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Swartz M.L., Yazdani M. — Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Foreign Language Learning
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Íàçâàíèå: Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Foreign Language Learning
Àâòîðû: Swartz M.L., Yazdani M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This volume presents the proceedings of an international workshop held for a multidisciplinary group of researchers involved in intelligent tutoring systems research for language learning. The papers include work on: - Computational bases, tools, and environments for delivering language instruction, - Theoretical frameworks for developing language-based architectures and computational grammars, - Pedagogical practice, learner characteristics, and learner performance data, - Methods for representing tutoring and student modelling knowledge in the tutoring system, - Existing systems for language learning. The approach to developing intelligent tutoring systems that integrates natural language processing in a multimedia environment is new. This book presents readers with the state of the art in the field in a single volume, with contributors from computer science, linguistics, and psychology.
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1991
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 347
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.12.2005
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Intelligent help (IHELP), task based 254—255
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) 85
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) for syntactic-semantic mappings 117
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), assumptions for 221
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), components of 293—296
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), discourse processing in 115
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), expert knowledge base in 115—117
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), foreign language instruction 221
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), foreign language instruction, implementation techniques 296
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), treatment of errors in 133—139
Interaction in instructional sequences 236 310 312
Interaction, communicative 9
Interaction, dialogue modes 183 205—206 214 244
Interaction, learner's 256
Interaction, linguistic 204
Interaction, natural language generation, requirements 214
Interaction, spatial 204
Interlanguage, errors 129
Interlanguage, learner's 32
Intuition, learner 27—32
Inverted dialogue 172—174
Inverted dialogue for model acquisition 176—177
Inverted dialogue, agents 179—180
Inverted dialogue, implementing 179—180
Invoking help at impasse 254
Invoking help by instructor 253
Invoking help by student 252—253
IPG parser 184
Knowledge acquisition shell, NOBILE 177—181
Knowledge base, design of 52—53
Knowledge base, tutoring 184 232 313—317
Knowledge representation for language 222—224
KRS concepts 184—187
Language acquisition, foreign (second), transfer in 41—45
Language acquisition, mental operations in 13
Language exercises, cloze 228—231
Language exercises, problem solving 28
Language exercises, reading comprehension 317
Language exercises, recall 229
Language exercises, text reconstruction 21—22 303
Language instruction (teaching) 25—26
Language instruction (teaching), communicative 223—224 322
Language instruction (teaching), contextualized 307—310
Language instruction (teaching), error-driven 48
Language instruction (teaching), research in 25
Language learner, as experimenter 11
Language learner, first 39
Language learner, planning behavior by 18—19
Language learner, self-repair 19
Language learning, automatization 44
Language learning, fossilization 47
Language learning, functional restructuring 46—47
Language learning, lexical 42—43
Language learning, principles 10—11
Language learning, psycholinguistics of 12
Language learning, strategies 309—310
Language learning, transfer 41—45
Language production, global planning in 20
Language production, local planning in 18
Language use 11
Language, apprenticeship 138
Language, coverage 290
Language, cues 40—41
Language, formal complexity 308
Language, learner 11 76
Language, modalities 309
Language, Turkish 275—283
Language, universals 41
Language, use 11
Learner control 251
Learner modeling 125—126 138—139 147—148
Learner modeling, techniques for 132—133
Learner models, buggy 132
Learner models, overlay 132
Learner strategies 129—131 309
Learner strategies, communication 131
Learner strategies, interference see "Transfer"
Learner strategies, lexical mapping 43
Learner strategies, overgeneralization 129—130
Learner strategies, production 131
Learner strategies, transfer 43 129—130
Learner's interactions 255—256
Learner's intuitions 27—28
Learner's misconceptions 30—32
Learning environment, alternative to tutoring 220
Learning environment, immersion 201
Learning environment, intelligent 251
Learning environment, learner control 251
Learning environment, performance 118—119
Learning environment, user-centered 246
Learning, explanation-based 151—152
Learning, exploratory 246
Learning, lexical 75
Learning, machine 155—156
Learning, syntactic 44—45
Learning, vocabulary 232
Lesson, contextualized 309—310
Lesson, description 26—27 28
Lexical database 89
Lexical gaps 96
Lexical knowledge model for 224
Lexical learning 75; see "Vocabulary learning"
Lexical mapping strategies, one-to-many 96
Lexical mapping strategies, one-to-one 43 95—97
Lexical mapping strategies, one-to-one mismatches 97
Lexical matrix 90—93
Lexical matrix, word form-synset mapping 93
Lexical semantics 78 90
Lexical taxonomies 97—98
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining 65
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, adjunction 66
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, derivation tree 67
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, English 79
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, French 70
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, substitution 66
Lexicalized grammar, tree adjoining, synchronous 66
Lexicology, bilingual 91—92
Lexicon in WIZDOM 298—301
Lexicon, bilingual 90
Lexicon, morphological 83
Lexicon, syntactic 83
LEXNET-INSITU, development of 224—228
LEXNET-INSITU, vocabulary knowledge base 225
LEXNET-INSITU, vocabulary tutoring in 225—228
Linguistic analysis 26 46
Linguistic coverage 231
Linguistic cues 39—41
Linguistic formalisms in TAG 73 85
Linguistic functions 40
Linguistic interaction 204
Lisp 207 294
Listening comprehension exercises 317
LR(1) parser in error diagnosis 196
Mal-rule 196
Mal-rule, generation 155
Mapping, lexical 43
Matrix, lexical 90—93
Meaning frame 278—283
Meaning frame, predicator slot 280
Meaning frame, tense 280—282
Meaning representation language (MRL) 112
Meaning, representation 238—240
Meaning, via lexical relations 78—79
Meaning-form relationship 238—2
Mental operations 13
Meta-bug in ET 160—162
Meta-bug, library 157
Misconceptions 30—32
Model acquisition process, confirming understanding 175
Model acquisition process, incremental construction and refinement 172
Model acquisition process, inspecting 175—176
Model acquisition process, inverted dialogues 174—176
Model of ideal student 174
Model of lexical knowledge 224
Model, architecture, student 156—158
Model, Competition 39—41
Model, connectionist network 41—42
Model, error 176—177
Model, expert 172
Model, hierarchy 181 187
Model, learner (student) 132
Model, modifying existing 176
Model, network 323—327
Model, overlay 132 182
Model, student 180—181 187 315
Model, tutor 219—220
Model, user 171—172
Modeling, backward model tracing 152—154
Modeling, conceptual learner 125—126 135 138—139 147—148
Modeling, student 151—152
Modeling, techniques 132—133
Morphological lexicon 83
Morphology, derivational 79
Multimedia 328 331—332
Naive grammar 52
Naive grammar, features in 61—62
Natural Laboratory methodology 172—173
Natural Laboratory methodology in SWIM 236
Natural Laboratory methodology, inverted dialogues in 172—174
Natural Laboratory methodology, student model refinement in 172
Natural language, analysis 294—295
Natural language, analysis, error lists 294
Natural language, analysis, functional 264
Natural language, analysis, notional 264
Natural language, analysis, semantic 111—115
Natural language, analysis, situational 264
Natural language, disambiguation techniques 300
Natural language, discrimination networks 300
Natural language, generation 213
Natural language, processing 312—313
Natural language, processing, ALLP 209—210
Natural language, processing, interaction styles 210
Natural language, processing, machine translation 263
Natural language, processing, parsing 263 265
Networks, associative 226
Networks, connectionist 41—42
Networks, disambiguation 300
Networks, lexical 325—327
Networks, propositional 224 226
Networks, semantic 78
Next-exercise selector 315—316
NOBILE, error model acquisition 177—181
NOBILE, inverted dialogues in 172—174
NOBILE, knowledge acquisition shell 177—179
NOBILE, models is 180—181
Object-based user model 171
Omission by ignorance 163—165
Omission by perturbation 163—165
Omission causes 162
Omission error analysis 155 162—165
Overlay model 132 182
Parsers in second language tutoring 321—323
Parsers, IPG 184
Parsers, LR(1) in error diagnosis 196
Parsing, semantic PREMO 265
Parsing, syntactic limitations of 321—323
Parsing, syntactic ULTRA 265
Parsing, TAG 85
Pathfinder 266
Pattern, rules in Turkish 284
Pattern, variables in Turkish 284
Pedagogical grammar 141—142
Phonology 41—42
Picture theory of truth 267—268
Pictures for language instruction 267—270
Pictures in vocabulary instruction 329—331
Pictures, belief structure 270
Planning in group work 18—20
predicates 70
Predicates, idioms and 70
Priming, picture-word 327—328
Principles, language learning 10—11
Principles, teaching (pedagogical) foreign language 221 232 308—309
Problem solving, exercise 28
Problem solving, strategy 14—15
Production processes 13
Production processes, discourse 105—108
PROLOG 63 159 296
Proposition, generation 106—107
Proposition, tree 133
Propositional analysis 322—323
Propositional meaning from semantic grammars 109
Psycholinguistic research 323
Psycholinguistic research, discourse processing 119
Psycholinguistic research, priming studies 324—325
Psycholinguistic research, word association 324
Psycholinguistic research, word recall 228—232 324
Psycholinguistics 12—13
Psychological activity 12—13
Questions, diagnostic 176
Questions, expert 176
Reading comprehension 317—319
Recall tasks 229—230
Representations, grammar 56—57
Representations, lexical 83 89 226
Representations, pictoral 269—270
Representations, semantic 327—328 333
Representations, sentence 245—246
Representations, spatial 210—211
Representations, syntactic 322
Research, language teaching 25
Research, psycholinguistic see "Psycholinguistic Research"
Research, second-language 110—111
Research, vocabulary 228—231
Rules, applicable see "Applicable rules"
Rules, conjugation 192—194
Rules, learners' 147
Rules, mal- 155 196
Rules, semantic grammar 116—117
Second Language learning see "Foreign language"
Semantic analysis 111—115
Semantic equivalents 79
Semantic grammar 109 115—117
Semantic grammar, representations for 116
Semantic grammar, rules for 116—117
Semantic grouping strategy 227—228
Semantic hierarchy 332
Semantic interpretation by conceptual graphs 114
Semantic network 78 98—100
Semantic parse trees 113—114
Semantic relations 93—95 325—326
Semantic relations, antonymy 94 227
Semantic relations, causation 98
Semantic relations, entailment 95 98—99
Semantic relations, hyponymy 94 227
Semantic relations, meronymy 94—95
Semantic relations, synonymy 94 227
Semantic relations, troponymy 95 99—100
Semantic representations 327—328 333
Semantics, lexical 78 90
Sentence, analysis in TAG 73—75
Sentence, construction in DRIP 288—290
Sentence, divergent 128 140
Sentence, generation 73—75
Sentence, tense 55
Sentence, transactions in DRIP 289
Simulation of student reasoning 154—158 166
Simulation, Hypotheses Discriminator 165
Spatial interaction 204
Static rules 124—125