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1121. Christiaan Heij Paul de Boer Philip Hans Franses Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics2004
1122. Christiaensen L.J. Demery L. Paternostro S. Growth, Distribution and Poverty in Africa: Messages from the 1990s2002
1123. Christodoulou-Varotsi I. Pentsov D.A. Maritime Work Law Fundamentals: Responsible Shipowners, Reliable Seafarers2008
1124. Christopher A. Farrell The Day Trader's Survival Guide: How to Be Consistently Profitable in Short-Term Markets (1st edition)2000
1125. Christopher M. Logistics & Supply Chain Management: creating value-adding networks (3d edition)2005
1126. Ciambrone D.F. Effective Transition from Design to Production2007
1127. Citanna A. (ed.) Donaldson J. (ed.) Polemarchakis H. (ed.) Essays in Dynamic General Equilibrium Theory2005
1128. Cizek P. Härdle W. Weron R. Statistical Tools for Finance and Insurance2003
1129. Cizek P. Weron R. Hardle W. Statistical Tools in Finance and Insurance2004
1130. Clancy K. Krieg P. Your Gut is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head: How Disciplined, Fact-Based Marketing Can Drive Extraordinary Growth and Profits2007
1131. Clark D.L. Enterprise Security: The Manager's Defense Guide2002
1132. Clark R.C. Contracts, Elites, and Traditions in the Making of Corporate Law1989
1133. Clarke I. Flaherty T.B. Advances in Electronic Marketing2005
1134. Claudia Pahl-Wostl Pavel Kabat Jorn Moltgen Adaptive and Integrated Water Management: Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty2007
1135. Cleaver T. Economics: The Basics provides a fascinating introduction to the key issues in contemporary economics. With case studies ranging from the coffee plantations of El Salvador to the economic slowdown in Japan, it addresses questions such as whether increasin2004
1136. Cleaver T. Understanding the world economy (2 edition)2002
1137. Cleland D.I. Field Guide to Project Management (Second edition)2004
1138. Cleland D.I. Ireland L.R. Project Manager's Portable Handbook (1st edition)2004
1139. Cleland D.L. Ireland L.R. Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation (Fourth Edition)2002
1140. Cleland J.K. Business Writing for Results: How to Create a Sense of Urgency and Increase Response to All of Your Business Communications (1st edition)2003
1141. Clemente M.N. Greenspan D.S. Empowering Human Resources in the Merger and Acquisition Process: Guidance for HR Professionals in the Key Areas of M&A Planning and Integration1999
1142. Clements M.P. Hendry D.F. A Companion to Economic Forecasting2002
1143. Clewlow L. Strickland C. Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management2004
1144. Click R.L. Duening T.N. Business Process Outsourcing: The Competitive Advantage2005
1145. Cliff S. (ed.) Fifty Trade Secrets Of Great Design Packaging2002
1146. Clyatt B. Work Less, Live More: The Way to Semi-Retirement (2 edition)2005
1147. Cochrane J. Asset pricing2001
1148. Cochrane T. Podcasting: Do-It-Yourself Guide2005
1149. Cockburn A. Crystal clear a human-powered methodology for small teams2004
1150. Cockcroft A.N. Lameijer J. Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules (6-th edition)2003
1151. Coelli T.J. Rao D. O'Donnell C.J. An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (2nd edition)2005
1152. Coffman E.G. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol.03. Computing1992
1153. Cohen B. Fitzgerald B. The Pension Puzzle: Your Complete Guide to Government Benefits, RRSPs, and Employer Plans (3 edition)2007
1154. Cohen Sh. Roussel J. Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Five Disciplines for Top Performance2004
1155. Cokins G. Performance Management: Finding the Missing Pieces (to Close the Intelligence Gap)2004
1156. Colcera E. The Market for Corporate Control in Japan: M&As, Hostile Takeovers and Regulatory Framework2007
1157. Colin A. Fixed Income Attribution2005
1158. Colin A. Timing Techniques for Commodity Futures Markets. Effective Strategy and Tactics for Short-Term and Long-Term Traders2008
1159. Collier Nathan S. Collier Courtland A. Halperin Don A. Construction Funding: The Process of Real Estate Development, Appraisal, and Finance (Fourth edition)2008
1160. Collier P. Dollar D. World Bank Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy2002
1161. Collin P. H. Ivanovic A. Dictionary of Marketing (3 edition)2003
1162. Collins C. Porras J.I. Building Your Company's Vision2000
1163. Colombo E. Stanca L. Financial Market Imperfections and Corporate Decisions: Lessons from the Transition Process in Hungary2006
1164. Comfort J. Effective Meetings: Teacher's Book1996
1165. Comfort J. Effective Negotiating: Student's Book1998
1166. Comfort J. Associates Y. Effective Negotiating: Teacher's Book1998
1167. Comfort J. Effective Presentations: Student's Book1996
1168. Comfort J. Effective Telephoning: Student's Book1996
1169. Comfort J. Effective Telephoning: Teacher's Book1996
1170. Commander S. Enterprise Restructuring and Unemployment in Models of Transition1998
1171. Commonwealth of Australia Understanding money: How to make it work for you2008
1172. CompTel Services AdSense Empire! - Create A Massive Auto-Pilot Income With The Google AdSense Program Starting Now!2008
1173. Conceição P. Heitor M.V. Innovation for All?: Learning from the Portuguese Path to Technical Change and the Dynamics of Innovation2005
1174. Condamin L. Naim P. Louisot J.-P. Risk Quantification: Management, Diagnosis and Hedging2007
1175. Condrey S.E. Handbook of Human Resources Management in Government2005
1176. Conger J.A. Finegold D. Corporate Boards: New Strategies for Adding Value at the Top2001
1177. Congregado E. Measuring Entrepreneurship: Building a Statistical System2008
1178. Congress U. Office of Technology Biotechnology in a Global Economy1991
1179. Connolly D. The UK Trader's Bible2005
1180. Connor J.M.. Global Price Fixing (Studies in Industrial Organization) (1 edition)2007
1181. Consiglio A. Artificial Markets Modeling: Methods and Applications2007
1182. Constantinides G. Harris M. Stulz R.M. Handbook of the Economics of Finance2003
1183. Conti P. Making Big Money Investing In Foreclosures Without Cash or Credit (2nd edition)2007
1184. Conti P. Making Big Money Investing In Foreclosures Without Cash or Credit: Find Houses in Preforeclosure or Foreclosure Understand Laws Related to Foreclosure Negotiate the Deal2007
1185. Conway M.R. Behle A.N. Professional Stock Trading: System Design and Information2002
1186. Cook C.R. Just Enough Project Management: The Indispensable Four-Step Process for Managing Any Project Better, Faster, Cheaper2004
1187. Cook P. (ed.) Kirkpatrick C. (ed.) Parker D. (ed.) Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development2004
1188. Cook S. Clinical Studies Management: A Practical Guide to Success2004
1189. Cooper A. Alvarez S. Entrepreneurial Strategies: New Technologies in Emerging Markets2006
1190. Cooper D.F. Project Risk Management Guidelines: Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements2005

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