for nonlinear evolutions
| Christiansen P.L. Comparative studies of diffraction processes in the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
| Pap E. Complex Analysis Through Examples And Exercises
| Thompson Philip A. Compressible-fluid dynamics
| Fragoso M.D., Costa O.L.V. Computational and Applied Mathematics. Volume 16. Issue 1
| Papadimitriou C.H. Computational Complexity
| Berman A. Cones, matrices and mathematical programming
| Congres international des mathematiciens. NICE 1970
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