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Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics
Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics

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Название: Mathematical Methods in Linguistics

Авторы: Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E.


Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics includes sections on lambda-abstraction and generalized quantifiers. Chapters on automata theory and formal languages contain a discussion of languages between context-free and context-sensitive and form the background for much current work in syntactic theory and computational linguistics. The many exercises not only reinforce basic skills but offer an entry to linguistic applications of mathematical concepts. For upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students in theoretical linguistics, computer-science students with interests in computational linguistics, logic programming and artificial intelligence, mathematicians and logicians with interests in linguistics and the semantics of natural language.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Филология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 663

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Real numbers, unique      69
Reconstruction of number systems, set-theoretic      75
Reconstruction, set-theoretic      79
Recoverability      556—558
Recursion      555
RECURSIVE      354
recursive clause      320 321
Recursive definition      181—186 188 194 196 234 236 270
Recursive function      513 514
Recursive language      532 533 563
Recursive rule      8 23 335
Recursive set      519 520 531 558
Recursively enumerable language      507 558 563
Recursively enumerable set      520 524 531 556 557 562
Recursively enumerated set      514 516
Reduction, set-theoretic      29
Reference      404
Reference, time      427
Reflexive      45 272 277
Reflexive clitic      351
Reflexive relation      41 43 44 46 47 48 85
Reflexive transitive closure      461 462
Reflexivity      39 42 43 52 208—210 212 213 279 282 305 391 392 394 440 459 460 492 511 578 579 581 588 614 615 621
Reflexivity, properties of      44
Reflexivity, symmetry, transivity and connectedness      39
Regular expression      466 485
Regular expression, grammar      451
Regular expression, language      455 464—466 477 478 480 492 499 503 533 547 562 563
Regular expression, polygons      70
Regularity      218
Reichenbach, H.      427
Rejection with 0 state      569
Rejection with 1 state      569
Relation      28—31 36 37 44 78 80 134 135 174 175 180 186 204—209 211—213 218 219 232 267 268 272 277—280 286 301 311 313 317 329 337 365 374 389 391—394 398 401 409 414 415 418 424 426 436 440—446 452 459 460 462 492 511 551 561 565 578 579 582 583 588 613—615 620
Relation and complement, inverse      52
Relation and function      27
Relation and partition, equivalence      45
Relation of integer      85
Relation of positive integers      43
Relation, abstract      28
Relation, anti-symmetric      41 44 47 48
Relation, asymmetric      40 42—44 47 49 85
Relation, binary      30 39 40 47
Relation, complement      44 29 33 36
Relation, connected      42 43 44
Relation, dense      51
Relation, diagram of      43
Relation, equal      76
Relation, equivalence      46 47 52 56 71 79
Relation, identity      35 39
Relation, inbansitive      41 42 44
Relation, inverse of      29
Relation, irreflexive      39 40 43 47 49 51 85
Relation, membership      4
Relation, n-place      30
Relation, non-reflexive      39 51
Relation, nonconnected      42 43
Relation, nonsymmettic      40 43 44
Relation, nontransitive      41 42 44
Relation, properties of      39 45 51 52
Relation, quaternary      30 36
Relation, reflexive      41 43 44 46 47—48 85
Relation, set-theoretic      29
Relation, subset      28 48 85
Relation, symmetric      43 44 46 47 85
Relation, ternary      30 36
Relation, transitive      41 43 46—49 85
Relative clause      355 357 373
Relative complement      15
replacement      218 219
Representation      334
Representation, ideal      288
Restriction      398
Reuland, E.      389
Reversal      434 435
Reversed members of pair      40
review exercises      85 245 311 573
Rewrite rules      94
Rewriting, string      95
Riemann, B.      90
Right identity element      251 252
Right increasing      398
Right inverse      252
Right linear grammar      451 474 492
Right linear language      562
Right linear tree structure      541
Right monotone decreasing      381 382 399
Right monotone increasing      381 382 384 385 400 620
Right zero      253
Rigid designator      419 421 426 429
Ritchie, R.      555—558
Roach, K.      548
Roberts, C.      vii
Rogers, H.      518
Rohrer, Ch.      425 427
Root      441 445 447 494
Rooth, M.      354
Ross, J.R.      71 361
Rosser, J.      350
Rozwadowski, K.      vii
Rule      318—320 322 324 325 328 329 331—333 335 344—346 352 353 356 357 359 362—366 367 474 476 493 536 575 576 629
Rule for Beth tableaux, construction      128
Rule of function application      551 553
Rule of Implication      224
Rule of inference      45 94 118 119 122 151 153 154 162 172 185 196 197 220 221 224—226 235 404 405 437
Rule of substitution      114 120 220 221 224 225
Rule, recursive      8 23
Rule, rewrite      94
Rule, well-formedness      94
Russell, B.      7 10 26 63 216 220 224 339
Russell, paradox      7 10 26 63
Salomaa, A.      536 542
Schema      114 187—193 225—227 235 354 488 617
Schieber, S.      504
Scott, D.      351 463
Second coordinate, projection onto      28 29
Second member      27 28
Second member, first and      44
Second member, nonidentical first and      42
Second, elements, first and      29
Self-dual determiner      384
Semantic automata      565
Semantic component      93 95
Semantic rule      319 346
Semantic tableaux      124 130
Semantic value      142 143 155
Semantics      89 101 104 115 125 138 140 142 144 148 200 231 241 250 254 281 297 306 308 309 317—321 323—327 329 332—335 338—348 351 353—359 361 362 364—368 370 373—375 377 379 380 383—385 387 390 395 399 401 403 404 406—410 412—415 419 422—429 504 550 551
Semantics, formal      95
Semantics, programming      8
Semantics, syntax and      94
Semi-Thue system      191—193 236 596
Semigroup      263—265 274 275 606
Semilattice      280 283—286 295 609
Sense      404 405 407 415
Sensitive, context      449—451
Sentence      104 142 295
Sentence, atomic      100
Sentence, constituent      102
Sentence, declarative      95 100 102
Sentence, set of      67 68 70
Sentential conjunction      103
Sentential connective      95 97 100 102 103 145
Sentential negation      101
Sentential tree      546
Separation      219
Sequence, infinite      69
Sequence, linear      62 64
Set      3 5 19 23 52 57 85 134 142 143 170—174 176 181—185 189 198 205 206 209 211 213 219 227 228 230 232 235 237 249 251 258 262 265 266 273 275 281 288 295 301 302 306 307 308 311 324 325 333 335 338 339 340 342 343 376 377 379 385—388 390 391 396—399 415 417 422—425 433 435 440 442—444 455—458 463 466 474 477 487 491 492 510 514 516 519 520 524 526 529 531 535 536 553 556—558 578 580 582 596 597 603—605 607 611 620 622
Set and cardinality, equivalent      55
Set of all integers, extension to the      78
Set of all rational numbers, extension to the      80
Set of all real numbers, extension to the      82
Set of axioms      92
Set of cardinality      82
Set of elements      203
Set of entities      375
Set of integers      31 32 267
Set of languages      68
Set of n-tuples      62
Set of ordered n-tuples      36
Set of ordered pairs      30 31
Set of positive and negative integers      51
Set of positive integers      55 56
Set of primitives, non-empty      92
Set of real numbers      66
Set of rules      437
Set of sentences      67 68 70 295
Set of sets      12
Set of statements      245 307
Set of strings      186 214 438 464 481 484
Set of transition rules      483
Set theory      3 6—8 30 80 82 85 93 148 171 208 212 217—219 251 254 255 274 277 279 280 295 299 300 302 348 381 383 384 388 392 400 434 477 606
Set theory and logic      v vi
Set theory, axiomatization of      8
Set theory, basic concepts of      3
Set theory, concepts of      45
Set theory, laws of      45
Set, arbitrary      12 13 14
Set, Cantor's theory      7
Set, class of finite      59
Set, complement of      16
Set, countably infinite      59
Set, denumerability of      58
Set, denumerable      59
Set, denumerably infinite      59 60
Set, disjoint      73
Set, distinct      9
Set, empty (null)      4 9 75
Set, equal      55
Set, equivalent      56 57 62
Set, finite      6 9 56 58 70 86
Set, finite, linearly ordered      51
Set, fuzzy      6
Set, infinite      6 8 9 55—60 65 70 86
Set, member of      5 7 8 10—12 15 21 24 25 27 30 32 36 43 52 53 56 58—60 62 63 66 69 70 75 76 155
Set, non-empty      46
Set, nondenumerable      62 64 69
Set, nondenumerably infinite      69 86
Set, null (empty)      4 10 19 21 123
Set, ordered pairs of      30
Set, ordinary      27
Set, partially ordered      51
Set, power      11 62—65
Set, product      498
Set, properties of      7
Set, specification of      4
Set, subset of      10
Set, uncountable      69
Set, universal      19 21
Set, unordered      28
Set, well-ordered      51
Set-theoretic complement      17
Set-theoretic concept      55
Set-theoretic construction      79
Set-theoretic difference      15 16
Set-theoretic equality      17 18 25 26
Set-theoretic expression      21
Set-theoretic identity      9
Set-theoretic identity and cardinality      8
set-theoretic intersection      14
Set-theoretic notation      4
Set-theoretic operation      12
Set-theoretic paradox      8
Set-theoretic reconstruction      79
Set-theoretic reconstruction of number systems      75
Set-theoretic reduction      29
Set-theoretic relation      29
set-theoretic union      12 13
Set-theoretic universe      17
Sextuple      491
Shamir, E.      552
Sheffer stroke      240
Sikorski, R.      306
Simple decreasing      389
Simple increasing      389
simplification      118 121 127 156 159 161 162 172—174 183 184 362 586 587 592 595 599 600—603
Single root condition      441 443
Single-value      31
Single-value mapping      32
Singleton      4 12 27
Sister      441 442 444
Situation      458—460 462
Skolem, function      23 232
Skolem, normal form      229 232 233 237
Solutions      575
Soundness Theorem      308
Specification of set      4
Square of opposition      566
STACK      487 489 490 536 542 571 572
Stack, alphabet      487 491
Stack, automata      541
Stack, symbol      491
Standard model      91
Standard notation      135 136
Standard Theory      vi 555 557
Star      464—466 471 477 547
Star, Kleene      469 498 533
State      306 307 453 454—459 461 463 466 469 471 472 474—477 479 485 487—489 492 507—510 512 517 520 521 529 567—569 572 573 625
State, diagram      457 461 476 479 482 484
State, transition      478
Statement      106 107 110 111 113 115 117 119 120 122 123—132 137—140 142—145 147—150 154 155 157 159 161 162 164—166 168 170 171 176 180 182 183 185 191 206 207 216 219—221 223 227 239 241 242 245 250 252 254 270 283 300 301 306 307 319 322 323 327 335 350 359 364 367 368 392 403—405 407 408 413 414 418 420—422 425 428 429 444 489 519 520 588 596 617
Statement calculus      95 137 234 235
Statement logic      99 100 102 118 119 130 190 199 219 220 223 226 229 319—322
Statement logic and predicate logic      95
Statement logic, laws of      112
Statement syntactic component      101
Statement, atomic      99 100
Statistics, probability and      vi
Status, membership      6
Steedman, M.      553
STEP      510 511
Stokhof, M.      358
Stone, M.F.      301 303
Stone, representation      301 303
Strict linear order      211
Strict order      47—49 51
Strict partial order      209 210 443 444
Strict total order      444
String      181—183 186—192 200 214 215 234 311 312 433—438 447—449 451 453—455 457—460 462—469 471—473 476—481 483—485 488 489 491—494 496—498 500—502 506 507 509—514 517 519 521 523—525 527 530—536 538 545 546 548 549 551—553 556 558 573 574 583 596 612 613 622 626 629
String, concatenation      213
String, empty      58
String, finite      66 71 86
String, rewriting      95
String, unique      58
Stroke      240
strong      387 388 394
Strong connectedness      391 392
Strong conservativity      377
Strong order      47
Structure      322
Structure, algebraic      v
Structure, continuous      v
Structure, syntactic      101
Subalgebra      301
Subformula      113 114 329
Subgroup      263—265 274 311 313 605 606
Sublattice      280 283 284 287 292 302
Submonoid      265
Subposet      284
Subscript      99 138
1 2 3 4 5 6
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