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Ullman J.D. — Principles of database systems |
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-of- strategy 436 438 440
-completeness 93 241 264 267 315 348 387
-join 155
Absolute address 37
Acyclic Bachman diagram 347
Acyclic hypergraph 335—338 419
Acyclic polygraph 387—388
Address calculation search see “Interpolation search”
Adiba, M. 449
Aggregate function 175 181 186 195—196 203—204 360
Aho, A. V 39 93 172 210 241 264 266 293 315 347
Algebraic dependency 266(see also “Dependency”)
Algebraic manipulation 272—283
Allman, E. 172 210
Applications programmer 5
Arity 20 152
Armstrong’s axioms aee Axioms
Arnold, R. S. 210
Arora, A. 265
ASSIGNMENT 175 177 182 192—193 199—200
Associative law 276
Astrahan, M. M. 67 149 172 210 315
atom 156—157 162
Attribute 13 20
Atzeni, P. 348
Augmentation 218 245
Authorization table 359
Automatic insertion 115—116
Average 175
Avni, H 93
awk 210
Axioms 217—220 245—246 266
B-tree 58—65 68 88—89 150 285 391—392 407
Bachman diagram see “Acyclic Bachman diagram”
Bachman, C. W. 35
Backup copy 396—397
Bancilhon, F. 173
Bayer, R. 93 407
Beck, L, L 368
Beeri 241 247 264—267 347
Bentley, J. L. 93
Berman, R. 172 210
Bernstein, P. A. 241 264—265 267 347—348 387 407—408 449
Binary search 48
Binding 177
Biskup, J 265
Blank tuple variable 318
Blasgen, M. W. 172
Block 36—37 40
Block access 37
Bolour, A. 81 93
Bound variable 157—158
Boyce — Codd normal form 234—241
Boyce, R. F. 210
Bucket 40 55 80 131
Bucket directory 40
Burkhard, W. A. 93 190
Cadiou, J. — M. 210
CALC-key 104 109—110 131
candidate key 217
Cardenas, A, F 121 144
Carlson, C R 265 346
Cartesian product 19 152 177—178 181—182 268—269 273—277 289 300
Casanova, M. 267
Cascade, of functions 276
Casey, R. 265
Central node method 439—440
Ceri, S. 449
Chain mode 106
Chain query 420—424
Chaining, of blocks 54
Chamberlin, D. D 172 210 315
Chandra, A, K. 172 266 315
Chang, C. L 210 347
Chang, P. Y. 315
Chase 259—262
Chen, P. P. 35
Childs, D. L 172
Chin, F. Y 368
Chiu, D. W. 449
Choice (operator) 424—427
Closure, of a set of attributes 220—223
Closure, of a set of dependencies 220—221 223 232—233 248-249
Cluster 424
Clustering index 284—287
CODASYL 34 94 121
Codd, E. F. 151 172—174 210 264—265
Coffman, E. G. 408
Comer, D. 93
Committed transaction 397—398 403- 442—443
Common subexpression 273
Commutative law 275
Compacted tree 424
Complementation 152 245
Complete language 174 178—179 182 189 193—194 207-208
Complete set of inference rules 217 219—220 247
composition 162 182 187
Computational complexity see “Space complexity” “Time
Conceptual database 6
Conclusion row 254
Concurrency 4 369—410 431—450
Condition box 205
Conjunctive query 297—298
Connection graph 290—296
Connection, in hypergraph 336—338 346
Consistency constraint 4(see also “Dependency”)
Constraint 298(see also “Dependency”)
Constraint table 354—355
Containment, of tableaux 302—305
Cover, of a set of dependencies 223—224
Covering, of a key value 48
crash recovery 395—400 443—447
Culik, K. H. 93
Currency pointer 106—108 136
Current of record type 107
Current of run unit 107 109 114—115
Current of set type 107
Current parent 139—140
Cyclic hypergraph 332—338 418—419
Dag see “Directed acyclic graph”
dangling pointer 37 39
Dangling tuple 227 311 332
Data Definition Language 2 10 98—99 129 344—345
Data dependency 211(see also “Dependency”)
data independence 9
Data item 94(see also “Field”)
Data Manipulation Language see “Query language”
Data model 6—7 18(see Network Relational
Database 1
Database administrator 5
Database key 104 110
Database management system 1
Database manger 3
Database record 131
Database scheme 21
Database state see “Instance of
DaTaSyS 172
Date, C J 144
Dayal, U 265 449
DBMS see “Database management system
DBTG DDL 94—102 356
DBTG DML 108—120
DBTG set 95—100
DDL see “Data definition language”
De Jonge, W 210
| Deadlock 373—374 380 396 443—445
Decomposition rule 219 247
Decomposition, of relation schemes 225—234 237—243 251-252
Defined trigger 352—353
Degree see “Arity”
Delayed evaluation 177—178
DELETE 119 141—142
Deletion 42—43 51 55—56 61—62 65 74—75 115—116 118—120 133—134 141—142 184—185 192 204 415
Deletion anomaly 212
Deletion bit 39 41 133
Delobel 265—266
DelPOrco, P 210
Demers, A 266
DeMillo, R, A 367
DeMorgan’s laws 207
Denning, D E 367—368
Denning, P J 367 408
Dense index 65—68 150
Dependency see “Consistency constraint” “Data “Existence “Functional “Generalized “Join “Multivalued “Subset
Dependency basis 247—249
dictionary order see “Lexicographic order”
Difference 152 158 177 181 191—192 277
Direct mode 104
Directed acyclic graph 407
Dissection 292—296
Distinguished variable 298
Distributed database system 409—450
DL/I 136—142
DML see “Query language”
Dobkin, D. P. 367
DOM 159
Domain 206
Domain calculus 162—168 197
Domain variable 162
Douque, B. C M 35
Duplicate tuples 186—187 193 203
Duplication, of attributes 334—335
Duplication, of items 410
Ear, of a hypergraph 335
El Masri, R 35 173
Element, of a record format 70
Ellis, C. S. 407
Embedded dependency 255—256 260
Embedded multivalued dependency 252—253 255 266 345
Entity 12—13
entity-relationship diagram 17—18
Entity-relationship model 11—18 21—22 27—28 146
Epstein, R. 449
Equality-generating dependency 254 258—259 264
equijoin 155 182 300 477
Equivalence, of expressions 275(see also “Strong equivalence” “Weak
Equivalence, of schedules 376—377 385—387
Equivalence, of tableaux 306—307
Essential symbol 330
Eswaran, K. P. 407
Exclusive lock see “Write lock”
Existence constraint 115(see also “Dependency” “Inclusion
Existential quantifier 157—158
Expression 158 163 274—275
Extension see “Instance of
Extension, in ISBL 181
External storage 36—37
Fagin, R 247 264—267 346—347 367
Fernandez, E 367
Field 36
File Manager 3
File server 410
find 109—115
Finite relation 20 152 159—160
Finkel, R. A. 93
First normal form 235
Fischer, P C 267
Ford, J. 172 210
Forest 30
Formula 157—158 162
fourth normal form 250—252
Fragment, of a relation 410—416
Fredman, M. L. 93
Free variable 157—158 183
Friedman, J H 93
Full dependency 255 261
Full/empty bit 41 56
Functional dependency 211 213—248 253- 339 350
Furtado, A, L 173
Galil, Z. 266
Gallaire, H 172
Garbage collection 39
Garcia — Molina, H 439 449
Garey, M R. 93 241
Generalized dependency 253—262
get 108—109 136—140
Ginsburg, S. 265
Goodman, N. 266—267 347—348 408 449
Gotlieb 93 315
Gotlieb, L R. 93
Gouda, M G. 449
Graham reduction 3 5
Graham, M H 335 347
Granularity 370 408
Gray, J. N 407—408 449
Greenblatt, D 210
Griffiths, P P. 315 367(see P.
guard condition 413—414
Gudes, E 93
Gurevich, Y. 266
Hadzilacos, V. 407
Hagihara, K 266
Hall, P A V 315
Hammer, M. 35 210
Haq, M I 367
Harel, D 172
Hash function 40 43 46(see
Hashing 40—46 68 104 146—147
Heap 39—40 145—146
Heath, I. J. 264
Held, G 93 146 172 210
Hierarchical model 30—32 122—144
Ho, Y. — C. 449
Hoffman, L. J. 367
Honeyman, P. 265 346—348
Hopcroft, J. E. 39 93 241 293
Horizontal fragment 411
Horowitz, E. 93
Host language 11 106
Howard, J. H. 247 264—265
Hsiao, D. K. 367
Hull, R 265
Hunt, H 408
Hypergraph 290 332—338 418—419
Hypothesis row 254
IDMS 121
image size 285 426 429
Implicational dependency 266(see also “Dependency”)
IMS 67 128 144 350 356
Inclusion dependency 267(see also “Dependency” “Existence
Inconsistency 125 212(see
Independence, of operators 172
Independent components 265
INDEX 271—272 284(see “Isam” “Secondary “Sparse
Indexed sequential access method see “Isam”)
Inference, of dependencies 216 256 258—262 264 266 323(see
Inference, of inequalities 305—306
Infinite relation 152 260
Ingres 146—147 190 367
Insert 118 140—141
insertion 42 50—51 55 61 65 74—75 115—118 133—134 140—141 184 192 204 415
Insertion anomaly 212
Instance, of a database 8
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