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Maple 8. Learning guide |
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Evaluation, forcing full 193
Evaluation, full 191
Evaluation, last-name 192
Evaluation, levels of 192
Evaluation, numerical 9 12
Evaluation, one-level 195
Exact arithmetic 8
Exact numbers, analytic description 11
Exact vs. approximate results 8—10
EXP 11
expand 148
expand, vs. simplify 34
Expanded normal form 36
Expanding, modulo m 148
Expanding, polynomials 33
Explicit functions, plotting 97
Exponential function 11 15
Exporting as Maple text 278
Exporting as plain text 278
Exporting, HTML 281
Exporting, HTML with MathML 281
Exporting, LATEX 279
Exporting, RTF 283
Exporting, XML 283
ExportMatrix 274
ExportVector 274
Expression sequences 19
Expression trees 181
Expressions, accessing subexpressions 39
Expressions, comma delimited 1see “Expression sequences”
Expressions, converting 34
Expressions, converting to functions 49
Expressions, expanding 16
Expressions, extracting subexpressions 39
Expressions, factoring 16
Expressions, identification of 179
Expressions, indeterminates of 184
Expressions, multiple assignments 20
Expressions, multiple, applying commands to 36
Expressions, naming 17 51
Expressions, naming multiple 20
Expressions, number of parts 38
Expressions, operands of 179
Expressions, querying contents 182
Expressions, solving, assumptions 44
Expressions, substituting 28
Expressions, types of 183
Expressions, unevaluated 15 197
Extending by continuity 228
ExternalCalling 79
Extracting 1-D array elements 26
Extracting 2-D array elements 27
Extracting, coefficients 62
Extracting, list items 24
Extracting, range of subexpressions 39
Extracting, set items 45
Extracting, subexpressions 39
Factor 152
factor, vs. solve 62
Factored normal form 35 155
Factorial 7
Factorial, integer 9
Factoring 62 150—153
Factoring, constants 40
Factoring, expressions 16
Factoring, fractions 33
Factoring, integers 8
Factoring, modulo p 152
Factoring, polynomials 33
feasible 95
fieldplot 133
Files, reading columns from 270
Files, reading commands from 272
files, reading data from 270
Files, writing columns to 273
finance 79
Finding, basis 89
Finding, limits 64
Finding, roots 43 53—55 57
Floating-point accuracy 11—12
Floating-point approximations 11—13
Floating-point approximations, maximum length 11
Floating-point arithmetic, forcing 12
Floating-point conversions 12
Floating-point errors 13
Floating-point numbers, default accuracy of 12
Floating-point numbers, vs. rational numbers 8—10
frac 164
Fractional part function 15
Fractions on common denominator 35 155
Fractions, denominator 38
Fractions, denominators of 178
Fractions, expanded normal form 36
Fractions, factored normal form 35
Fractions, factoring 33
Fractions, numerator 38
Fractions, numerators of 178
Fractions, partial 162
fsolve 53—56 217
fsolve, avoid 54
fsolve, complex 54
fsolve, limitations 54
fsolve, maxsols 54
fsolve, specifying range 55
Full evaluation 191
Functional operator 18
Functions from expressions 49
Functions, applying to sets 23
Functions, arguments of 19
Functions, assigning 18
Functions, Bessel 15
Functions, binomial 15
Functions, defining with unapply 49 71
Functions, denning 18
Functions, denning with arrow notation 52
Functions, Dirac delta 15
Functions, discontinuous, plotting 56
Functions, error 15
Functions, exponential 11 15
Functions, extending by continuity 228
Functions, fractional part 15
Functions, general mathematical 14—15
Functions, Heaviside step 15
Functions, hyperbolic trigonometric 15
Functions, hypergeometric 15
Functions, inverse trigonometric 15
Functions, Legendre’s elliptic integral 15
Functions, logarithmic base 10 15
Functions, Meijer G. 15
Functions, natural logarithmic 15
Functions, piece wise-defined 260
Functions, Riemann Zeta 15
Functions, round to the nearest integer 15
Functions, square root 15
Functions, trigonometric 15
Functions, truncate to the integer part 15
Gaussian integers 14
GaussInt 79
generating random numbers 93
Geometry 79
Getting Started Guide 3
Graphical objects 135
Graphics in separate windows 284
Graphics, devices 284
Graphics, inline 284
Graphics, printing 284
graphing 97
Graphing, three-dimensional 112
Greatest common divisor 64
Greatest common divisor of integers 8
| Groebner 79
Group 79
Guides 3
Has 182
hastype 183
Heat equation 263
Heaviside 235 257
Heaviside step function 15 257
Help pages, accessing 5
hemisphere 138
Hexidecimal numbers, converting to 13
Hint 84—86
Histograms 94 134
HP LaserJet 284
HTML 281
Hyperbolic trigonometric functions 15
Hypergeometric function 15
imaginary numbers 13
implicitplot 130
ImportMatrix 270
Impulse function 72
Indefinite integrals 67 225
Indeterminates 184
indets 184
inequal 130
Infinite domains, plotting 98
infolevel 154 165
Initial conditions 70 233 265
Inline plots 284
int 67
Int, limitations 68
Integer computations 7—8
Integers 7
Integers, arbitrary precision 7
Integers, calculations with 7
Integers, commands for 8
Integers, factorial 9
Integers, factoring 8
Integers, greatest common divisor 8
Integers, maximum length 7
Integers, modulo arithmetic 9
Integers, roots 9
Integers, solving for 57
Integers, square root function 9
Integrals 67 88 223
Integrals, constants of 226
Integrals, definite 68 225
Integrals, indefinite 67 225
Integrals, left Riemann sum 224
Integrals, Riemann 223
Integration maplet 287
interface, echo 273
interface, verboseproc 194
Interpolation, polynomial 64
intersect 23
Introductory Programming Guide 3 285 292
inttrans 79 238
Inverse trigonometric functions 15
invlaplace 239
Irrational numbers 10
IS 166 176
isolate 207
Isolate, left-hand side or right-hand side 38
isolve 57
Java runtime environment 289
Joining points in plots 110
joining strings 31
Kernel 76
Laplace 238
Laplace transforms 234 238
Laplace transforms, inverse 239
LATEX 276 279
LATeX, generating code 276
Least common multiple 64
Left-hand side 38 177
Legendre’s elliptic integral functions 15
Legends 126
Length 31 176
Length, floating-point approximations, maximum 11
Length, integers, maximum 7
Levels of evaluation 192
Lexicographical sorting 60
lhs 38 177
Library 76
LibraryTools 79
liesymm 79
Lighting schemes 119
lightmode 119
LIMIT 64 84 88
Limits 64 84 208
linalg 79
line styles 108 109
Linear algebra 88
Linear optimization 94
LinearAlgebra 80 88—90
LinearFunctionalSystems 80
List items, selecting 24
Lists, applying operations to 37
Lists, applying procedures to 46
Lists, converting to 190
lists, creating 21
Lists, definition 21
Lists, elements of 21
Lists, empty 24
Lists, mapping onto 36
Lists, merging 173
Lists, operands of 181
Lists, operations on 24—25
Lists, properties 21
Lists, selecting from 172
lists, sorting 174
Lists, unordered (sets) 22
ListTools 80
Local variables, evaluating 195
Logarithm, natural 11
Logarithmic function base 10 15
loglogplot 131
logplot 131
LREtools 80
Manuals 3
MAP 23 36 37 46 47 169
map2 170
Maple Advanced Programming Guide 3
Maple Animation Gallery 140
Maple Application Center 140
Maple Getting Started Guide 3
Maple Graphics Gallery 140
Maple Introductory Programming Guide 3 285 292
Maple Text 278
Maplets 3 80 287—292
Maplets, activating 290
Maplets, author 288
Maplets, closing 290
Maplets, ComboBox 291
Maplets, dialog 288
Maplets, Display command 289
Maplets, drop-down lists 291
Maplets, Elements 289
Maplets, input field 290
Maplets, integration example 287
Maplets, layout 288
Maplets, restarting 290
Maplets, shortcuts for 291
Maplets, terminating 290
Maplets, user 288
Maplets, window 288
Maplets, working with 290
Mapping onto expressions 182
Mapping onto lists 169
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