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Majidimehr A.H. — Optimizing Unix for performance |
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%ufs_ipf parameter, tuning 159
4mm tape drives 52
8mm tape drives 52
Access pattern, data 288 289
AFS 222
AIM Suite IV benchmark 258
AIX Journalled File System 69
Alignment, data 287 288
Alpha 21164 270 271
Alpha, DEC CPUs 270 271
Amdahl’s Law 8
automounter 220—222
batch command 151
bdflush process 171
BDFLUSHR parameter 171
Benchmarks 239—261
Benchmarks, database 255—258
Benchmarks, database, TPC, usability of 257 258
Benchmarks, database, TPC-A 256
Benchmarks, database, TPC-B 257
Benchmarks, database, TPC-C 257
Benchmarks, Dhrystone 243 244
Benchmarks, Linpak 242 243
Benchmarks, proprietary 258 259
Benchmarks, proprietary, AIM suite VI 258—259
Benchmarks, SPEC CPU 245—250
Benchmarks, SPEC CPU, SPEC92 247 248
Benchmarks, SPEC CPU, SPECrate 248—250
Benchmarks, SPEC SDM 251 252
Benchmarks, SPEC SFS 252
Benchmarks, Whetstone 241 242
Benchmarks, xmark 253 254
Benchmarks, xstone 253 254
Biod process 208—209 218 219
Blocking algorithms 25
bridges 198 199
Bridges, smart 199
Bubble effect 9
Bufcache parameter 169
buffer cache 60—62
Buffer cache, changing cache flush parameters 171 172
Buffer cache, memory allocation 62
Buffer cache, metadata 168—170
Buffer cache, paged implementation 92 93 149
Buffer cache, paged implementation, limiting size of 149
Buffer cache, paged implementation, tuning 167 168
Buffer cache, sync system call 61
Buffer cache, tuning, SCO 170 171
Buffer cache, write policy 61
Bus mastering 37 38
Cachefs 218
Caches 13 14 33—36
Caches, direct mapped 34
Caches, disk drives 48 49
Caches, double-miss penalty 25
Caches, hit rate 13
Caches, levels 33
Caches, miss rate 13
Caches, proximity principle 13
Caches, set associative 35
Caches, skimming effect 33 34
Caches, write policies 35 36
Caching disk controller 43
CD-ROM 51 52
CDDI 188
Central processing unit see CPU
Chip technology 19—21
Chip technology, BiCMOS 20 21
Chip technology, BiPolar 21
Chip technology, channel length 19
Chip technology, CMOS 20 21
Chip technology, cost factors 26 27
Chip technology, GaAs 21
Chip technology, geometry 19
Chip technology, layers 20
Chip technology, wafers 26
Chip technology, yields 19
Clock interrupt 105
Console overhead, reducing usage 158
Context switches 105
Copy-on-write 72 73
CPU 16—27
CPU usage, lowering 153—159
CPU usage, lowering, changing priorities 154 155
CPU usage, lowering, suspending processes 154
CPU usage, lowering, tuning scheduler 155
CPU, bus interface 25
CPU, caches 13 14 33—36
CPU, CISC 16 17
CPU, clock multipliers 25
CPU, clock speed 17—19
CPU, efficiency 18
CPU, floating-point performance 23
CPU, integer performance 21 22
CPU, performance characteristics 21
CPU, pipeline 18
CPU, RISC 16 17
CPU, speculative execution 22
CPU, superscalar design 22
Crash utility 140
Data access pattern 288 289
Data alignment 287 288
DEC Advanced File System 69
df command 68
Dhrystone benchmark 243 244
Direct Memory Access 27
disk controllers 42—46
Disk controllers, caching 42 43
Disk controllers, dumb 43
Disk controllers, RAID 43—46
disk drives 46—51
Disk drives, access time 47
Disk drives, caching 48 49
Disk drives, data rate 48
Disk drives, performance metrics 46—48
Disk drives, rotational latency 47
Disk drives, RPM 46
Disk drives, sectors 46
Disk drives, seek time 47
Disk drives, Zone Bit Recording 48
Disk interfaces 49—51
Disk interfaces, Enhanced IDE 50
Disk interfaces, IDE 49 50
Disk interfaces, SCSI 50 51
Dispadmin command 78 79
Display variable, X Window 232 233
DMA 27
DRAM 27—29
DRAM, access time 28
DRAM, alternatives 29
DRAM, cycle time 28
DRAM, page mode 28
DRAM, refresh 28
DRAM, throughput 28 29
Dumpfs utility 173 174
Dynamic random access memory see DRAM
Dynamic shared libraries 290—292
EISA bus 40
Ethernet 186—188 189
Ethernet, 100-Mbit 188
Ethernet, collision detection 187
Ethernet, performance characteristics 187 188
Ethernet, switches 199
FDDI 188
File System 62—70
File system tuning 162—177
File system tuning, balancing drive usage 163 164
File system tuning, balancing drive usage, using RAID 164
File system tuning, balancing single drive systems 164 165
File system tuning, Fast File System 173—177
| File system tuning, Fast File System, optimizing fragment/block size 174
File system tuning, System V 172 173
File system tuning, tmpfs file system 166
File system tuning, upgrading 177
File system, block size 65 66 67
File system, BSD File System 67 69
File system, BSD File System, cylinder group 67
File system, BSD File System, fragments 67
File system, direct blocks 63
File system, directory structure 62
File system, in-memory inode table 63 64
File system, in-memory inode table, optimizing size of 158 159
File system, indirect blocks 63 64
File system, inode structure 62—64
File system, journalled 69 70
File system, maximum file size 64
File system, maximum size for cached file names 64
File system, Name lookup cache 64
File system, Name lookup cache, monitoring, SCO 129
File system, Name lookup cache, monitoring, Sun 105
File system, Name lookup cache, optimizing size of 158 159
File system, System V File System 65 66
Floating point, blocking algorithms 25
Floating point, definition 23
Floating point, impact of memory speed 24
Floating point, usage 23
Floating point, ways to speed up 23 24
Fsck program 67
Fsflush process 171
FTP 189
Functions, inlining 282 283 286 287
gprof command 278—281
Graphics subsystem 52—55
Graphics subsystem, operations 54
Graphics subsystem, RAMDAC 53
Graphics subsystem, refresh rate 53
Graphics subsystem, true color displays 53
Heisenberg principle 11
HP PA-RISC 16 22 267—269
HP PA-RISC, PA-8000 269
hubs 198 199
I/O Subsystem 36—38
I/O subsystem, bus mastering 37 38
I/O subsystem, DMA 37
I/O subsystem, expansion buses 38—42
I/O subsystem, polling 36 37
IBM Power CPUs 16 20 22 269 270
IBM Power CPUs, Power PC 60X 269 270
IDE disk interface 49 50
Inetd process 190
Inlining, functions 282 283 286 287
integrated circuits see chip technology
Intel CPUs 16 17 19 20 22 25 263 264
Intel CPUs, 486 CPU 19 20 25 26 33 263
Intel CPUs, P6 22 264
Intel CPUs, Pentium 17 22 263 264
Interrupts, measuring rate 104 105
Interrupts, reducing rate of 159
IOSTAT 97 108—110
Iostat, CPU usage 109
Iostat, disk statistics 109 110
Iostat, terminal activity 110
IP 179 180 184
IP, maximum queue size 184
Ipqmaxlen parameter 184
ISA bus 39
ISDN 189
Journalled file systems 69 70
Kernel 57 58
Kernel, removing modules 149
Kernel, size 58
Kernel, size, reducing 146 150
Kernel, tables 95
Kernel, tables, displaying usage 116 129
Kernel, tables, file 95 96 116
Kernel, tables, inode 95 96 116
Kernel, tables, lock 95 96
Kernel, tables, proc 95 96 116
Level 1 cache 33
Level 2 (L2) cache 33
Linpak benchmark 242 243
Load average see Uptime command
Local buses 40 41
Magneto optical drives 52
Maxbpg parameter 175 176
Maxcontig parameter 175 176
MAXUSERS parameter 148
megahertz 18 240 241
memory controller 27—31
Memory controller, peak throughput 30
Memory controller, proximo 1
Memory controller, speed specifications 29 30
Memory controller, venabulum 1
Memory Management 84—93
Memory management, demand loading 85—86
Memory management, page caching 87 88
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, desfree 88—90 152
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, GPSHI, parameter 91
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, GPSLO, parameter 91
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, lotsfree 88—90 152
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, maxpgio 88 89 152
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, maxslp 152 153
Memory management, paging and swapping thresholds, minfree 88—90
Memory management, pgthresh parameter 86
Memory management, SCO Unix 91
Memory management, shared memory 87
Memory management, swap allocation 92
Memory management, tuning 152 153
Memory management, zero-fill-on-demand 86 87
Memory shortfall 143—151
Memory shortfall, indentifying 143 144
Memory shortfall, reducing 145—151
Memory, total size 145
MicroChannel bus 39
Minfree parameter 68 175 176
mips 241 244
MMU see Virtual memory
Motif 228 235
MP see Multiprocessing
Mpstat command 116 117
Multiprocessing 93 94 116 117 160—162
Multiprocessing, adding CPUs, when 160
Multiprocessing, degree speed-up 160 162
Multiprocessing, mpstat command 116 117
Nautoup parameter 171
Nbuf parameter 169 170
netstat command 187 191—195
Netstat command, input and output packet rates 191 192
Netstat command, IP queue length, SGI 192
Netstat command, real-time monitoring 192 193
Netstat command, summary information 193 195
Netstat command, summary information, IP 193 194
Netstat command, summary information, TCP 194 195
Netstat command, summary information, UDP 194
Network tuning 197—200
newfs utility 175
NFS 179 203—223
NFS, biod processes 208
NFS, biod processes, tuning the number of 218 219
NFS, block size 205 206
NFS, block size, impact on performance 205 206
NFS, cachefs 218
NFS, caching 206—209
NFS, caching, attribute 207 208
NFS, caching, file contents 208 209
NFS, general architecture 203 204
NFS, general architecture, client side 210—212
NFS, general architecture, monitoring with nfsstat 210—214
NFS, general architecture, NFS operations 212
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