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Gray J. — Mastering Mathematica |
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Предметный указатель |
Functions, critical points of 485—495
functions, defining 173—178
Functions, definition using If 244
Functions, folding of 180
Functions, gradient of 487
Functions, named pure functions 176
Functions, nameless pure functions 177
Functions, nesting of 179
Functions, pure 173—178
Functions, representation of 175
Galois 19
gameDeal 603
Gaussian integer 9
Gaussian integer, prime 68
Gaussian rationals 10
gaussianCurvature 501
GCD 168 547
ge 399
generatedGroup 400
Geometric objects, circles and disks 314
Geometric objects, Line 310
Geometric objects, Point 310
Geometric objects, Polygon 310
Geometry`CriticalPoints` 486
Geometry`DifferentiableMappings` 471
Geometry`MappingGraphics` 477
Geometry`MinimalSurfaces` 496
Geometry`Rotations` 340
get 53 264
Global` 354
Glynn, Jerry 139
GoldenRatio 111 118
goodPrimes 384
grad 487
Grade school arithmetic 4
Grade school arithmetic, addition 4
Grade school arithmetic, division 5
Grade school arithmetic, exponentiation 6
Grade school arithmetic, multiplication 4
Grade school arithmetic, subtraction 4
gradientMapping 487
Graham, R.L. 279
Gram — Schmidt method 168 193
Gram — Schmidt method examples 367
Gram — Schmidt method optional arguments 365—370
Gram — Schmidt method, dependent vectors 235 574—575
GramSchmidt 367
Graph 428 435 465
Graph algorithms 457—464
Graph algorithms, degree Sequence 458
Graph algorithms, findHamiltonianCycle method 463
Graph algorithms, findlsomorphism method 459
Graph algorithms, isomorphism testing 457
Graph algorithms, maximumClique method 461
Graph algorithms, maximumlndependentSet method 462
Graph algorithms, minimumVertexCover 462
Graph theory 425—468
Graph theory, classes for 428
Graphics 20 309
Graphics constructions using polyhedra 344—347
Graphics constructions using Shapes 343
Graphics modifiers, CMYKColor 321
Graphics modifiers, GrayLevel 310
Graphics modifiers, Hue 317
Graphics modifiers, PointSize 310
Graphics modifiers, RGBColor 318
Graphics modifiers, Thickness 310
Graphics, 2-dimensional examples 330—335
Graphics, 3-dimensional objects in packages 339
Graphics, 3-dimensional primitives 336—339
Graphics, adding built-ins to objects 326
Graphics, adding primitives to built-ins 325
Graphics, animation 137
Graphics, arrays 327
Graphics, bar charts 333
Graphics, circles and disks 314
Graphics, CMYKColor 321—324
Graphics, color in 3-dimensional 347
Graphics, combining 3-dimensional 348
Graphics, combining built-in with primitives 325—327
Graphics, combining types of 127
Graphics, ContourPlot 22 128
Graphics, cube in a dodecahedron 346
Graphics, cube in an octahedron 346
Graphics, Cuboid 336
Graphics, DensityPlot 128
Graphics, display of objects 310
Graphics, geometric objects 309
Graphics, GraphicsArray 20
Graphics, Hue 317
Graphics, ListContourPlot 139
Graphics, ListDensityPlot 139
Graphics, ListPlot 124—127
Graphics, ListPlot3D 139
Graphics, modifiers 309 316
graphics, objects 310
Graphics, options 324
Graphics, ParametricPlot 28 127
Graphics, ParametricPlot3D 134
Graphics, Plot 19 117—123
Graphics, Plot3D 21 132
Graphics, PlotStyle 325
Graphics, PointParametricPlot3D 139
Graphics, PointSize versus AbsolutePointSize 317
Graphics, PostScript 316
Graphics, primitives 309—313
Graphics, programming 309—349
Graphics, Prolog and Epilog 325
Graphics, Raster and RasterArray 314
Graphics, rectangles 329
Graphics, RGBColor 318—321
Graphics, routings 3
Graphics, ShadowPlot3D 136
Graphics, Show 20
Graphics, SphericalPlot3D 136
Graphics, suppressing display of 123
Graphics, SurfaceOfRevolution 136
graphics, text 315
Graphics, three dimensional 132—135
Graphics, three-dimensional in packages 135
Graphics, two-dimensional 119—131
Graphics, two-dimensional in packages 130
Graphics, two-dimensional objects 313
Graphics, vibrating string 137
Graphics3D 54 336
GraphicsArray 21 328
Graphics`Colors` 310
Graphics`ImplicitPlot` 18 513
Graphics`Master` 54 131
Graphics`Polyhedra` 54 344
Graphics`Shapes` 55 339
GraphQ 436 465
GraphQ method 435
Graphs adjacency matrices 426 427
Graphs adjacencyMatrix method 436
Graphs as abstract objects 434
Graphs as classes 428
Graphs as relations 425
Graphs cartesian products 446
Graphs centerCircularImmersion method 437
Graphs circular-Immersion method 437
Graphs class hierarchy 426—445
Graphs complement method 451
Graphs cone method 452
Graphs coproducts 445
Graphs edge lists 426 427
Graphs edgeLists method 436
Graphs implementation 465
Graphs incidence matrix method 454
Graphs induced subgraph method 454
| Graphs line graph method 455
Graphs numberOfEdges method 436
Graphs numberOfVertices method 436
Graphs ordered pairs 426 427
Graphs orderedPairs method 436
Graphs randomlmmersion method 436
Graphs star 453
Graphs subclasses 427
Graphs subclasses, adjacents 429 430
Graphs subclasses, edges 429 431
Graphs subclasses, ordereds 429 433
Graphs subsubclasses, balanced graphs 439
Graphs subsubclasses, complete graphs 438
Graphs subsubclasses, cyclic graphs 442
Graphs subsubclasses, empty graphs 441
Graphs subsubclasses, loops 441
Graphs subsubclasses, partite graphs 442
Graphs tensor products 449
Graphs top class 435
Graphs wheel 453
Gravitational attraction 99 259
Gray, Theodore 139
GrayLevel 121 310 313
greater 193
GreaterEqual 147
GridLines 121 337
Groebner basis 80
GroebnerBasis 80
groups see “Permutation groups”
hamiltonianCycleQ 463
Harmonic motion 484
head 144
Heads1 245
Hearn, Anthony 195
HeatOfVaporization 56
Helix 343
Help menu 49
Help Pointer 49
Help, front end 49
Help, kernel 43
hessian 488 500
High school algebra 10
hilbert 39 524
Hilbert matrix 31
histogram 269 275 330
Histogram in C 266
Histogram in Mathematica 269
Histogram one-liner 273
Histogram plots 330—333
Histogram, C versus Mathematica 276
histogram1 275
histoGraphics 331
histoGraphics1 331
histoGraphicsCount 332
histoGraphicsFile 332
history 57
Hoffman, David 496
HoldAll 378
HoldForm 378
Hue 122 311 317
i 111
icosahedron 344
Identity 123
IdentityMatrix 32
if 243 390
Im 111
immutableAccount 297
immutablelnterestAccount 299
Imperative programming assignments 241
Imperative programming commands 239
Imperative programming composition 242
Imperative programming conditionals 243
Imperative programming examples 253—276
Imperative programming incompatibility 242
Imperative programming modules 251
Imperative programming states 239
Imperative programming, C versus Mathematica 271
Imperative programming, Do 248
Imperative programming, For 250
Imperative programming, If 243
Imperative programming, Switch 247
Imperative programming, Which 245
Imperative programming, While 249
Imperative programs from Oh! Pascal! 260
Imperative programs histogram in C 266
Imperative programs interest table in C 263
implicitplot 18 131
improper-Integrate 181
incidenceMatrix 455 465
Indefinite integral 24
Independent variable 27
inducedSubgraph 454 467
Infinity as levelspec 172
inheritance 292 297
Initial conditions 28
innerProduct 193 365
InOrder 278 614
inOrderCalc 616
Input form 48
Insert 153
inShuffle 278 613
InString 57
IntegerDigits 192
IntegerQ1 91 218
Integers 10
Integrate 24
Integration 24
Integration by substitution 515
intentionalEqualQ 472
Interaction, front end 48
Interaction, kernel 42
Interaction, packages 53
Interest table from file 264
Interest table functional versions 265
Interest table in C 263
Interest table in Mathematica 263
interestAccount 298
Interpolating functions 28
Interpolation formulas 19
Intersection 160
interval 160
intervalUnion 231
Inverse 32 399
Inverse functions 76
InverseLaplaceTransform 104
inversemap 472
isomorphismQ 457
iszero 391
Iterator 20 120 156
Jacobian 114 189 474 535 545 555
Join 153
Kantor, W.M. 279
Keiper, Jerry B. 70
Kernel 41
Kinds of Buttons 3
Kinds of Buttons, arithmetic operations 3
Kinds of Buttons, calculus routines 3
Kinds of Buttons, graphics routines 3
Kinds of Buttons, linear algebra 3
Kinds of Buttons, solutions of equations 3
Kinds of Buttons, special functions 3
kronecker 447
kSubsets 226
L 181
Lambda calculus 169 387—393
Lambda calculus call-by-value version 393
Lambda calculus Church numerals 391
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