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771. Beaumont P.H. Financial Engineering Principles : A Unified Theory for Financial Product Analysis and Valuation2003
772. Becher M. Integrated Capacity and Price Control in Revenue Management. A Fuzzy System Approach2007
773. Bechtold R. Essentials of Software Project Management1999
774. Becker E. (Ed) Buhse W. Gunnewig D. Digital Rights Management2004
775. Becker G.S., Posner R.A. Uncommon Sense: Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism (1 edition)2009
776. Becker H. High Noon in the Automotive Industry2006
777. Beckman S.L. Barry M. Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking (California Management Review, Vol. 50, No.1)2007
778. Beckner M. Pro EDI in BizTalk Server 2006 R2: Electronic Document Interchange Solutions2007
779. Behery H.M. (Editor) Effect of Mechanical and Physical Properties on Fabric Hand (1 Edition)2005
780. Bekar C.T. Edelstein M. Field A.J. Research in Economic History (Vol 20)2001
781. Bell S. International Brand Management of Chinese Companies: Case Studies on the Chinese Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Industry Entering US and Western European Markets2008
782. Benioff M. Southwick K. Compassionate Capitalism: How Corporations Can Make Doing Good an Integral Part of Doing Well2004
783. Benjamin G.A. Margulis J.B. Angel Capital: How to Raise Early-Stage Private Equity Financing2005
784. Benjamin J. Cohen The Geography of Money2000
785. Benke W. Fowler J.M. All about real estate investing (Second Edition)2001
786. Benning J. F. Trading stategies for capital markets2007
787. Benson S.G. Stock J.Y. Development of the industrial U.S (1 edition)2005
788. Benson V. Tribe K. Business Information Mamagement: Exercises2008
789. Benson V. Tribe K. Business Information Management2008
790. Benvenutti M. Incansáveis: como empreendedores de garagem engolem tradicionais corporações e criam oportunidades transformadoras (8th edition)2016
791. Benz C. Di Teresa P. Kinnel R. Morningstar's Guide to Mutual Funds. 5-Star Strategies for Success2003
792. Berard I. Guia Prático de Investimentos2021
793. Bergeron B. Essentials of Knowledge Management2003
794. Berges S. The Complete Guide to Real Estate Finance for Investment Properties: How to Analyze Any Single-Family, Multifamily, or Commercial Property2004
795. Bergheim S. Long-Run Growth Forecasting (1 edition)2008
796. Berman J. Maximizing Project Value2007
797. Berndt B.C. Warrior Trading: Inside the Mind of an Elite Currency Trader2006
798. Bernheim B.D. Whinston M.D. Incomplete Contracts and Strategic Ambiguity (from The American Economic Review, Vol. 88, No.4, Sep., 1998)1998
799. Bernholz L. Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets: The Deliberate Evolution2004
800. Bernstein J. 30 Days to Market Mastery: A Step-by-Step Guide to Profitable Trading (1st edition)2007
801. Bernstein J. The Compleat Day Trader1995
802. Bernstein J. The Compleat Day Trader II1998
803. Bernstein J.S. Kotler P. Arts Marketing Insights: The Dynamics of Building and Retaining Performing Arts Audiences (1st edition)2007
804. Bernstein P.L. Capital Ideas Evolving2007
805. Bernstein P.L. Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins Of Modern Wall Street1992
806. Berry T. Wilson D. On Target: The Book on Marketing Plans (2 edition)2001
807. Berry T.J. Hurdle: The Book on Business Planning2004
808. Bertalanffy L.V. The History and Status of General Systems Theory1972
809. Bertram A. Tomas J. Micro-macro-interactions in structured media and particle systems (1 edition)2008
810. Bertsch V. Uncertainty Handling in Multi-Attribute Decision Support for Industrial Risk Management2008
811. Bessant J. High-Involvement Innovation: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Through Continuous Change2003
812. Bessis J. Risk Management in Banking2002
813. Best P. Implementing Value at Risk1998
814. Betancourt R.R. The Economics Of Retailing And Distribution (illustrated edition)2004
815. Bettio F. (ed.) Verashchagina A. (ed.) Frontiers in the Economics of Gender (Routledge Siena Studies in Political Economy)2008
816. Betz S. Makio J. Stephan R. Offshoring of Software Development: Methods and Tools for Risk Management2007
817. Bevan D. Collier P. Gunning J.W. The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Nigeria and Indonesia1999
818. Bhagwati J. (ed.) Going Alone: The Case for Relaxed Reciprocity in Freeing Trade2002
819. Bhar R. Hamori S. Empirical Techniques In Finance2005
820. Bhargava V.K. Bolongaita E. Challenging Corruption in Asia: Case Studies and a Framework for Action2004
821. Bhote K.R. World Class Quality: Using Design of Experiments to Make It Happen1991
822. Bhote K.R. Bhote A.K. World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make It Happen (First Edition)2003
823. Bianchi P. (ed.) Labory S. (ed.) International Handbook on Industrial Policy2006
824. Bickford J.L. Archer M.D. Charting the Major Forex Pairs: Focus on Major Currencies (1st edition)2007
825. Bickford J.L. Forex Shockwave Analisys2008
826. Biderman C. Santschi D. TrimTabs Investing: Using Liquidity Theory to Beat the Stock Market2005
827. Bidgoli H. Electronic Commerce: Principles & Practice (1st edition)2002
828. Bieberstein N. Bose S. Fiammante M. Service-Oriented Architecture Compass: Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap2005
829. Biech E. Bellman G. Marketing Your Consulting Services2003
830. Bielecki T.R. Björk T. Jeanblanc M. Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 20032004
831. Biere M. Business Intelligence for the Enterprise2003
832. Bierens H.J. Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Econometrics2005
833. Bierman H. Bare Essentials of Investing: Teaching the Horse to Talk (1st edition)2007
834. Bierman J.H. Private Equity: Transforming Public Stock Into Private Equity to Create Value2003
835. Biggs B. Wealth, War and Wisdom2008
836. Bigler W.R. Norris M. The New Science of Strategy Execution: How Established Firms Become Fast, Sleek Wealth Creators (1st edition)2004
837. Bikker J.A. Bos J.W.B. Bank Performance: A Theoretical and Empirical Framework for the Analysis of Profitability, Competition and Efficiencyn/a
838. Birchler U. Information Economics2007
839. Bird A. Encyclopedia of Japanese Business and Management2002
840. Bird D. Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing (Fifth Edition)2007

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