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Li M., Vitanyi P. — An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications
Li M., Vitanyi P. — An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications

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Название: An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications

Авторы: Li M., Vitanyi P.


Written by two experts in the field, this book is ideal for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers in computer science, mathematics, cognitive sciences, philosophy, artificial intelligence, statistics, and physics. It is self-contained in that it contains the basic requirements from mathematics and computer science. Included are also numerous problem sets, comments, source references, and hints to solutions of problems, as well as a great deal of new material not included in the first edition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Посвящена 110-летию со дня рождения Колмогорова Андрея Николаевича

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 637

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Complexity, worst-case space-      269 307
Complexity, worst-case time-      269 307
Computability theory      24—47 86
Computable majorants      463—468
Computational complexity      viii 36—40 488—502 517
Computational learning theory      vii 6 339—350
Concatenation      12
Context-free language      505
Convergence, apparent, of relative frequency      135
Convergence, recursive, of series      145 148 151 154 219
Convergence, regulator of      152
Cook, S.A.      518
Copolov, D.L.      376
counting method      390
Cover, T.M.      88 89 91 105 134 185 204 206 208 237 300 302 314 372 373 376 526 527 586
Crossing sequence      380 447
Csiszar, I.      117
Culik II, K.      416
Cutler, C.C.      586
CU[f(n), t(n), s{n)]      473
Cylinder      14 21 55 137 141 349
C[f(n), t(n), s(n)]      469
d(A): cardinality of set A      6
Daley, R.P.      149 153 154 176 472—474 516
de Bruijn, N.G.      455
de Fermat, P.      23 172
de Leeuw, K.      178
de Mere, Chevalier      23
Decision list      349—350
Decision tree      364—368
Degree of unsolvability      44
Dekker, J.C.E.      43 44
DeSantis, A.      373
Descriptional complexity      see “Complexity”
Dewdney, A.K.      46
DFA      see “Finite automaton”
Diagonalization method      34
Diaz, J.      86
Dietzfelbinger, M.      440 441
Dimension, Hausdorff      126
Dimension, topological      126
Dimension, Vapnik — Chervonenkis      349
Diophantine equation      172 173 224 238
Distance, max      539
Distance, picture      541
Distance, reversible      544
Distance, sum      546
Distribution, binomial      61 322
Distribution, Bose — Einstein      11 260
Distribution, computable universal      506—509
Distribution, conditional universal      255
Distribution, distribution-free learning      339—350
Distribution, Fermi — Dirac      11 260
Distribution, malign      509
Distribution, Maxwell — Boltzmann      11
Distribution, normal      362 364
Distribution, of description length      202 205 238 257 266
Distribution, simple      343
Distribution, uniform      21 68 76 129 131
Distribution, uniform continuous      23
Distribution, uniform discrete      23 262
Distribution, universal      6 253 246—280 307 319 523
Distribution, universal time-limited      506—509
Dix, T.I.      376
DNF formula      344
Doob, J.L.      298 313
Dowe, D.L.      376 377
Drexler, K.E.      587
Duns Scotus, John      62
Duris, P.      442 455
D’Ariano, G.M.      589
Edgoose, T.      376
Edmonds, J.E.      39
Effective enumeration      29
Ehrenfeucht, A.      349 374 420
Element distinctness problem      438
Elias, P.      56 82 88
Ensemble      65 564
entropy      65 67 75 78 80 149 180 181 184 187 190 191 231 522—528
Entropy, algorithmic      571 565—583 588
Entropy, Boltzmann      578
Entropy, classical      554
Entropy, coarse-grained algorithmic      572 573 578
Entropy, complexity      565 566
Entropy, conditional      69 231
Entropy, Gibbs      564 566 572
Entropy, joint      231
Entropy, n-cell algorithmic      571
Entropy, of English      105
Entropy, of Russian      88
Entropy, physical      588
Entropy, relation with complexity      522—528
Epicurus      315 317 319 323 372
Erdos, P.      87 390 392 394 453 454
Event      18
Event, certain      18 21
Event, impossible      18 21
Event, mutually independent      20
Event, probability of      18
Fano, R.M.      88
Feder, M.      377
Felker, J.H.      586
Feller, W.      10 11 22 23 63—65 86 308
Ferguson, T.S.      56
Fermi, E.      89 588
Feynman, R.P.      532
Fich, F.      447
Field      19
Field, Borel      20
Field, Borel extension      21
Field, probability      19
Fine, T.L.      87 90 135 372
Finetti, B. de      372
Finite automaton, deterministic (DFA)      317 385 431
Finite automaton, k-head DFA      430
Finite automaton, k-pass DFA      431
Finite automaton, nondeterministic (NFA)      385
Finite automaton, sweeping two-way DFA      431
Fisher, R.A.      369 370 377
Floyd, R.W.      412 454
Ford, J.      589
Fortnow, L.      117 456 485 499—501 517 518
Foulser, D.      420
Fractal      125 126
Fredkin gate      530 532
Fredkin, E.      586 587
Freeman, P.R.      375
Freivalds, R.V.      373 385 452
frequency      66
Frequency interpretation of probability      50 87
Frequency, a priori      268
Frequency, lower      267
Frequency, relative      50
Friedberg, R.A.      42 44
Fu, B.      495
Function, Ackermann      45 82 285
Function, additively optimal      see “Function universal”
Function, additively optimal partial recursive prefix      193
Function, Busy Beaver      45 123 178 301
Function, characteristic      7 32 33 339 495
Function, co-enumerable      35 303
Function, complexity-      196
Function, composition of      7
Function, computable      see “Function partial
Function, consistent      495
Function, convergence of      7
Function, decoding      13 71
Function, distribution      22
Function, divergence of      7
Function, encoding      71
Function, enumerable      35 35—36 86 108 240—242 308
Function, factorial      8 17
Function, generalized exponential      45
Function, honest      488 489
Function, inverse of      7
Function, many-to-one      7
Function, monotone      277 278 279
Function, noncomputable      see “Nonrecursive”
Function, nonrecursive      45 167 178 226
Function, one-to-one      7
Function, pairing      7
Function, parity      451
Function, partial      7
Function, partial recursive      29
Function, partial recursive prefix      192
Function, payoff      263 262—265 296
Function, predicate      29
Function, predictor      58
Function, primitive recursive      83
Function, probability      22 303
Function, probability density      22
Function, ranking      491
Function, real-valued enumerable      36
Function, real-valued recursive      36
Function, recursive      29 35—36 40 46 53 108 126 240—242 308
Function, recursive real      35
Function, regular      277
Function, semicomputable      see “Function enumerable”
Function, shape      126
Function, successor      29
Function, total      7
Function, total recursive      see “Function recursive”
Function, universal      95 96 97
Function, universal co-enumerable      241
Function, universal enumerable      241
Function, universal partial recursive      31
Fundamental inequality      356—359
Gabarro, J.      86
Gacs, P.      91 107 108 134 166 175 176 178 184 186 187 197 204 205 208 210 223 226 230 235 237 238 266 267 281 284 300 303 311 313 314 373 517 519 520 526 527 586—588
Gaifman, H.      157
Galil, Z.      430 439 442 455—457
Gallager, R.G.      82 88
Gallaire, H.      455
Gao, Q.      376
Garbage bits      530
Gardner, M.      218 238
Garey, M.R.      86
Gasarch, W.      175 176 452 453 486
Gavalda, R.      374 494
Gavoile, C      410 411
Gell-Mann, M.      587 589
Generalized Kolmogorov complexity      459—520
Genericity      92
Gereb-Graus, M.      431
Gibbs, J.W.      564
Gnedenko, B.V.      90
Godel number      30
Godel numbering      see “Numbering acceptable”
Godel, K.      3 33 34 89 168 170 187
Gold, E.M.      335 373
Goldbach's conjecture      218
Goldberg, A.      482 486 517
Goldstine, H.H.      382 452
Good, I.J.      372
Graham, R.      17
Gray, R.M.      91 134 314 526 527 586
Grossman, J.W.      45
Gurevitch, Yu.      519
H: entropy stochastic source      67
Hahn, E.L.      588
Halting probability      217 216—219 221 223 237 238 242 252 514
Halting problem      33 33—35 42 178 217
Hamiltonian equations      561
Hammer, D.      108 457
Hancock, T.      368
Hanson, N.R.      318
Hardy, G.H.      16
Harrison, M.A.      426 431 454
Hartle, J.B.      589
Hartmanis, J.      86 126 438 455 476 493 516 517
Hastad, J.      456
Haussler, D.      349 374
Heapsort      412—417 454
Heim, R.      135 313
Hellinger distance      303
Hemachandra, L.      486 487 517 519
Hemaspaandra, E.      494
Hennie, F.C.      452 455 460
Hermo, M.      519
Heyting, A.      156
Hiihne, M.      440
Hilbert's tenth problem      173
Hilbert, D.      45 172
Hoeffding, W.      56
Hoepman, J.H.      405 409 454
homer      93
Hopcroft, J.E.      454
Hume, D.      323
Hunter, L.      376
Hurewicz, W.      126
Huynh, D.T.      486 488
Hwang, K.      453
Ibarra, O.H.      430 431
Immune, biimmune      487
Immune, P/poly      487
Incompressibility method      379—457
Induction      315
Induction, in recursion theory      335—338
Inductive inference      315
Inductive inference, Gold paradigm      335 336 373
Inductive reasoning      vii 6 59 89 90 308 315—372
Inductive reasoning, using M      326—332
information      65
Information theory      48 65—84 88 179 180
Information theory, algorithmic      179—185 191 229—237 522—528
Information, algorithmic      179
Information, dispersal of      118
Information, Fisher      305
Information, in x about y      231 233 576
Information, mutual      70 236 267 580
Information, mutual using K      235
Information, symmetry of algorithmic      182 188 229 234 235 238
Instance complexity conjecture      496
Irreversible computation      528 529
Israeli, A.      456
Itai, A.      348 374
Itoh, S.      376
Jaffe, J.      420
Jagota, A.K.      310 520
Jakoby, A.      310 509 520
Jaynes, E.T.      370 377
Jiang, T.      368 374 395 420 431 443 454
Jockusch, C.G.      176
Johnson, D.S.      86 374
Johnson, Dr. Samuel      239 307
Jones, J.P.      224 225
Joseph, D.      500
Juedes, D.W.      518 520
Juergenson, H.      219
Jurka, J.      377
K(K(x)|x): complexity of the complexity function      227
K(x): prefix complexity      194
K: diagonal halting set      34
Kahn, J.      453
Kalyanasundaram, B.      396
Kamae, T.      58 174 204
Kanefsky, F.      376
Kannan, R.      439 456
Kanovich, M.I.      177
Karp, R.M.      486
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