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Scheinerman E.R., Ullman D.H. — Fractional graph theory: a rational approach to the theory of graphs |
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Khan, B. xvii
Kierstead, H. 40 179
Kilakos, K. 87 97
Kneser graph 43 97
Kneser, M. 43 46 97
Ko, C 45
Kodama.Y 178
Koenig, D. xi 20
Kolen, A. 164
Kronecker product 136 145 149
Kuhn, H. 18 190
Lai, H. 126
Lai, H.-L. 126
Larsen, M. 75
Laskar.R. 18
Lattice 149
Leader, I. 76
Leighton, F 150
Lesniak.L. 180 190
Levin, G. xvii 76 178
Lexicographic product 49 54
Line graph 38 78
Linear extension 172
Linear order 172
Linear program xv 185
Linear relaxation 186
Link-edge path 131
links 131
List chromatic number 69
List chromatic number, fractional 69
List coloring 69
Littlewood, J. 151
Locally cobipartite 177
Loop (matroid) 105
Lovdsz, L. 16 18 39 46 56 57 66 71 97 190
lp 185
Lubell, D. 179
Majumdar, A. 18 178
Manvel.B. 151
Marriage theorem 38
Marshall, A. 151
Matching 9 19
Matching fractional 19 96
Matching number 9 19
Matching number, fractional 10 19
Matching polytope 80
Matching, perfect 24
Matching, perfect, fractional 30
Matroid 101 184
Matroid, cocycle 119
Matroid, cycle 102
Matroid, duality 119
Matroid, graphic 102 103
Matroid, partitioning 106
Matroid, partitioning, algorithm 107 110
Matroid, uniform 125
Matsko, M. xvii
Maximum average degree 101
McAndrew, M. 40
McEliece.R. 18 75
McKay, B. 150
Meet lattice 149
Meir. A. 178
Middle levels problem 33
Minimal overfull subgraph 89
Minimal overfull subgraph, small 90
Mohar.B. 178
Molloy, M. 87
Moon, J. 178
Motzkin, T. 66
Mowshowitz, A. 150
Multicommodity flow 36 39
Multigraph 184
Multirealizer 173
Multiset 184
Murty, U. 180 190
Mycielski construction 50
Mycielski, J. 49 50
Nash-Williams, C 100 126 151
Nearly acyclic 115
Neighborhood multiset 146
Neighborhood, closed 160
Neighborhood, open 160
Nelson, E. 59
Nesetfil.J. 71
Nonnegative matrix 133
Nonorientable genus 153
Nonorientable genus, fractional 153
Nowakowski, R. 179
NP-complete 71 78 86 150 188
O'Donnell, P. 75
Objective function 185
Octahedron, generalized 171
Olkin, I. 151
Opsut.R. 179
Orbit 16
Orientably simple graph 153
Orlitsky, A. 75
Orthonormal representation 57
Overfull subgraph 89
Overfull subgraph, minimal 89
Overfull subgraph, minimal, small 90 91
P6lya,G. 151
Packing 2
Packing number 2
Packing number, asymptotic 11
Packing number, closed neighborhood 160
Packing number, fractional 3
Packing number, t-fold 4
Packing t-fold 4
Palette 69
Palmer, E. 101 126
Papadimitriou, C. 190
Parallel elements (matroid) 105
Parameters, equitable partition 138
Partially order set, interval 174
Partially ordered set 172
Partition, equitable 137
| Partition, equitable, coarsest 138
Partitioning number 17
Payan, C. 126
Pemantle, R. 18
Perfect graph 43 72
Perfect graph, edge coloring 95
Perfect graph, matching 37
Perfect matching 24
Perfect matching, fractional 24 30
Permutation matrix 128
Perron — Frobenius theorem 133
Perron, O. 133 151
Petersen graph 38 43
Petersen's theorem 37
Petersen, J. xi. 29 32 37 38 43
Plummer, M. 39 97
Poset, interval 174
Positive matrix 133
Posner, E. 18 75
Product, cartesian 165
Product, disjunctive 52 56
Product, hypergraph 10
Product, Kronecker 136 145 149
Product, lexicographic 49 54
Product, strong direct 165
Product, tensor 57 149
Program, integer 185
Program, linear 185
Projective plane 153
Projective plane, finite 16
Propp, J. xvi 18 75
Pulleyblank, W. 36 39
r-graph 85
Rabinovitch, I. 179
Rado, R. 45 75 151
Ramana, M. xvi 150
Ramsey number 157
Ramsey number, fractional 157 176
Rank, hypergraph 184
Rank, matroid 103
Rank, matroid, dual 120
Rank, term 38
Realizer 172
Realizer, t-fold 173
Recski, A. 126
Reducible (matrix) 132
Reed, B. 87 97
refinement 137
Representation, intersection 167
Representation, orthonormal 57
Roberston, N. 178
Roberts, F 75
Roedl, V. 179
Rothschild, B. 157
Rubin, A. 76
Rucinski, A. 126
Ryan, J. 178
Saito, A. 39
Sakarovitch, M. 164
Sands, B 40
Savage, C 39
Scheinerman, E. 18 150 178 179
Schrijver, A. 71 180 190
Schwenk, A. 151
Scott, S. 75
Semi-bipartite 38
Semi-isomorphism 146
Separation problem 37 188
Set system 2 184
Set, fuzzy 184
Set, multi- 184
Seymour, P. 66 75 97 178
Shannon capacity 16 56
Shannon, C. 56 97
Shibata,Y 163
Simonovits, M. 18 75
Simplex algorithm 187
Simplicial complex 17 184
Simplicial vertex 168
Singer, K. xvii
Slater, P. 39
Soifer, A. 59
Spencer, J. 157
Sperner's theorem 175
Sperner, E. 175
Squires, B. xvii
Stahl, S. xvii 18 47 97 178
Steiglitz, K. 190
Stein, J. 18
Steinitz, E. xi
Szekeres, C. 178
Tannous, E. xvii
Taylor, H. 76
Thomas, R. 178
Thomassen, C. 178
Tinhofer.G. 150
Trenk, A. 179
Trotter, W. 40 175 179
Tucker, A.W. 18 190
Tucker, T 178
Tusa, Z. 76
Tutte, W. 24 25 37
Uhry, J.-P 39
Ullman,D. 18 75 150
Vince, A. 126
Vizing, V. xi 76 77 79 85 87 165
Voigt, M. 76
Wang, C. 179
Welsh, D. 126
West, D. 180 190
White, A. 178
Whitney, H. 126
Winkler.P. 39 175
Woodrow, R. 40
Younger, D. 178
Youngs, J. 178
Ziv, R. 18
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