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Ullman J.D. — Principles of database systems |
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Instantiation 292—296
Integrity 4 214 349—355 365—368
Intension see “Scheme”
Interpolation search 49
Intersection 153 177 181
Inverted file 76(see also “Secondary index”)
ISAM 46—58 147
ISBL 177—181
ISO 151 168—170
Itai, A 93
Item 370
Ito, M. 266
Jacobs, B E. 172
Jannsens, D 266
Johnson, D S 93 241 316
Join 24 155—156 213 268—272 275—276 289 296 302—303 424—426(see “Natural
Join dependency 253 264 322—324
Jones, A K. 367
Journal 397—400
Kam, J. 367
Kambayashi, Y. 35 266 347
Kameda, T. 265
Kaplan, R. S 346
Kasami, T. 266
Kedem, Z 392 407—408
Keller, A M. 347
Kent, W. 173 348
Kernighan, B W. 210
Kerr, D S 367
Kersehberg, L 35
Kersten, M„ L. 210
Key 13 38 40 46 74 79 145 204 206 216—217
Kim, W. 172 315
King, M 210
King, W. F 210
Kleitman, D. J 93
Klug, A. 35 172 315—316
Knuth, D E. 40 93
Korth, H. 318 346—347 408
Kossowski, P 368
Kreps, P 146 172 210
Kuhns, J, L. 172
Kung, H T. 408
Lacroix, M 173
Ladner, R. E. 348
Lai, M. — Y. 408
Lamport, L 449
Leftmost child/right sibling pointers 134—136
Legal schedule 372
Lehman, P, L 407
Lein, Y. E 265
Lewis, H R 266
Lewis, P M 449
Lewis, T G 93
Lexicographic order 46
Lien, Y. E 347 407
Linear query 360—365
Linear search 48
Ling, H. 93
Ling, T. W 265
Link 26 30 32 95(see
Lipsky, W. Jr 173
Lipton, R. J. 367
Liu, L 266
livelock 372
Location mode 103—105
Lochovsky, F. H 35 121 144
LOCK 370—395 432—439
Lock manager 370
LOG see “Journal”
Logical data independence 9
Logical implication see “Axioms” “Inference of
Logical record type 26
Logical relation 410
lookup 41—42 50 55 60 65 426
Lorie, R. A. 315 407—408
Lossless join 226—231 237—243 249—252 339
Lozano, T. 93
Lucchesi, C. L. 267
Lueker, G. S 93
Lum, V 93
Madnick, S E 367
Maier, D 173 265—266 346—347 449
Main file 47
Majority locking 434—436 440
Makowsky, J A. 266
Mandatory retention 115—116
Manual insertion 116
Many-many relationship 15 125
Many-one relationship 15(see also “Link”)
Mapping, in SQUARE 182—183(see also “Symbol mapping”)
Martin, J. 93
Matching, of a predicate and index 285—287
Maurer, W D. 93
MAX 175
Maximal object 338—344
McCracken, D. D 172
McCreight, E. M. 93
McLean, G. 449
McLeod, D. 35
Member, of a DBTG set 95
Menasce, D. A. 407 450
Mendelzon, A. 265—266 346—347
Menkanoff, M. A 265
Merlin, P. M. 315
Miller, W. F. 367
MIN 175
Minimization, of tableaux 303—305 307 309 326—328 333-334
Minker, J 172 315
Minmal cover 224
Minoura, T 449—450
Modification 42 50 55 61 65 119 141—142 185 204—205
Modify 119
Moore, R. 210
Morris, R. 93
Mresse, M. 367
Multilevel index 58—59
Multilist 102—104 149—150
Multirelation 449
Multiset 203(see also “Duplicate tuples”)
Multivalued dependency 243—254 256 264 323—324 339(see
Muntz, R. R. 407 450
Natural join 155—156 176—177 300 418—419
Natural language 210
Navigation 30
Negation 207—208
Network 26 126
Network (communication) 409—411
network model 25—30 94—121 126—128 147—148 168-170
Nicolas, J. — M. 266
Nijssen, G. M. 35
Nondistinguished variable 298 310
Nonprime attribute 235
Normal form see “Boyce — Codd normal form” “Fourth “Third
Null value 318 324—326
Object 319—321 345
Occurrence, of a record format 70
Offset 37
Old-new constraint 353—354
ON condition 351
one-to-one relationship 15
Operand 152
Optimistic concurrency control 396 400—405 439—443
Optimization 170 268—316 409—431
Oracle 172
Osborn, S L 265 267 347
Ottmann, Th 93
Owner, of a DBTG set 95
Ozsoyoglu, G 368
| Ozsoyoglu, M. Z 335 347 449
Palermo, F P 315
Papadimitriou, C. H 266—267 387 407—408 449
Paredaens, J. 173 266
Parent pointer 125
Parker, D. S. 348
Partial dependency 235
Partial match retrieval 78—85
Partitioned hash function 79—88
Pecherer, R M 315
Pelagatti, G 449
Perl, Y. 93
Physical block see “Block”
Physical data independence 9
Physical database 6
Physical organization 36—93 101—105 136 145—151
Physical protection 355
Physical relation 410
Pinkert, J R 347
Pinned record 39 42 54—58 66 68 76
Pirotte, A. 172—173
PL/I 181 190
POINTER 37 72 133—136
Pointer array mode 106
Polygraph 387
Popek, G. J. 407 450
Precedence graph 377
Predicate calculus see “Relational calculus”
Predicate lock 408
Preordei threads 134—136
preorder traversal 130
Preservation of dependencies 231—234 241—243
Price, T. G 315
Primary copy method 436—440
Primary copy token method 437—440
Primary key 217
Primary site 436
Prime attribute 235
PRODUCT see “Cartesian product”
Projection 152—153 158 176—177 182 273 276—279 296 300
Projection, of a set of dependencies 231
Protocol 375—376(see also “Tree protocol” “Two-phase “Warning
PRTV 177 181
Pseudotransitivity rule 219 247
Putzolo, F. 407—408
q 326
QBE see “Query-by — Example”
Quantifier 157(see also “Existential quantifier” “Universal
QUEL 190—197 274 288—296 318
Query interpretation 326—331 340—344
Query language 2 10—11 24 28—32 75 168—169 350—351 356-357(see “DL/I” “ISBL” “QUEL” “Query-by-Example” “SEQUEL” “SQUARE”)
Query optimization 331
Query-by — Example 175 197—209 256 351—355 357-359
Quotient 153—155
Range query 85—90
Read lock 381—391 432—439
Read set 385
Read time 402
Read token 436
Read-write synchronization 449
Record 36
Record format 36
Record type 94(see also “Logical record type”)
Redundancy 100—101 125 212—213 236(see
Reeve, C. L. 449
Reflexivity 218 245
Regular expression 70
Reis, D R 408
Reiss, S. P. 367
Relation 19—21
Relation scheme 20
Relational algebra 151—156 160—162 164—168 175-176
relational calculus 151 156—168 175—176
Relational model 19—25 30 145—267
Relational read/write file 181
Relationship 13—15
Remove 118
renaming 178
Rendezvous 210
REPLACE 141—142
Representative instance 347—348
Reserved space 71—72
Restart, of transactions 398—400 404 446—447
Right sibling 134
rights 355 357
Rissanen, J. 265—266
Rivest, R. L. 93
Roberts, C. S. 93
Rosenkrantz, D. J. 408 449
Rothnie, J. B. Jr. 93 387 407—408 449
Roussopoulos, N. 210
Rowe, L. A. 35
Rubinstein, P 172 210 367
Rustin, R. 35
Sacred node 346
Sadri, F. 265—266
Safe expression 159—162 164—167 191
Sagiv, Y. 258 265—266 315 346—348
Sahni, S. 93
Scheme 8
Schenk, K. L. 347
Schkolnick, M. 93 265 407
Schlorer, J. 367
Schmid, H. A. 173
Schmidt, J. W. 210
Schwartz, M. D. 367
Scioie, E. 173 266 346—347
search key 105
Second normal form 235
Secondary index 75—79 88—89 105 147 206
Security 3 355—368
Selection 24 153 158 176—177 181 182 207—208 272—273 276—279 296 300
Selinger, P. G. 449(see also “Griffiths P.
Semijoin 416—424
Semijoin program 417—418
Sequel 181 186—190
Serial operation 369
Serial schedule 374
Serializable schedule 374—395 400—402 432
Set difference see “Difference”
Set mode 106
Set occurrence 95 111—114
Set selection 115—117
Shared lock see “Read lock”
Shipman, D W 449
Shmueli, O 266 347
Sibley, E 35
Silberschatz, A 392 407—408
Simple edge 292—293
Simpson, J 172
Singular set 112—113
Skeen, D 450
Skeleton 197—198
Smith, D C P 173
Smith, J. M 173 315
Snyder, L. 93
SODA 210
Soisalon — Soininen, E 407
Sorenson, P 265
Sorting 46—47 65 193 271—272
Sound set of inference rules 217—220 247
Space complexity 66
Spadavecchio, V. N. 210
Sparse index 47 68(see
Square 181—186
Stanat, D. 93
State see “Instance of
Statistical database 349 359—369
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