Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Maple 8. Learning guide |
Предметный указатель |
Mapping onto sets 169
Mathematical functions 14—15
MathML 80 281
MATLAB 80 90—91
Matrices, evaluating 192
Matrices, transpose 272
Matrix 34 90
matrixplot 134
MatrixPolynomialAlgebra 80
MAX 222
maximize 95
Maximum length, floating-point approximations 11
Maximum length, integers 7
Maximum, of a set 9
Mean 92
Meijer G function 15
Member 24
Merging lists 173
Minimum, of a set 9
minus 24
MOD 14
mod, expanding 148
mod, factoring 152
modp 14
mods 14
Modulo arithmetic 9 14
msolve 58
mul 171
multiple assignments 20 91
Multiple curves in plots 107
Multiple expressions, applying commands to 36
Multiple plots 127
Multiple solutions 47
Multivariate polynomial 64
Names 18—19
Names with assumptions 58
names, assigning 17
Names, assumptions 69
Names, prepending 20
Names, protected 19
Names, valid and invalid 18
Naming expressions 17 51
Naming expressions, multiple 20
Natural logarithmic function 11 15
networks 80
NewtonQuotient 206
Newton’s Law of Cooling 247
nops 22 23 38 179
Norm of a polynomial 64
normal 35
normal, expanded 36 156
Notation, subscript 24
numapprox 80
Number of elements, determining 22 23
Number of operands, determining 38
Number of parts, determining 38
Number systems, other 13
Numbers, complex 13
Numbers, exact, analytic description 11
numbers, floating-point 11—13
numbers, imaginary 13
Numbers, irrational 10
numbers, random 93
Numbers, rational vs. floating-point 8—10
numer 38 178
Numerator, isolate 38
Numerators 178
Numerical ODEs 243
Numerical solutions 53
numtheory 80
Object, graphical 135
odeplot 244 258 259
ODEs 70 232
ODEs, dsolve 232
ODEs, initial conditions 233
ODEs, Laplace transform method 234
ODEs, numerical 243
ODEs, plotting 252
ODEs, series type 241
One-level evaluation 195
op 38 179 222
Operands of expressions 179
Operands of lists and sets 181
Operands, number of 38 179
Operands, selecting 179
Operations on sets and lists 24
operators, assignment 18
operators, concatenation 20
Operators, functional 18
Optimization, linear 94
Order 66 247
Order term 65
ordered lists 21
Ordering solution set 48
Ordinary differential equations 232
Ore_algebra 80
OrthogonalSeries 80
orthopoly 81
Output, suppressing 26
Package commands, accessing 76
Package names, 0re_algebra 80
Package names, algcurves 78
Package names, codegen 78
Package names, CodeGeneration 78
Package names, combinat 78
Package names, combstruct 78
Package names, context 78
Package names, CurveFitting 78
Package names, DEtools 79
Package names, diffalg 79
Package names, difforms 79
Package names, Domains 79
Package names, ExternalCalling 79
Package names, finance 79
Package names, Gausslnt 79
Package names, genfunc 79
Package names, geom3d 79
Package names, geometry 79
Package names, Groebner 79
Package names, group 79
Package names, inttrans 79
Package names, LibraryTools 79
Package names, liesymm 79
Package names, linalg 79
Package names, LinearAlgebra 80 88—90
Package names, LinearFunctionalSystems 80
Package names, ListTools 80
Package names, LREtools 80
Package names, Maplets 80 287—292
Package names, MathML 80
Package names, Matlab 80 90—91
Package names, MatrixPolynomialAlgebra 80
Package names, networks 80
Package names, numapprox 80
Package names, numtheory 80
Package names, OrthogonalSeries 80
Package names, orthopoly 81
Package names, padic 81
Package names, PDEtools 81
Package names, plots 81
Package names, plottools 81
Package names, PolynomialTools 81
Package names, powseries 81
Package names, process 81
Package names, RandomTools 81
Package names, RationalNormalForms 81
Package names, RealDomain 81
Package names, ScientificConstants 81
Package names, simplex 81 94—95
Package names, Slode 81
| Package names, Sockets 81
Package names, SolveTools 81
Package names, Spread 82
Package names, stats 82 91—94
Package names, StringTools 82
Package names, Student 82
Package names, Student[Calculus1] 82—88
Package names, SumTools 82
Package names, tensor 82
Package names, TypeTools 82
Package names, Units 82
Package names, VariationalCalculus 82
Package names, VectorCalculus 82
Package names, Worksheet 82
Package names, XMLTools 82
Packages 76
Packages, list of 78
Packages, loading 76
Packages, using commands from 76
padic 81
Parametric plots 2-D 99
Parametric plots 3-D 114
Parametric plots in polar coordinates 103
Parametric plots, cylinders 118
Parametric plots, spheres 116
Parametric solutions 44
Partial derivatives 214 228
Partial derivatives, limit definition of 229
Partial derivatives, mixed 230
Partial differential equations 261
Partial fractions 162
Pascal’s triangle 171
PDEplot 265—267
PDEs 261
PDEs, initial conditions 265
PDEs, plotting 265
PDEtools 81
PI 11
piecewise 104 260
Playing animations 121
plex 60
Plot, color 108 109
Plot, discont 105 107
Plot, labeldirections 125
Plot, labels 125
Plot, labelsfont 125
Plot, legend 126
Plot, linestyle 108
Plot, numpoints 111
Plot, scaling=constrained 99
Plot, style=line 110
Plot, symbol 110
Plot, symbolsize 110
Plot, title 124 189
Plot, titlefont 125
PLOT3D 112 114
Plot3D, Axes 126
plot3d, grid 118
plot3d, lightmodel 119 120
Plot3D, Shading 119
plot3d, style=hidden 113
plots 3-D default shading
plots, animate 121
plots, animate3d 123
Plots, annotations 124 129
plots, arrow 135
Plots, color functions 119
Plots, colors, specifying 109
Plots, cones 118
Plots, constrained vs. unconstrained scaling 100
plots, cylinderplot 117
Plots, density 132
Plots, displaying 127
Plots, gray-scale 120
Plots, legends 126
Plots, lighting schemes 119
Plots, line styles 108
Plots, modifying attributes 97
Plots, point styles, specifying 110
Plots, ranges of 113
Plots, refining 2-D 111
Plots, refining 3-D 118
Plots, rotating 112 137
Plots, setting scale 99
Plots, shading 119
Plots, shell 115
plots, sphereplot 115
Plots, spheres 115
Plots, spiral (3-D) 117 119
Plots, text 129
Plots, titles 124 189 203
Plots, translating 137
Plots, viewing coordinates 97
plotsetup 284
Plotting on logarithmic axes 131
Plotting on logarithmic axis 131
Plotting to files 284
Plotting, adaptive algorithm for 111
Plotting, animations 120 207
Plotting, circles 99 102
Plotting, conformal 132
Plotting, contours 132
Plotting, curves in 3-D space 133
Plotting, cylinders 117 118
Plotting, discontinuous functions 56 104
Plotting, explicit functions 97 112
Plotting, histograms 94
Plotting, implicit functions 130
Plotting, in separate windows 284
Plotting, inequalities 130
Plotting, infinite domains 98
Plotting, inline 284
Plotting, joining points 110
Plotting, lists of numbers 270
Plotting, Matrices 134
Plotting, multiple curves 107
Plotting, multiple plots 127
Plotting, objects 135
Plotting, ODEs 252
Plotting, parametric curves 99
Plotting, parametric surfaces 114 116
Plotting, PDEs 265
Plotting, points 109
Plotting, polar coordinates 101
Plotting, printing 284
Plotting, root loci 134
Plotting, series 189
Plotting, shaded surface 113
Plotting, singularities 105
Plotting, space curves 133
Plotting, specifying range 98
Plotting, spheres 116
Plotting, spherical coordinates 114
Plotting, spirals 103
Plotting, surfaces 112
Plotting, tangent 86
Plotting, tangent function 106
Plotting, three-dimensional 112
Plotting, topographical maps 132
Plotting, tubes 133
Plotting, vector fields 133
plottools 81 135
pointplot 109 110
Points, plotting 109
Polar coordinates 101
Polar coordinates and explicit functions 102
Polar coordinates and parametric functions 103
Polar coordinates, animations 122
Polar plots 101
polarplot 102
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