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1891. Adler J.A. Como Pensar Sobre as Grandes Ideias .A partir dos grandes livros da civilização ocidental2013
1892. Adler S. Dashen R. Current Algebras And Applications To Particle Physics1968
1893. Adley C. Food-Borne Pathogens: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Biotechnology)2006
1894. Adolph K. Methods In Molecular Genetics. Volume 7. Viral Gene Techniques1995
1895. Adolph K. Methods in Molecular Genetics: Microbial Gene Techniques1995
1896. Adomi E. New Library World. Adapting to change the role and development of the information professional.2003
1897. Adomian G. Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method (Fundamental Theories of Physics)1993
1898. Adomian G. Stochastic systems1983
1899. Adorno T. Tiedemann R. Jephcott E. Metaphysics: Concept and Problems2001
1900. Adriaans P. Benthem J. Philosophy of Information.Volume 8. (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science)2008
1901. Adrian R. Helmreich E. Holzer H. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 861979
1902. Adrian R. Helmreich E. Freiburg R. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 921982
1903. Adugna S. Alemu L. Tekola H. Medical Biochemistry2004
1904. Advani A. Lazarus H. Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: Biology and Treatment (Contemporary Hematology)2011
1905. Aerts D. Worldviews, Science and Us: Redemarcating Knowledge and Its Social and Ethical Implications2005
1906. Afanasiev G. Vavilov-Cherenkov and Synchrotron Radiation: Foundations and Applications (Fundamental Theories of Physics 142)2005
1907. Afifi A. Clark V. Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis (3rd edition)1997
1908. Afigbo A.E. Ropes of Sand1981
1909. Afoakwa E. Chocolate Science and Technology2010
1910. Afonso J. Santos N. Moitinho A. 2005: Past Meets Present in Astronomy And Astrophysics: Proceedings of the 15th Portuguese National Meeting2006
1911. Afshani P. Agrawal M. Brodnik A. Space-Efficient Data Structures, Streams, and Algorithms: Papers in Honor of J. Ian Munro on the Occasion of His 66th Birthday2013
1912. Aga D. Thurman E. Immunochemical Technology for Environmental Applications1997
1913. Agarwal A. Lang J. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits2005
1914. Agarwal R. Wong P. Advanced topics in difference equations1997
1915. Agarwal R. O’Regan D. Wong P. Constant-Sign Solutions of Systems of Integral Equations2013
1916. Agarwal R. Difference Equations and Inequalities: Theory, Methods, and Applications (Pure and Applied Mathematics 228) (2nd edition)2000
1917. Agarwal R. Difference equations and inequalities: theory, methods, and applications (2nd edition)2000
1918. Agarwal R. O'Regan D. Infinite interval problems for differential, difference and integral equations2001
1919. Agarwal R. Bohner M. Li W. Nonoscillation and Oscillation Theory for Functional Differential Equations (Pure and Applied Mathematics)2004
1920. Agarwal R. Pang P. Opial inequalities with applications in differential and difference equations1995
1921. Agassi M. Cobello D. Welsh K.S. The Agassi Story2004
1922. Agathangelidis A. Ntoufa S. Malek S. Advances in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia2013
1923. Aggarwal P. Syed Z. Noureldin A. MEMS-Based Integrated Navigation2010
1924. Agha G. Muntean T. Poulakis D. Algebraic Informatics: 5th International Conference, CAI 2013, Porquerolles, France, September 3-6, 2013. Proceedings2013
1925. Agha K. Ad-Hoc Networking: IFIP 19th World Computer Congress, TC-6, IFIP Interactive Conference on Ad-Hoc Networking, August 20-25, 2006, Santiago, Chile (IFIP ... in Information and Communication Technology)2006
1926. Agirre E. Word Sense Disambiguation: Algorithms and Applications2007
1927. Agmon S. Lectures on exponential decay of solutions of second-order elliptic equations1982
1928. Agmon S. Lectures on Exponential Decay of Solutions of Second-Order Elliptic Equations: Bounds on Eigenfunctions of N-Body Schrodinger Operators (Mathematical Notes)1982
1929. Agnew J.-A. Mercer J. Sopher D.-E. The City in Cultural Context2007
1930. Agosta W. Thieves, Deceivers, and Killers: Tales of Chemistry in Nature2002
1931. Agosti D. Majer J. Alonso L. ANTS2000
1932. Agosti M. Ferro N. Peters C. Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation: International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2010, Padua, Italy, ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)2010
1933. Agostini F. Math and Logic Games1980
1934. Agostini F. Math and Logic Games: A Book of Puzzles and Problems1983
1935. Agoston M. Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling: Implementation & Algorithms v. 12005
1936. Agouris P. Stefanidis A. Integrated Spatial Databases: Digital Images and GIS: International Workshop ISD'99 Portland, ME, USA, June 14-16, 1999 Selected Papers1999
1937. Agouris P. Croitoru A. Next Generation Geospatial Information From Digital Image Analysis to Spatiotemporal Databases2005
1938. Agrachev A. Sachkov Y. Control theory from the geometric viewpoint2004
1939. Agrachev A. Summer school on mathematical control theory2002
1940. Agranovich M. Egorov Y. Shubin M. Partial Differential Equations IX. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems2010
1941. Agranovich V. Excitations in organic solids2008
1942. Agranovich V. Excitations in Organic Solids (International Series of Monographs on Physics)2008
1943. Agrawal A. Endnote Made Easy! (1st edition)2005
1944. Agrawal S. Protocols for Oligonucleotide Conjugates: Synthesis and Analytical Techniques1994
1945. Agrawal S. Protocols for Oligonucleotides and Analogs: Synthesis and Properties1993
1946. Agricola I. Friedrich T. Global analysis: Differential forms in analysis, geometry, and physics2002
1947. Aguade J. Castellet M. Cohen F. Algebraic Topology: Homotopy and Group Cohomology (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)1992
1948. Aguilar M. HPLC of Peptides and Proteins: Methods and Protocols2004
1949. Aguilar M. HPLC of Peptides and Proteins: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)2004
1950. Aguilar M. HPLC of Peptides and Proteins: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)2004
1951. Aguilera M. Yu H. Vaidya N. Distributed Computing and Networking2011
1952. Aguilera M. Blum C. Gaspero L. Hybrid Metaheuristics: 6th International Workshop, HM 2009 Udine, Italy, October 16-17, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)2009
1953. Aguilera M. Blum C. Roli A. Hybrid Metaheuristics: Second International Workshop, HM 2005, Barcelona, Spain, August 29-30, 2005. Proceedings2005
1954. Aguilera-Mendoza L. Llorente-Quesada M. Cuzzocrea A. Model and Data Engineering: Third International Conference, MEDI 2013, Amantea, Italy, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings2013
1955. Agulyansky A. Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium Fluoride Compounds2004
1956. Agulyansky A. Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium Fluoride Compounds2004
1957. Agulyansky A. Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium Fluoride Compounds2004
1958. Agutter P. Wheatley D. About Life: Concepts in Modern Biology2007
1959. Agutter P. Wheatley D. Thinking about Life: The history and philosophy of biology and other sciences2008
1960. Agutter P.S. Wheatley D.N. Thinking about Life2008

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