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Hedayat A.S., Sloane N.J.A., Stufken J. — Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications
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Название: Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications
Авторы: Hedayat A.S., Sloane N.J.A., Stufken J.
Аннотация: This is the first book on the subject since its introduction more than fifty years ago, and it can be used as a graduate text or as a reference work. It features all of the key results, many very useful tables, and a large number of research problems. The book will be of interest to those interested in one of the most fascinating areas of discrete mathematics, connected to statistics and coding theory, with applications to computer science and cryptography. It will be useful for anyone who is running experiments, whether in a chemistry lab or a manufacturing plant (trying to make those alloys stronger), or in agricultural or medical research. Sam Hedayat is Professor of Statistics and Senior Scholar in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago. Neil J.A. Sloane is with AT&T Bell Labs (now AT&T Labs). John Stufken is Professor Statistics at Iowa State University.
Рубрика: Математика /Алгебра /Комбинаторика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 416
Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
Gilbert — Varshamov bound 229
Godsil and McKay 193
Goethals 102 245
Goethals — Delsarte code 102
Golay 82 99 108
Golay code 99 106 323
Gosset 305 337 339
Graybill 295
Grieg 243
Griesmer 81
Griesmer bound 81
Groops 242
Gross 41
groups 242
Gulati 27 30
Gulati and Kounias 98 108
Gulliver and Bhargava 323
Gulliver and Ostergard 323
hadamard 145
Hadamard array 70 146 148 338
Hadamard conjecture 146
Hadamard determinant problem 163
Hadamard matrices, equivalent 147
Hadamard matrix xi 101 145 338
Hadamard matrix, Paley 152
Hadamard matrix, Sylvester 149
Hadamard matrix, Williamson 153
Hall 141 155 156 159 164 339
Hamada and Wu 307 314 315
Hamming xvi 49 82 108
Hamming bound 78
Hamming code 49 63 91
Hamming distance 62
Hamming weight 61
Hamming — Rao construction 49
Hammons, Kumar, Calderbank, Sloane and Sole 102 228 324
Hanani 222 242
Hardin and Sloane 164 305 337 339
Harwit and Sloane 163
Hashim and Pozdniakov 323
Hedayat 306
Hedayat and Stufken 23 27 195 230
Hedayat and Wallis 162 164
Hedayat, Pn and Stufken 206 330
Hedayat, Raghavarao and Seiden 175 180
Hedayat, Seiden and Stufken 22 34 109 323
Hedayat, Stufken and Su 22 137 323
Helgert and Stinaff 324
Hergert 102
Hexacode 91
Hill 106 109 323
Hill and Newton 323
Hinkelmann and Kempthorne 193 247 265 283
Hirschfeld 98 109
Hirschfeld and Storme 109
Hocquenghem 93
Horn and Johnson 166
Hotelling 163
Hughes and Piper 163 192
Hunter, Hodi and Eager 314 315
Index of orthogonal array 2
Index unity 2 38
Inequivalent Latin squares 193
Information matrix 257
Integral element 343
Interaction effect 252
Irreducible polynomial 347
Isolated Latin square 168
Isomorphic fields 350
Isomorphic Hadamard matrices 147
Isomorphic linear codes 67
Ito, Leon and Longyear 155 164
Itoh and Nakamichi 323
Jacobson 341
Jacobson and Mattheus 194
Jacroux 307
Jacroux and Notz 163
Jacroux, Majumdar and Shah 133
Jaffe 339
john 252
Johnson, Moore and Ylvisaker 84 306
Joshi xvi
Jungnickel 115 127 140 141 167 171 173 339
Juxtaposition 4 224 323
Kageyama 17
Kantor 165
Karlin 323
Kempthorne 49 61 66
Kerdock 102
Kerdock code 102
Khuri and Cornell 163
Kiefer 163
Kiefer and Galil 163
Kimura 155 164
Kimura and Ohmori 164
Koehler and Owen 306
Kolesova, Lam and Thiel 193
Korchmaros 109
Kounias and Chadjipantelis 163
Kounias and Farmakis 163
Kounias and Petros 27
Kreher 138 337
Kreher and Radziszowski 138 337
Kreher and Stinson 138 337
Kronecker product 123
Kschischang and Pasupathy 105 106 323
Laihonen 84
Laihonen and Litsyn 84
Lam and Tonchev 109
Lam, Thiel and Swiercz 192
Large set 244
Latin square 168
Latin square, isolated 168
Latin square, normalized 193
Latin square, orthogonally isolated 168
Latin square, random 193
Latin square, reduced 193
Latin square, subsquare of 194
Latin squares, enumeration of 193
Latin squares, equivalent 169
Latin squares, inequivalent 193
Latin squares, mutually orthogonal 168
Latin squares, orthogonal 168
Latin squares, pairwise orthogonal 168
Lattice 335
Laywine and Mullen 167 173
Leon 165
Level combinations 3 248
Levenshtein 78 80
Lexicographic code 323
Lidl and Niederreiter 341 349 354 356
Lin 304
Lin and Stufken 307
Linear code 63 276
Linear F-square 181
Linear orthogonal array 40 54
Linear programming bound xi 32 73
Litsyn 339
Litsyn, Rains and Sloane 339
Lloyd 81
Lloyd polynomial 81
Location effects 298
Mackenzie and Seberry 74
MacNeish 171
MacWilliams 68
MacWilliams and Sloane xiii 27 33 43 69 70 74 76 80 81 83 84 87 223—225 228 229 305 308 323 339
MacWilliams transform 69
MacWilliams, Odlyzko, Sloane and Ward 99
MacWilliams, Sloane and Thompson 192
Main-effect 252
Main-effects 288
Main-effects model 288
Mallows 304
Mallows, Pless and Sloane 99
Mandeli 206 334
Mandeli, Lee and Federer 181
Mandl 305
Manufacturing vii
Martin and Stinson 245
Masuyama 127 130
Mathon and Rosa 339
Maurin 195
Maximin distance designs 84
McCarthy x 163 306
McCoy 341
McEliece 83
McEliece et al. bound 229
McEliece, Rodemich, Rumsey and Welch 80 229
McKay and Rogoyski 193
McKay, Beckman and Conover 306
MDS code see code MDS
Mead 247
Minimal aberration 306
Minimal distance 62 67 276
Minimal polynomial 93
Mitchell 163
Mixed orthogonal array 6 200
Mixed orthogonal main-effects plan 7
Model 249
Model sum of squares 262
Monic polynomial 345
Monroe and Pless 323
Montgomery 247 250 270 286 307
Mood 163
Morgan and Chakravarti 133
Morris 306
Moyssiadis and Kounias 163
Mukerjee 25 236 237 239 240 306
Mukerjee and Kageyama 17
Mukerjee and Wu 202
Mukhopadhyay 45 130 133 137
Muller 99
Mutually orthogonal Latin squares 168
Myers and Montgomery 247 302 303
Myers, Khuri and Vining 302
Nair xv 299
Nair and Pregibon 302
Namikawa, Fujii and Yamamoto 109
Nearly orthogonal array 338
Net 242 244
Newhart 99
Niederreiter 244 245
Noda 16 17 34 324
Noise factor 299
Nonlinear code 67 69
Nonlinear orthogonal array 67
Nonresidue 358
Nordstrom and Robinson 102 324
Normalized Hadamard matrix 147
Normalized Latin square 193
Numerical integration 244
Order of a Galois field 342
Ordered orthogonal array 244
Orthogonal array over ring 44
Orthogonal array, 2-level 27
Orthogonal array, assemblies of 2
Orthogonal array, binary complement 28
Orthogonal array, complement of 5
Orthogonal array, complementary 5
Orthogonal array, complete 16
Orthogonal array, completely resolvable 119
Orthogonal array, compound 230
Orthogonal array, constraints of 3
Orthogonal array, covering radius 84
Orthogonal array, cyclic 88
Orthogonal array, dimension of 40
Orthogonal array, dual 65
Orthogonal array, fixed-level 199
Orthogonal array, incomplete 195
Orthogonal array, index of 2
Orthogonal array, index unity 2 22 38 79 338
Orthogonal array, level combinations in 3
Orthogonal array, linear 40 54 244
Orthogonal array, maximal factors 11
Orthogonal array, maximin distance 84
Orthogonal array, minimal runs 11
Orthogonal array, mixed xii 184 200
Orthogonal array, nonlinear 67
Orthogonal array, ordered 244
Orthogonal array, parameters of 2
Orthogonal array, perpendicular 133
Orthogonal array, resolvable 119
Orthogonal array, runs of 2
Orthogonal array, saturated 303
Orthogonal array, schematic 245
Orthogonal array, simple 40
Orthogonal array, size of 2
Orthogonal array, strength of 2
Orthogonal array, symbols in 3
Orthogonal array, tight 16 204 303
Orthogonal array, Type I 132
Orthogonal array, Type II 132
Orthogonal array, zero-sum 12
Orthogonal arrays, equivalent 6
Orthogonal arrays, isomorphic 5 34 35
Orthogonal arrays, juxtaposition of 4 34 224 323
Orthogonal arrays, large set of 244
Orthogonal arrays, statistically equivalent 6 34
Orthogonal F-squares 174
Orthogonal Latin squares 168
Orthogonal main-effects plan 7 288
Orthogonal projection matrix 214
Orthogonal treatment contrasts 251
Orthogonally isolated 168
Ovoid 101
Owen x 306
Pairwise orthogonal F-squares xi 174 338
Pairwise orthogonal Latin squares xi 42 168 338
Paley 149
Paley construction 152
Parallel transversals 172
parameter design 299
Parity check matrix 64 65 276
Parker 171
Partially ordered set 335
Pearson xvi
Pearson and Hartley 254
Perpendicular array 133
Perpendicular difference array 133 143
Peterson and Weldon 108
Piepel 305
Piret 324
Plackett 289
Plackett and Burman xv 13 146
Plackett — Burman designs 146
Pless 324
Pless and Huffman 83
Plotkin 74 80
Plotkin bound 80
Pointed brackets 90
Polynomial ring 345
Polynomial, irreducible 347
Polynomial, minimal 356
Polynomial, monic 345
Polynomial, primitive 353
Polynomial, reciprocal 89
Preparata 102
Primitive element 46 348
Primitive irreducible polynomial 353
Primitive root 350