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Majidimehr A.H. — Optimizing Unix for performance
Majidimehr A.H. — Optimizing Unix for performance

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Название: Optimizing Unix for performance

Автор: Majidimehr A.H.


This is the most complete book available on performance optimization — featuring coverage of UNIX, networking (TCP/IP), hardware architecture, and program optimization — all in one volume. Covers performance basics; understanding UNIX; BSD instrumentation; System V instrumentation; system tuning; optimizing user programs written in high- level languages; and making accurate measurements. Explains in detail the output from each command — along with "real-life" rules of thumb on what value is "good" and what is not.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 305

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
NFS, general architecture, round-trip statistics      213 214
NFS, general architecture, server      213 214
NFS, mount parameters      204 207
NFS, mount parameters, acdrmin      207
NFS, mount parameters, acregmin      207
NFS, mount parameters, retrans      204
NFS, optimization      214—220
NFS, optimization, client      216—220
NFS, optimization, nfsd, tuning the number of      215
NFS, optimization, server      214—216
NFS, optimization, time-out value      220
NFS, RPC mechanism      203—205
NFS, RPC mechanism, performance characteristics      204 205
NFS, RPC mechanism, retrans parameter      204
NFS, segmenting the network      198 200
NFS, server architecture      210
NFS, version 3.0      223
NFS, write performance      209
nfsstat      210—214 219
No command, AIX      183
Optimizer, compiler      284 285
P6 CPU      264
page size      31
Paging      see Memory management
PATH variable      156—157
PCI bus      41
PCs, picking the best      264 265
Pentium      263 264
Percentage speed-up      9
Ping command      195 196
Pipeline      18
Pixel      52
Power PC 60X      269 270
Process creation      70 71
Process creation, exec system call      71
Process creation, fork system call      71
Process creation, vfork system call      71 72
Process scheduling      73—73—84
Process scheduling, AIX scheduler, schedtune utility      84 156
Process scheduling, AIX scheduler, setpri system call      84
Process scheduling, BSD scheduler      75
Process scheduling, gang scheduling      95
Process scheduling, idle loop      74
Process scheduling, priorities, system level      76
Process scheduling, priority      73 74
Process scheduling, priority migration      76
Process scheduling, run queue      73 74
Process scheduling, suspension      75
Process scheduling, SVR4, dispadmin command      78 79 156
Process scheduling, SVR4, general description      77
Process scheduling, SVR4, global priorities      77 78 83
Process scheduling, SVR4, MAXSLICE, SCO      156
Process scheduling, SVR4, nice parameter      81
Process scheduling, SVR4, priocntl interface      81—82
Process scheduling, SVR4, priority migration      80—81
Process scheduling, SVR4, real-time scheduler      77—85
Process scheduling, SVR4, switching classes      82—83
Process scheduling, SVR4, timesharing scheduler      78 79
Process scheduling, SVR4, timeslice      79 80
Process scheduling, SVR4, ts_maxupri parameter      82
Process termination      73
Process termination, defunct processes      73
Process termination, exit system call      73
Process timing mechanism      292—294
Processes      59 144
Processes, total memory usage      144
Prof command      276—278
Profiling programs      276—281
Profiling programs, gprof command      278—281
Profiling programs, languages, other      295
Profiling programs, limitations      293—294
Profiling programs, prof command      276—278
Proximity principle      13
Prtconf command      133
Ps command, BSD      97 110—114
Ps command, BSD, command name      113
Ps command, BSD, CPU utilization      111
Ps command, BSD, memory utilization      111 112
Ps command, BSD, process id      112
Ps command, BSD, process size      112
Ps command, BSD, process state      112
Ps command, BSD, sorting by memory usage      113 114
Ps command, BSD, total process size script      144
Ps command, DEC, BSD version      114—115
Ps command, DEC, System V version      132
Ps command, System V      130—132
Ps command, System V, CPU usage      130
Ps command, System V, priority      130 131
Ps command, System V, process size      130
Pstat commnad      97 116 167
Quick sort      283
RAID, controllers      43
RAID, levels      44
RAID, software based      46
RAM disk      172
RAMDAC      53
Raw partitions      70
Raw partitions, usage rate shown by sar      122
rcp utility      189
Register variables      289
repeaters      198
Response time      10
Response time, psychology of      11
rlogin utility      189—191
Rlogind process      190 191
Rotdelay parameter      176 177
routers      199 200
rsh utility      189
Run queue      73 74 128
Run queue, displaying size with sar      128
sar command      119—130
Sar command, buffer cache      121 122
Sar command, CPU utilization      121
Sar command, disk usage      123 124
Sar command, free memory      127
Sar command, free swap space      127 166 167
Sar command, kernel memory usage in Solaris      130
Sar command, name cache usage in SCO      129
Sar command, page in      125 126
Sar command, page out      124 125
Sar command, raw I/O      122
Sar command, run queue      128
Sar command, swap queue      128
Sar command, swapping      126 127
Sar command, syntax      119 120
Sar command, system calls      123
Sar command, table sizes      129
Sbmax parameter      183
SBUS      38 39
Scheduling      see Process scheduling
SCSI interface      50 51
SCSI interface, Fast and Wide SCSI      50
SCSI interface, Fast SCSI      49
SGI MIPS CPUs      16 20 22 33 271 272
SGI MIPS CPUs, R10000 CPUs      272
shared libraries      290—292
sleep      75
Sockets      180 181
Software disk striping      46
SPEC CPU benchmarks      245—250
SPEC SDM benchmark      251 252
SPEC SFS benchmark      252
spray command      196 197 216
SRAM      30 31
SRAM, access time      30
Statistics      12
Statistics, peak vs. smoothed      12
Streams facility      139—141
Structures, passing by pointers      290
Subnets      199 200
Sun SPARC      16 20 21 22 266 267
Superpipelining      22
Swap allocation      92 116
Swap allocation, considerations with tmpfs      166
Swap allocation, displaying usage      116
Swapping      see Memory management
switching hubs      199
symbolic links      68 69
system calls      59 60
System calls, exec      71 85 104 156—158
System calls, exec, reducing rate of      156—158
System calls, exit      73
System calls, fork      71 95 104 156—158
System calls, fsync      61
System calls, sync      61
System calls, usage rate shown by sar      123
System calls, vfork      71 72
System calls, wait      76
System configuration, prtconf command      133
TCP      179—181 185 186
TCP, acknowledgment scheme      185 186
TCP, flow control      185 186
telnet utility      189 191
Terminal support      135—141
Terminal support, cbreak mode      135 136
Terminal support, character buffering      137 138
Terminal support, character echoing      136 137
Terminal support, monitoring usage with sar      138 139
Terminal support, raw mode      135 136
Terminal support, serial port input      137
Terminal support, serial port output      137
Terminal support, streams facility      139—141
Terminal support, streams facility, instrumenting in SCO      140
Terminal support, streams facility, instrumenting in SunOS      141
threads      94 95
Throughput      10
Throughput, gang scheduling      95
Time command      274 275
Timex command      276
TLB      32 33
Tmpfs file system      166
top command      132
TPC benchmarks      255—258
Tunefs utility      175—177
Tune_t_flushr parameter      171
TURBOchannel bus      42
UDP      179—183
UDP, checksumming      182 183
UDP, receive buffering      183
Udp_cksum/udpcksum parameter      182
UltraSPARC      266 267
Update program      61
uptime command      97 115 116
Uptime command, load average      115 116
Vector instructions      24
VESA VL Bus      40
Virtual memory      31—33
Virtual memory, page size      31
Virtual memory, physical addressing      31
Virtual memory, real addressing      31
Virtual memory, TLB      32 33
Virtual memory, translation lookaside buffer      see TLB
Virtual memory, virtual addressing      31 32
VL Bus      40
VME bus      42
vmstat command      88 97—108 288
Vmstat command, attach rate      88 102
Vmstat command, context switches      105
Vmstat command, CPU statistics      99 100
Vmstat command, DEC version      106—108
Vmstat command, disk statistics      102 103
Vmstat command, hardware interrupts      104 105
Vmstat command, memory statistics      100
Vmstat command, name cache in SunOS      105
Vmstat command, paging and swapping      101
Vmstat command, process data      103 104
Vmstat command, reclaim rate      89 101
Vmstat command, system calls      104
Vmstat command, VRAM      53 54
w command      97
Wake up      75
Whetstone benchmark      241 242
window manager      227 228
Write buffers      36
X terminals      235—237
X Window      225—238
X Window, implementation under UNIX      226 227
X Window, optimization      231—235
X Window, optimization, display variable      232 233
X Window, optimization, xterm      233—235
X Window, performance charateristics      228—231
X Window, performance charateristics, communication protocol      228—230
X Window, performance charateristics, memory usage      230 231
X Window, performance charateristics, scheduler conflicts      230
X Window, toolkits      227 228
X Window, window manager      227 228
XDR      203
Xmark benchmark      253 254
Xstone benchmark      253 254
xterm      233—235
Xterm, MOTIF versions      235
Xterm, saved lines      233 235
ZBR      48
Zero wait state      30
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