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Shafer G., Vovk V. — Probability and finance |
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-algebra 40
Accumulated variance 153
Adapted 169
Algebra of sets 40 291
Almost sure price 344
Almost surely game-theoretic meaning 17 61 82 90
Almost surely in probability protocol 187
Almost surely measure-theoretic meaning 61
American option 217 317
Anderson, Oskar 1887—1960
Anderson, Oskar Cournot's bridge 44
Anderson, Robert M. (born 1951) measure on internal functions 291
Approximation theorem 139
Arbitrage portfolio 355
Arbitrage-free 233
At-the-money 264
Axiom of Dependent Choice 98
Axiom of determinacy 97
Bachelier, Louis 1870—1946
Bachelier, Louis behavior of stock-market prices 203
Bachelier, Louis central limit theorem 242
Bachelier, Louis continuous-time protocol 278
Bachelier, Louis continuous-time protocol with jumps 310
Bachelier, Louis discrete-time protocol 240
Bachelier, Louis dynamic hedging 60
Banach space 118
Bankruptcy 218
Basic payoff 110
Bernard, Claude (1813—1878) determinism 35
Bernoulli, Jacob 1654—1705
Bernoulli, Jacob Ars Conjectandi 32
Bernoulli, Jacob, Bernoulli's theorem 33—34 38 124
Bernoulli, Jacob, coin tossing 164
Bernoulli, Jacob, photograph 124
Bernoulli, Jacob, practical certainty 44 60
Bernoulli, Jacob, used Fermat's and Pascal's methods 32
Bernoulli, Nicholas (1687—1759) used Fermat's and Pascal's methods 32
Bernstein, Sergei (1880—1968) dependent variables 54
Bernstein, Sergei (1880—1968) revival of probability 35
Bertoin, Jean (born 1961) Ito's lemma 349
Bertrand, Joseph (1822—1900) gambling systems 49 55
Bick, Avi (born 1947) dynamic hedging without probabilities 281 349
Bid-ask spread 188
Binary possibility 24 63
Binomial distribution 165
Binomial tree 24
Black — Scholes equation 221 224
Black — Scholes formula continuous-time 279
Black — Scholes formula diffusion 344—345
Black — Scholes formula discrete-time 249
Black — Scholes formula game-theoretic 224
Black — Scholes formula publication 215
Black — Scholes formula square 300
Black — Scholes formula stochastic 221
Black — Scholes formula with constrained variation 249
Black — Scholes formula with informal constraints 223
Black — Scholes formula with interest 294
Black — Scholes model 25
Black — Scholes protocol basic 217
Black, Fischer (1938—1995) photograph 216
Black, Fischer (1938—1995), Black — Scholes formula 215
Blackwell game 97
Bodie, Zvi (born 1943) insuring long-run stock returns 371
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844—1906) statistical physics 35
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), Borel -algebra 41
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), Borel set 41
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), Borel — Cantelli — Levy lemma 88
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), continuous probability 37
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), discussion with Reichenbach 57
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), measure theory 36
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), photograph 37
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), quasi-Borel set 96
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), resistance to Kolmogorov's framework 42
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), revival of probability 35
Borel, Emile (1871—1956), strong law 38 118
Boundary 136
Bounded forecasting 70
Bounded forecasting, bounded-variance 161
Bounded forecasting, constant-variance 159
Bounded forecasting, finite-horizon 125 141
Bounded forecasting, fixed-variance 160
Bounded forecasting, zero forecasts 65
Bounded variation 274
Bounding capital process 82
Bounding strategy 82
Box dimension 211
Boyle, Phelim P. (born 1941) discrete hedging 258
Brier, Glenn W. (1913-circa 1999) weather forecasting 57
Britten-Jones, Mark remaining variance 349
Brownian motion 205
Brownian motion definition 206
Brownian motion fractional 212 290
Brownian motion geometric 25 207
Calibration 162
Calvet, Laurent observed variation spectra 253
Can buy and can sell 12
Can force 65 187
Cantelli, Francesco (1875—1972) Borel — Cantelli — Levy lemma 88
Cantelli, Francesco (1875—1972) revival of probability 35
Capital process 150
Capital process bounding 82
Caratheodory, Constantin(1873—1950) extension theorem 195 291
Caratheodory, Constantin(1873—1950) Menger's seminar 197
Cauchy, Augustin Louis (1789—1857) stable laws 311
Central limit theorem Bachelier's 242
Central limit theorem De Moivre's 33 127
Central limit theorem dependent variables 54
Central limit theorem history 164
Central limit theorem Laplace's 34
Central limit theorem Lindeberg's 153
Central limit theorem Lyapunov's 162
Central limit theorem name coined by Polya 165
Central limit theorem one-sided 133
Central limit theorem one-sided for securities market 365
Certainty 32
Chance 34
Characteristic function 311
Chebyshev, Pafnutii L. (1821—1894) central limit theorem 165
Chebyshev, Pafnutii L. (1821—1894) revival of probability 35
Chicago Board Options Exchange LEAPS 252
Chicago Board Options Exchange VIX 230
Church, Alonzo (1903—1995) Closing Market 353
Church, Alonzo (1903—1995) collectives 47
Closure 136
Coherence 14 150 186
Coherence for market 322
coin tossing 177
Collateral duties 65 78
Collective 43 46
Compensator 85
Complement 79
Complete stopping time 117
Comte, Auguste (1798—1857) determinism 35
Conditional expectation 42 169
Conditional expected value 71
Conditional probability 40
Conditional probability game-theoretic interpretation 179
Conditional probability notation 41
Continuation region 135
Continuous nonstandard function 273 286
Continuous probability 35 42
Continuum Hypothesis 284
Conventionalism 37
Converge in probability 152
Copeland Sr., Arthur H.(1898—1970) collectives 47
Corners 136
Cost 12
Countable additivity 41
Countable saturation 291
Cournot's bridge 44
| Cournot, Antoine Augustin (1801—1877) Cournot's bridge 44—45 56 60
Cournot, Antoine Augustin (1801—1877) gambling systems 49 55
Cournot, Antoine Augustin (1801—1877) photograph 44
Cournot, Antoine Augustin (1801—1877) probability and chance 34
Covariates 192
Cox, David R. (born 1924) photograph 192
Cox, David R. (born 1924) regression model 191
Cramer, Harald (1893—1985) advocated Kolmogorov's framework 39
Crepel, Pierre (born (1947) interview of Ville 197
Cross-variation 258
Cut 183
Cutland, Nigel J. (born 1944) Anderson's construction 292
Dambis, K.E. change of time 306
Davis, Morton determinate games 97
Dawid, A. Philip (born 1946) iterated logarithm 104
Dawid, A. Philip (born 1946) photograph 163
Dawid, A. Philip (born 1946) prequential principle 8
Dawid, A. Philip (born 1946) probability forecasting 58 164
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) conditional probability 42
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) emphasis on price 60
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) infinitely divisible laws 312
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) neosubjectivism 5
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) neosubjectivists 59
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) opposition to Kolmogorov 45
De Finetti, Bruno (1906—1985) photograph 59
De Moivre, Abraham (1667—1754) coin tossing 126 164
De Moivre, Abraham (1667—1754) De Moivre's theorem 33 127
De Moivre, Abraham (1667—1754) photograph 127
De Moivre, Abraham (1667—1754) sharpened Bernoulli's theorem 33
De Moivre, Abraham (1667—1754) used Fermat's and Pascal's methods 32
Decision analysis 21
Delta 221
Derivative security 216
Derivative security strictly convex 302
Derivative security variance derivative 202
Determinism 33—34
Diffusion as continuous Levy process 316
Diffusion equation 129 221
Diffusion game-theoretic process 338
Diffusion process 206
Diffusion protocol 337—338
Diffusion term (for semimartingale) 315
Doeblin, Wolfgang 1915—1940
Doeblin, Wolfgang seminar with Ville 198
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) advocated Kolmogorov's framework 39
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) debate with von Mises 45
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) defined martingale 55
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) gambling systems 55
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) inequality 56 196
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) martingale convergence theorem 81 84 172
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) measure-theoretic martingales 54
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) photograph 45 134
Doob, Joseph L. (born 1910) reviewed Ville's book 54
Dot product 353
Drift diffusion process 206
Drift term (for semimartingale) 315
Dubins, Lester E. (born 1927) change of time 306
Dubins, Lester E. (born 1927) conservation of fairness 56
Dynamic hedging 2 4
Earlier notation for conditional probability 41
Edwards, A.W.F (born 1935) work on Pascal 32
Efficient markets 228
Efficient score 194
Efficient-market hypothesis 6 351
Efficient-market hypothesis game-theoretic nature 228
Efficient-market hypothesis many tests 351
Efficient-market hypothesis value at risk 373
Efficient-market hypothesis with options 371
Efficient-markets hypothesis 6 229
Einstein, Albert 1879—1955
Einstein, Albert, Brownian motion 204
Emanuel, David discrete hedging 258
Empirical volatility 368
Empiricism 34
Equivalent martingale measure 348
Equivalent portfolios 355
European call 216
European option 216
Event 40 67 90 169
Event game-theoretic definition 11
Event unbounded forecasting 81
Exercise region 135
Expected value 14 42
Experiment 40
External object 291
Faber, Georg (1877—1966) proof of Borel's strong law 38
Failure model 192
Fair-coin game 64
Feller, William (1906—1970) advocated Kolmogorov's framework 39
Feller, William (1906—1970) iterated logarithm 119
Feller, William (1906—1970) Lindeberg's theorem 166
Fermat, Pierre de (1601—1665) correspondence with Pascal 30
Field of sets 40
Filter 283
Filtered measurable space 169
Filtered probability space 169
Filtration 169
Financial instrument 321
Financial instrument passive 322
finite 284
Fisher, Adlai (born 1969) observed variation spectra 253
Folk stochasticism 21
Follmer, Hans (born 1941) pathwise integral 349
Follows game-theoretic differential equation 338
Forcing 65
Forcing in probability protocol 90 187
Forcing in unbounded forecasting 79
Forcing weak 68
Forecaster as part of World 7
Forecaster move space 90
Forecasting game bounded 65
Forecasting game unbounded 77
Forecasting protocol bounded and finite-horizon 133
Forecasting protocol predictably unbounded 102
Forecasting protocol simplified predictably unbounded 103
Forecasting protocol unbounded 79
Forecasting protocol unbounded upper 89
Fourier, Joseph B. (1768—1830) heat equation 129
Fourier, Joseph B. (1768—1830) photograph 129
Fractional Brownian motion 212 290
Frechet, Maurice (1878—1973) advocated Kolmogorov's framework 39
Frechet, Maurice (1878—1973) gambling systems 55
Frechet, Maurice (1878—1973) Geneva contribution 39 45
Frechet, Maurice (1878—1973) measure theory 36
Frequency Jacob Bernoulli 33
Frequency nineteenth century 34
Frequency relative 18
Frequency Richard von Mises 46
Frequentism Kolmogorov's 43
Frequentism von Mises's 46
Function market 332
Function nonstandard 273
Function regulated 290
Function smooth 127
Function standard 273
Function strictly convex 302
Function submarket 332
Function supermarket 331
Function superparabolic 137
Function superparabolic smooth 139
Fundamental interpretative hypothesis 5 14
Fundamental interpretative hypothesis finitary 15
Fundamental interpretative hypothesis in Kolmogorov 43
Fundamental interpretative hypothesis infinitary 15
Fundamental interpretative hypothesis outside mathematics 62
Gain function 150 183
Gain function constant 90
Gain process 152
Gale, David determinate games 97
Gambling protocol compared with market protocol 319
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