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Lad F. — Operational Subjective Statistical Methods. A Mathematical, Philosophical, and Historical Introduction |
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table 231
Actuarial probabilities 53
Additivity, finite 15 33
annuities 22
Approximation error 423
Aquinas, T. 20
Arithmetic 50 54—55 82
artificial intelligence 119—120
assertion 62 115
Assertion, confirmational commitment 164
Assertion, of an inequality 115
Assertion, of inference 123
Associative mean function 257 259
Autoregression 431—435 440—446
Axioms 111
Barycentric coordinates 196
Bayes, T. 23
Bayes/non-Bayes synthesis 4—5
Bayesian statistics 4—5 30 159 457—458
Bayes’ Theorem 24 30 150—153 217
Belief relations 64
Belief, degree of 12 20
Bernardo, J. 353—354
Bernoulli distribution 292
Bertrand, J. 31
Bertrand’s paradox 32
Beta distribution 292—295
Betting, price 30
Bid-ask spread 114 120
Bienayme — Chebyshev inequality 106 112 251—252
Bienayme, I.J. 253
Binomial distribution 291
Bishop, E. 16
Bold play 30
Bonferroni, C 358—359
Boole, G. 26 54 89 105
Boole, G., challenge problem 136
Borel, E. 24 31 33—35
Bourbaki, N. 13
Bowley, A.L. 3
Bridgman.P. 12
Brier score 339 363—367
Brouwer, L.E.J. 15
Calibration of probabilities 358—369
Cantor function 271
Capture-recapture methods 220
Cartesian product 78
Casuistry 20
Category sum 320
Category sum, definition 311
Causation 71 170 452—453
Central limit theorem 401
Certainty 57
Characteristic function 275
Chebyshev system 269
Chebyshev, P. see “Bienayme — Chebyshev”
Chebyshev, P., materialist ideas 29
Christianity, early 21
Closure of assertions 111
Coherence of prevision 67 87 158
Coherence of prevision, algebraic condition 69
Coherence of prevision, computational condition 100
Coherence of prevision, geometrical condition 75
Coherency 33 115 117 149
Coherent inference 150
Combinatorics 87 175—179
Complete additivity 112
Complete lack of knowledge 120
Computability 16
Comte, A 28—29
Conditional prevision 121—122 161
Conditional prevision, bounds on 139
Conditional prevision, coherency condition 124
Conditional prevision, definition 123
Conditional quantity 121—124 161
Conditional quantity, definition 123
Condorcet, M. 24
Confidence interval 2 35
Consensus 334
Constituent of a partition 82—84
Constructivism 15—16
Contingency 51
Contradiction 16 30 52 55—56 67
Controlled experiments 235
Convex function 256
Convex hull 74 75
Correct model 454
Correct prevision 59
Correlation 250 255
Cournot, A.A. 28
Covariance 250
Crisma, L. 209
Currency exchange 157.439—449
Dairy cows, example 294—300
Daston, L. 24
Data analysis 165
Data reduction 325—326
Davidson and MacKinnon text 455—456
Dawid, P. 359
de Finetti representation theorem 319
de Finetti, B. 5—6 16—17 30—31 33—36 62 105 111—113 125 138 188—189 359
De Morgan, A. 25—26
Deductive logic 54 62 111 119
DeGroot, M. 6 35
Density function 270
Dependence see “Independence”
Diaconis, P. 209 232 325
Dirichlet distribution 320
Dirichlet distribution, negative covariance 321
Distribution functions 270—272
Distributions, probability 265—266 (see also “Specific types”)
Distributions, probability, conditional 281—282
Distributions, probability, joint 278
Distributions, probability, marginal 261
Distributions, probability, mixing 402
Distributions, probability, mixture 289
Distributions, probability, natural conjugate 290
Distributions, probability, nested 443—444
Duality 109—111
D’Alembert, J. 24
Econometrics 452—457
Edgeworth, F. 452
Efficient markets 7 262
Empire of Chance 27
Endogenous variables 457
entropy 346
Estienne.J.E. 30
Estimation of Animal Abundance 222
Event, definition 42
Event, definition, idempotence 44
exchange rates 432 439—449
Exchangeability 28 31 33 169 287 453
Exchangeability, definition 179 183 309—310
Exchangeability, examples 170—175 294—302 310 312—315
Exchangeability, extendability 204 317
Exchangeability, history 188 209
Exchangeability, infinite extendability 207
Exchangeability, mixture-normal 394—402
Exchangeability, multivariate normal distribution 386
Exchangeability, partial 228
Exchangeability, representation theorem 207 319
Excluded middle, law of 68
Excluded variables 453
Exhaustive events, definition 82
Exogenous variables 457
Expectation 105
Expectations, rational 7
Expert opinion 337—338
Expert Systems 119
Exponential family of distributions 323—331
| exports 143
Feller, W. 222
Finance, mathematics of 24
Finitism 15
Fisher, R.A 3 35
Formalism 15 35
Fractional programming 140
Frechet, M. 24 33 35 112—113 358—359
Frege, G. 32 54—55 62
frequency 18 20 27 359
Functional dependence 78 81
Functional form 453—454
Functional, linear 69
Functional, linear, definition 245
Fundamental theorem of prevision, general comments 11 66 115 119 459
Fundamental theorem of prevision, part I 98 100—105 118
Fundamental theorem of prevision, part II 138
Fundamental theorem of prevision, part III? 255
Fuzzy logic 119
g-prior 431
Galton, F 426
Gamma distribution 405—406
Gamma function 292—293
GDP 49
General conditional prevision 154
Generalized mean 258
Geneva Colloquium on Probability 188
Ghazal 14
Gibbs sampling 286 459
Gillies, D. 23
Gnedenko, B.V. 18—19
Gnosticism 21
gnp 49
Godel, K. 55
Goldstein, M. 164
Good, I.J. 4 35 120
Granger causality 453
Haag, J. 31 188
Hacking, I. 20 27
Hailperin, T. 54 89 105 136
Hausdorff’s theorem 274
Hempel, C. 12
Hendry.D. 456—457
Heyting, A 15 17
Hierarchical mixtures 448—449
Hilbert — Ackermann closure theorem 111 119
Hilbert, D. 15 32 54
Hilbert, D., sixth problem 32
Hill, B. 120 165.426
histogram see “Category sum”
Hume, D. 23 71 452
Huygens, C. 20
Hypergeometric distribution 191 223—226 287—290
Hypergeometric distribution, multiple category 311—313
Hyperplane 75
Hypothesis testing 2 35 334
I Ching 21
Idealism, subjective 18
Idempotence 44
Incompatible events 82 92
Independence, conditional 31
Independence, logical 50 78 81.87—97
Independence, stochastic 31 33 166—169
Indeterminacy 28 31
Indifference principle 24 31 120
Indifference, assesrtion of 58 113 157
Inequalities see “Specific names”
Inflation 49
information 123 345—346 355 445
Information transfer functions 397—399
Instrumental variables 457
International Congress on the Philosophy of Science 10 113 358—359
Interval probability assertions 30—31 66 113 120
Intuitionism 15—16 68
Jeffreys, H. 4 35 62
Jensen’s Inequality 256
Jevons, W.S. 26
Johnson, W.E. 35
Judgment, personal 12 28
Keynes, J.M. 17—18 31 35
Kolmogorov axioms 33—35
Kolmogorov, A.N. 14 32 125
Kolmogorov’s inequality 106 112
Kuhn, T. 13 451
Kyburg, H. 164
Language, mathematics as 13—14
Laplace, P. 20 24—25 188
Law of the excluded middle 68
Laws of chance 28
Laws of large numbers 27
Le Play, F. 28
Learner, E. 4 426 459
Learning 368—369
Learning, confirmational commitment 158
Learning, temporal 136
Least-squares estimate 455
Leibniz, G 20
Levi, I. 32 62 120 153 164
Liagre, J.B.J. 29
Likelihood functions 217 222 397—399
Likelihood functions, definition 397
Likelihood principle 215 354
Lindley, D.V. 4 35 120
Linear programming 99 102—103 109 119 140
Linear regression equations 375 (see also “Regression”)
Linear-logarithmic ratio score 340
Linearity of coherent prevision 69 75 111
LINEX scoring function 342
Locality property of logarithmic score 353—354
Logic 50
Logic, deductive 2 99
Logic, inferential 8 13 17
Logic, inferential, many-valued 17—18 21 25 95
Logic, probabilistic 26
Logic, propositional 50—55 68 95
Logical dependence 78 81
Logical dependence, geometrical examples 87—97
logical functions 51 79
Logical operations, algebraic representations 54
Logical operations, as arithmetic 50—52
Logical relations 50 78
Lyapunov’s inequality 274
Mach, E. 12
Mahabharata 21
Maistrov.L. 29
Many-valued logic 17—18 21 25 95
Markov chains 239
Markov’s inequality 251
Marxist philosophy 18—19 29
Mass phenomena 18 28
Mathematics, foundations 15
Matrix-t-distribution 422—423
Maximum stake 60—61
Meaning 1 3
Measure theory 34—35
Measurement 11 48—49 55 65 247
Measurement error 48
Measurement, operationally defined 39
Median 249 342
Mercantilism 21—22
Metaphysics 12
Mill, J.S. 27
Minimum stake 65
Mixing functions 397 402 442
Mixture distribution 289
Mixture-normal distribution 396
MODE 248
Model fitting 334
Moment generating function 269 275
Moments of a distribution 272
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