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Spiegel R. — Psychopharmacology: an introduction |
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see carbon dioxide
DASB Plate 6.2
2-deoxyglucose 209 215
Absorption see ADME
Accommodation disorders 13
Acetophenazme 5
Acetylcholine (ACh) 37—38 54 110—111 126 255
Acetylcholine (ACh), breakdown of 53
Acetylcholine (ACh), deficiency hypothesis 53
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 126
Acne 17
Action potential 103
ADAS see Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale
Adderall 25
Addiction Severity Index (ASS) 204
Addiction, detoxification 40
ADHD see attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADME (absorption-distribution-metabolism-elimination) 6 105 156—159(157)
Adolept 5
Adrenaline 37—38 292
Adrenergic receptors 52
Adrenoreceptor antagonist Plate 6.1
Adumbrant 19
Adverse effects 2 7
Affective disorders 55 180 319—320
Agedal 11
Aggression 3 20 29 36 251 256 263
Aging, cognitive changes in 252—253
Agitation 10 20 25 41 169 232
Agitation, psychomotor 3
Agonists 108—109
Agonists, group II mGluR 117 125
Agonists, muscarinic 88—89 96
Agoraphobia 291
Agranulocytosis 17 51 307
Akathisia 8 14
Akinesia 8
Alcohol 1—2 10 22 35—36 60—61 162 291
Alcohol, effect on performance 60
Alcohol, ethanol 219
Alcohol, potentiation 20
Alcohol, psychotropic effects of 59
Alcohol, withdrawal from 19
Alcoholism, risk of 35—36
Aldomet 3
Allergies 38
Allometric scaling 185
Alogia 229 232
Alpha-methyl-par a-ptyrosine (AMPT) 115
Alpha-methyldopa 3
Alprazolam 19 188 294—295
Alraun 34
Alzheimer's disease 50 126 173 188—189 242 253—255
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) 203 254
Alzheimer's disease, and MRI 213
Alzheimer's disease, characteristics of 254
Alzheimer's disease, cholinergic hypothesis of 53 255
Alzheimer's disease, drugs to treat 53—56
Alzheimer's disease, markers for 163—164
Alzheimer's disease, non-cholinergic approaches to 256—259
Alzheimer's disease, risk factors for 254
Alzheimer's disease, treatment approaches 53—54
Alzheimer's disease, vitamin E therapy for 302
Ambient 19
Amenorrhea, caused by antipsychotics 7
Amino acids, in functional imaging 209
Amisulpride 176—177
Amisulpride, effects of 78—79 89
Amitriptyline 10—11
Amitriptyline and depression 126 234—235
Amitriptyline, action spectra of 12
Amitriptyline, effects of 79—82 (80) 95
Amitriptyline, efficacy of 13
Amitriptyline, studies/trials of 275 280—284 287 289
Amnesia 23 242—245 293
Amnesia, anterograde 244
Amnesia, partial 241
Amnesia, retrograde 244
Amoxapine 275
AMPA 117—118
Amphetamines 10
Amphetamines and ADHD 247—250 296—297
Amphetamines and depression 120
Amphetamines and psychoses 24 115 131
Amphetamines, brain metabolism and 217
Amphetamines, dextroamphetamine 25
Amphetamines, discovery/introduction of 36 46
Amphetamines, effects of 85—87 (86) 91
Amphetamines, performance criteria of 86
Amphetamines, side effects of 24
Amphetamines, studies/trials of 73 249
Amyline 11
Anafranil 11
Analeptics 2
Analgesics 1—2 3 28 38
Anemia, aplastic 17
Anesthetics 19 28 37—39
Anesthetics, drugs in 242—243
Anger 15
Anhedonia 133
Animal and human behavior, analogies and homologies of 129—130
Animal models for psychiatric indications 128—143
Animal models for psychiatric indications, principles of 129—130
Animal models, non-genetically-based 131—137
Animal models, using genetically altered subjects 137—143
Animal models, using genetically altered subjects, manipulation of genetic background 138—142
Animal models, using genetically altered subjects, selective breeding 137—138
Animal studies, ethical considerations of 130
Animal studies, individuality of subjects 130
Animal studies, manipulation of genetic background 138—142
Animal studies, manipulation of genetic background, possible limitations to 142—143
Animal studies, principles of 129—130
Animal studies, selective breeding for 137—138
Anorexia 14 25 256
Anorgasmia 8
Antagonists 108—109 118
Antagonists, administration of 54
Antagonists, AMPA receptor 117
Antagonists, corticotropin-releasing Factor-1 receptor 122
Antagonists, dopamine 109
Antagonists, kainate receptor 117
Antagonists, neurokinin receptor 121—122
Anti-inflammatory drugs 3 257—258
Anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal (NSAIDs) 257—258
Antianxiety drugs 241—246
Antianxiety drugs, anxiolytic drugs 245—246
Antianxiety drugs, cognitive changes in anxiety disorders 241—242
Antianxiety drugs, effects of benzodiazepines 242—245
Anticholinergic effects 46
Anticonvulsants 16 19 193
Antidementia drugs 2—3 25—26 53 55 94 96 149 252—259
Antidementia drugs and Alzheimer's disease 253—255
Antidementia drugs and Alzheimer's disease, non-cholinergic approaches to 256—259
Antidementia drugs on healthy subjects 91
Antidementia drugs, cholinergic agents 255—256
Antidementia drugs, cognitive changes of aging and dementia 252—253
Antidementia drugs, experiments on 87—89
Antidementia drugs, experiments on behavioral effects 88—89
Antidementia drugs, experiments on neurophysiology 89 96
Antidementia drugs, experiments on subjective effects 87—88
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants) 1—3 (2) 9—15 41—14 234—241 293—294 319—320
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants) and anxiety disorders 26
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants) and depression 18 275—291
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants) and schizophrenia 18
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants) on healthy subjects 76 80 90 94
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), action spectra of 12 73 149
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), activating 10
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), best known products 10—11
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), clinical actions and uses 9—10
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), cognitive changes in depression 234—235
| Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), differential therapeutic effects of 72
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), drive-neutral 10
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), effects of 95 235—240
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), effects of, described 42
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), effects of, lithium and mood stabilizers 240—241
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), efficacy of 10—14A3)
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), experiments on 79—82 263
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), experiments on behavioral effects 80—81
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), experiments on neurophysiology 81—82
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), experiments on subjective effects 79—80
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), maintenance therapy 277—278
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), mood stabilizers 278—279
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), negative aspects of 121
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), new 50 52—53 55 271—277
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), pharmacokinetics of 156 161
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), sedative 10 80—81
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), side effects of (13—14) 14—15 261
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), symptom improvement by 263
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), tetracyclic 13
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), the need for 127—128
Antidepressant drugs (antidepressants), tricyciic 13 53 83 133 162
Antiepileptic drugs (antiepileptics) 161 241
Antihistamines 2 22 37—38 41 118
Antihistamines, effects 46
Antihypertensives 2—3
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) 1—9 (2) 42 228—234
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and depression 18 26
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and schizophrenia 18 263—274
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and schizophrenia, discontinuation trials 267—269
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and schizophrenia, dosage and duration of treatment 264—269
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and schizophrenia, drug therapy and psychotherapy 269—274
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) and schizophrenia, proof of efficacy 263—264
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics) on healthy subjects 58 76 79 89—91 89—90 94
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), action spectra of 12 149
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), adverse effects of 7—8
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), atypical 6 50—52 128
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), atypical, no studies on 79
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), best-known products 4—5
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), brain metabolism and 217
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), clinical actions and uses 3—4
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), clinical actions and uses, three phases of 4
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), cognitive changes in schizophrenia 228—230
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), depot 267
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), differential therapeutic effects of 72
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), dopaminergic mechanism of 115
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), effects of 95 230—233
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), efficacy of 263—264
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), experiments on 76—79 91 263
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), experiments on behavioral effects 78
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), experiments on neurophysiology 79 90
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), experiments on subjective effects 76—78 (77)
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), new 55
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), pharmacokinetics of 156 161
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), product differences 6—7
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), sedatives 77
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), side effects of 7—8 261
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), the need for 127—128
Antipsychotic drugs (antipsychotics), typical 6
Antipyretics 3
Anxiety 2—3 17—21 36 186
Anxiety and stress 124
Anxiety as side effect 14 76
Anxiety in mania 15
Anxiety in psychoses 40
Anxiety, based on conditioned response 134
Anxiety, based on unconditioned response 134—137
Anxiety, disorders 23 26 53 128 166 227
Anxiety, disorders, cognitive changes in 241—242
Anxiety, disorders, medically induced 291
Anxiety, disorders, substance induced 291
Anxiety, dispellation of 10 34 52
Anxiety, levels 97
Anxiety, models of 134—137 143
Anxiety, scales for 199—200
Anxiety, syndromes 90
Anxiety, syndromes, alternatives to benzodiazepine 292—295
Anxiety, syndromes, indications for anxiolytics 291—292
Anxiety, syndromes, nomenclature of 291
Anxiety, syndromes, treatment of 291—296
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics) 2—3 17—23 44 245—246 276 294
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics) as antipsychotics 26
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics) as panaceas 20
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics) on healthy subjects 76 84 90—91 94 179
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), action spectra of 12
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), alternatives to benzodiazepine 292—295
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), antipanic effects of 187
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), best known products 18 (19)
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), clinical actions and uses 17—18
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), differential therapeutic effects of 72
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), effects of 92 95 242
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), experiments on 82—85 263
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), experiments on behavioral effects 83—85 136
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), experiments on neurophysiology 85
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), experiments on subjective effects 82—83
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), fields of application for 20
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), indications for 291—292
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), lack of 149
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), pharmacokinetics of 156 161
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), psychotherapy, or 18—20
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), side effects of 20 261
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), the need for 127—128
Anxiolytic drugs (anxiolytics), withdrawal problems of 21
Apathy 151
Apolipoprotein (APO ) 254
Apomorphine 115 131
Appetite, increased 14
Appetite, loss of 21
Appetite, suppressants 2
Aricept 26 53 255
Arousal, levels of 97
ASI see Addiction Severity Index
Aspartate 110
Assessment methods in drug experiments 61—76
Asthma 293
Astra AB 53
Astrocyies, and neurogenesis 101
Ataxia 17 20 23 45
Ativan 19
Atropa bellaihnna 34
Atropine 38 221 284
Attenade 25
Attention and concentration 58 65 185
Attention and concentration, controlled studies 193
Attention and concentration, tests of 66
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 2 24—25 87 180 196
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), amphetamine and 249—250
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cognitive abnormalities in 246—247
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), psychosiimulanis and 247—248
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), SDL and 250
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), treatment by psychostimulants 296—298
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), treatment by psychostimulants, drug therapy and psychotherapy 297—298
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), treatment by psychostimulants, long-term medication 296—297
Auger scintillation camera 209
Aurorix 11
Autism 263
Aventyl 11
Aversive stimulus 137
Avolition 151 229
Bacteria, penicillin-resistant 44
Barbiturates 18 22 38—39 73 157 161 294
Basel University Psychiatric Hospital 39
Bech — Rafelson Mania Scale 202
Beck Depression Inventory 198
Beck, A.T. 283
Beecham 53
BEHAVE-AD see Behavioural Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease
Behavior, human 227
Behavior, human, cognition 227
Behavior, human, cognition, types of 227
Behavior, human, emotionality 227
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