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981. Duxbury P.M. Pence T.J. Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces2002
982. Dybkjaer L. Hemsen H. Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems2007
983. Dyson P. Ransing R. Fluid Properties at Nano/Meso Scale: A Numerical Treatment2008
984. Dzeroski S. Computational Discovery of Scientific Knowledge2007
985. Eamus D. Ecohydrology: vegetation function, water and resource management (illustrated edition)2006
986. Eberhardsteiner J. ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium: New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences) (1 edition)2009
987. Eddington A.S. New Pathways in Science1935
988. Eddington A.S. Science and the Unseen World1929
989. Edgar G.A. Sucheston L. Stopping Times and Directed Processes2010
990. Edgar Knobloch On the Statistical Dynamics of the Lorenz Model1979
991. Edward Ott Chaos in dynamical systems1994
992. Edwards L.E. Physical stratigraphy, paleontology and magnetostratigraphy of the USGS1999
993. Edwards S.A. The Nanotech Pioneers: Where Are They Taking Us2006
994. Egami T. Billinge S.J. Underneath the Bragg Peaks: Structural Analysis of Complex Materials2002
995. Egerton D. Nash W.A. Schaum's outline of strength of materials1998
996. Ehara T. Nanocrystalline Silicon: Electron Spin Resonance2004
997. Ehrig H. Engels G. Parisi-Presicce F. Graph Transformations, 2 conf., ICGT 2004 (1 edition)2004
998. Eibl R. Eibl D. Disposable Bioreactors2009
999. Eichholz W. Vilkner E. Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsmathematik: mit zahlreichen Tabellen (3-rd edition)2002
1000. Eiffert S.D. Cross-Train Your Brain: A Mental Fitness Program for Maximizing Creativity and Achieving Success1999
1001. Einstein A. Lorentz H. Minkowski H. Das Relativitaetsprinzip: gesammelte Abhandlungen1913
1002. Elert G. The Chaos Hypertextbook1999
1003. Elias U. Oscillation Theory of Two-Term Differential Equations1997
1004. Ellen D. Scientific Examination of Documents: Methods and Techniques (3-d edition)2005
1005. Ellenberg S. Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals1976
1006. Elliott C.M. Ockendon J.R. Weak and variational methods for free and moving boundary problems1982
1007. Enderlein R. Fundamentals of semiconductor physics and devices1997
1008. Engel A.B. Elementos de Biomatematica1978
1009. Engels G. Opdyke B. Weil F. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 10 conf., MoDELS 20072007
1010. Erdi P. Complexity Explained2007
1011. Erhard P. Toth A. Apoptosis. Methods and Protocols (2-nd edition)2009
1012. Eriksson L.-H. Lindsay P.A. FME 2002: Formal Methods - Getting IT Right2002
1013. Erisman J.W. Draaijers G.P.J. Atmospheric Deposition: In Relation to Acidification and Eutrophication (Studies in Environmental Science)1995
1014. Ernst J. Krantz S. Chemie Physik Biologie2006
1015. Ernster L. (ed.) Bioenergetics. New Comprehensive Biochemistry. Volume 91984
1016. Ersboll B.K. Pedersen K.S. Image Analysis, 15 conf., SCIA 20072007
1017. Esmailzadeh R. Broadband Wireless Communications Business: An Introduction to the Costs and Benefits of New Technologies2006
1018. Ettre L.S. Hinshaw J.V. Chapters in the evolution of chromatography2008
1019. Evans B. Space Shuttle Challenger: Ten Journeys into the Unknown2007
1020. Evans B. Space Shuttle Columbia: Her Missions and Crews2005
1021. Exner H. Freitag R. Geis H. Basic principles and components of fluid technology1991
1022. F. T. Lee E. W. Montroll Lee-po Yu Two-component ising chain with nearest-neighbor interaction1973
1023. F.Jackson Language, Names, and Information (The Blackwell Brown Lectures in Philosophy)2010
1024. Farage M.A. (Ed.) Maibach H.I. (Ed.) The Vulva: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology2006
1025. Farr M. Latino language and literacy in ethnolinguistic Chicago2004
1026. Faticoni T.G. Direct Sum Decompositions of Torsion-Free Finite Rank Groups2007
1027. Faure P. Korn H. Is there chaos in the brain2001
1028. Favre L. Model Driven Architecture for Reverse Engineering Technologies: Strategic Directions and System Evolution2010
1029. Feitelson D. Rudolph L. Schwiegelshohn U. Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 10th International Workshop, JSSPP 2004, New York, NY, USA, June 13, 2004, Revised Selected Papers2005
1030. Feng J.C. Reconstruction of chaotic signals with applications to chaos-based communications2008
1031. Feng Z.C. (ed.) III-nitride devices and nanoengineering2008
1032. Fenstad J.E. Gandy R.O. Sacks G.E. Generalized Recursion Theory II1978
1033. Fernanda Pirie THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF LAW2013
1034. Ferrell Richard A. Addendum to ``field theory of the two-dimensional Ising model: Equivalence to the free particle one-dimensional dirac equation''1973
1035. Ferretti F. The Law and Consumer Credit Information in the European Community: The regulation of credit information systems2008
1036. Filatov N.M. Unbehauen H. Adaptive dual control: theory and applications2004
1037. Fink A. Schneidereit G. Vob S. Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2-nd edition)2005
1038. Firestein S. Ignorance: How It Drives Science2012
1039. Fischbein E. Intuition in Science and Mathematics: An Educational Approach1987
1040. Fischer R. Schillberg S. Molecular Farming - Plant-made Pharmaceuticals and Technical Proteins2004
1041. Fitzpatrick E. (Ed.) Corpus Linguistics Beyond the Word: Corpus Research from Phrase to Discourse2006
1042. Flick L.B. (Ed) Lederman N.G. (Ed) Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science: Implications for Teaching,Learning, and Teacher Education2006
1043. Floudas C.A. (Ed) Pardalos P.M. Encyclopedia of Optimization2008
1044. Fodor J.A. Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong1998
1045. Foias Ciprian Contractive interwining dilations and waves in leyered media1978
1046. Fonseca I. Gangbo W. Degree theory in analysis and applications1995
1047. Forshaw J. Smith G. Dynamics and relativity2009
1048. Fortino A. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics for Business Decisions2023
1049. Fraisse R. Theory of Relations1986
1050. François Dunlop Zeros of partition functions via correlation inequalities1978

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