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1541. Ferrera D.T. The Gann Pyramid: Square of Nine Essentials2001
1542. Ferri R.A. Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad2003
1543. Ferson W.E. Sarkissian S. Simin T.T. Spurious Regressions in Financial Economics?2003
1544. Fertig M. Seven Deadly Sins Investing: How to Conquer Your Worst Impulses and Save Your Financial Future (1st edition)2006
1545. Ffrench-Davis R. Seeking Growth under Financial Volatility2006
1546. Ffrench-Davis R. (ed.) Financial Crises in "Successful" Emerging Economies2001
1547. Fields E. The Essentials Of Finance And Accounting For Nonfinancial Managers2002
1548. Fight A. Credit Risk Management2004
1549. Fight A. E-Processes2002
1550. Figlewski S. Hedging Performance And Basis Risk In Stock Index Futures1984
1551. Financial Executives Research Foundations Business performance Intelligence Software2002
1552. Financial Management Service Cash Management Made Easy (Revised Edition)2002
1553. Financial Services Authority Financial Risk Outlook2008
1554. Finger J.M. (ed.) Nogues J.J. (ed.) Safeguards and Antidumping in Latin American Trade Liberalization. Fighting Fire with Fire2005
1555. Finkel D.M. The Maui Millionaires for Business: The Five Secrets to Get on the Millionaire Fast Track2007
1556. Finnerty J.D. Project Financing: Asset-Based Financial Engineering (2nd edition)2007
1557. Fiocco M. Putter H. Reduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks2005
1558. Fiona Czerniawska The Trusted Firm: How Consulting Firms Build Successful Client Relationships2007
1559. Fiore F. Tank L. Launching Your Yahoo! Business2006
1560. Fiore F. Tang L. Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business2006
1561. Fischer L. (Ed) Workflow Handbook 2002: Published in Association with the Workflow Management Coalition (Wfmc)2002
1562. Fischer L. (ed.) Workflow Handbook2002
1563. Fischer P.M. Taylor W.J. Cheng R.H. Advanced Accounting (with Electronic Working Papers CD-ROM and Student Companion Book)2005
1564. Fischer R. Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders: Unveiling the Secret of the Logarithmic Spiral1993
1565. Fisher K. Super Stocks2007
1566. Fisher K. The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons From Financial Cycles and Trends2008
1567. Fisher K.L. 100 minds that made the market2007
1568. Fisher M.B. The Logical Trader: Applying a Method to the Madness (1st edition)2002
1569. Fisher S. IMF Essays from a Time of Crisis: The International Financial System, Stabilization, and Development2004
1570. Fishman S. Inventor's Guide to Law, Business & Taxes (1st edition)2003
1571. Flaschel P. The Macrodynamics of Capitalism: Elements for a Synthesis of Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter (2nd ed. edition)2008
1572. Fleming M. Lawyers, money, and success: the consequences of dollar obsession1997
1573. Florczak C.M. Roughton J.E. Hazardous Waste Compliance2001
1574. Florian F. The Social Side of Mergers and Acquisitions: Cooperation relationships after mergers and acquisitions2007
1575. Focardi S.M. Fabozzi F.J. The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management2004
1576. Foellmi R. Consumption Structure and Macroeconomics: Structural Change and the Relationship between Inequality and Growth (1st edition)2005
1577. Follmer H. Schied A. Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models2004
1578. Follmer H. Schied A. Stochastic Finance: An Introduction In Discrete Time (2-nd edition, revised and extended)2004
1579. Follmer H. Schied A. Stochastic Finance: An Introduction in Discrete Time (Second Edition)2004
1580. Follmer H. Schied A. Stochastic finance: an introduction in discrete time2002
1581. Folmer H., van Ierland E. Valuation Methods and Policy Making in Environmental Economics (Studies in Environmental Science 36) (1 edition)1989
1582. Fomby T. (ed.) Carter Hill R. (ed.) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models: Twenty Years Later, Volume 17 (Advances in Econometrics) (1 edition)2003
1583. Fomby T.B. (ed.) Terrell D. (ed.) Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series Part B, Volume 20 (Advances in Econometrics) (1st edition)2006
1584. Fong H.G. World of Risk Management2006
1585. Fontanills G.A. The Options Course Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master the Options Course (2nd edition)2005
1586. Fontanills G.A. The Options Course: High Profit and Low Stress Trading Methods (second edition)2005
1587. Fontrodona J. Pragmatism And Management Inquiry: Insights from the Thought of Charles S. Peirce2002
1588. Foray D. The New Economics of Technology Policy2009
1589. Force P. Self-Interest Before Adam Smith: A Genealogy of Economic Science2003
1590. Forsberg K. Mooz H. Cotterman H. Visualizing Project Management: Models and Frameworks for Mastering Complex Systems (3rd edition)2005
1591. Forstater M. Wray L.R. Keynes for the Twenty-First Century: The Continuing Relevance of The General Theory2008
1592. Fowler Ch. My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job (1 edition)2005
1593. Fox S.C. Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires (1st edition)2006
1594. Frame J.D. Managing Projects in Organizations: How to Make the Best Use of Time, Techniques, and People (third edition)2003
1595. Frame J.D. Managing Risk in Organizations: A Guide for Managers (1st edition)2003
1596. Frances K. How to Build Successful Business Relationships2009
1597. Franceschini F. Galetto M. Maisano D. Management by Measurement: Designing Key Indicators and Performance Measurement Systems (1 edition)2007
1598. Frank Milne Finance Theory and Asset Pricing1995
1599. Frankel J.A. (Ed) Orszag P.R. (Ed) American Economic Policy in the 1990s2002
1600. Frankel J.A. (ed.) Pissarides C.A. (ed.) NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics (1st edition)2007
1601. Franses P.H. Concise Introduction to Econometrics: An Intuitive Guide2002
1602. Franses P.H. (Ed.) Econometric Models In Marketing. Volume 16. (1 edition)2002
1603. Fraser-Sampson G. Private Equity as an Asset Class2007
1604. Fratianni M. (ed.) Regional Economic Integration, Volume 12 (Research in Global Strategic Management) (1st edition)2006
1605. Freedman R.S. Introduction to Financial Technology2006
1606. Freeman C. High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy : Women, Work, and Pink Collar Identities in the Caribbean2000
1607. Freinkman L.M. Polyakov E. Revenco C. Trade Performance and Regional Integration of the CIS Countries2004
1608. Freire M. (ed.) Petersen J. (ed.) Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory to Practice2004
1609. Freixas X. Rochet J.-C. Microeconomics of Banking1999
1610. Frey R.S. Successful Proposal Strategies For Small Businesses: Using Knowledge Management To Win Government, Private-Sector, And International Contracts (fourth edition)2005

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