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Roeper T., Williams E. — Parameter setting
Roeper T., Williams E. — Parameter setting

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Название: Parameter setting

Авторы: Roeper T., Williams E.


This volume represents a modern perspective on the theory of language acquisition. The central concept, which energes from both linguistic theory and acquisition research, is that small pieces of data can be used to set parameters which then produce the variety of human languages found in the world. The articles illustrate a new methodology in the logic of language acquisition. Intricate reasoning from several disciplines is combined: linguistic theory, mathematical learnability, and experimentation. Leading representatives in these fields confront central empirical issues in language acquisition. The major substantive questions addressed are: the acquisition of anaphora. lexical restrictions and the syntax of empty categories. In several papers, the methodology is extended from first to second language acquisition.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 253

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Subset Principle, and Subset Condition      61—62 65 66 84—86
Suner, M.      227—229 234
Syntax maturation      123—171
Tag-formation      5
Takahashi, M.      107
Tensed sentences      201—03
Thematic inference principle      132—140
Thematic role of subject      133 141—147 149—151 153 158—160 168 186
Time      116
Topicalization      110
Transfer errors      240 241
Transformations      xi 126
Transitive verbs      161 164 175 184
Triggering data      16—17 128
Triggers      97—98 100
Undergeneralization      79—82 88 186
Ungrammaticality      43 69 142 143 243
Universal Grammar      vii—ix xvii—xviii 45 52 123 150
Universal Grammar, in second language acquisition      225—227 244—245
Universal principles of grammar (UPGs)      77
Unmarked pro Hypothesis      104
Van Naerssen, M.      232 237
Wasow, T.      141
Weinberg, A.      176 178 185
Wexler, K.      x xii xiv—xvi 77—88 218 244
Wh-environment      116
wh-movement      110—13 117 150 151
White, L.      xvii 2 18 231
Williams, E.      viii
X-bar      114 115
Zagona, K.      5—6
Zobl, H.      225 226 243
“No-negative-evidence” hypothesis      ix—x xii—xiv
1 2
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