Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Patten T. — Systemic text generation as problem solving |
Предметный указатель |
Nominal-group 22 32 33 37 38 39 45 68 69 71 109 127 136 143 188—189
Non-conflicting feature set 85 89 90 91 92 102
Noun network 26 37 45 109 192
Numerative 32
Object-based representations 55 130 131
OPS5 5 56 104—108 110 115 116 120 121 123 125 127 130 131 132 149 157—160
Ordered trees 79 80 81
Ordering relation 79 81
Orthography 161 43 44
Paradigmatic description 20 21 22 23 24 27 39 42 47 50 54 147 150
Paradigmatic description and metafunction 39—40
Paradigmatic environment 54
Parataxis 41 42 43
parent node 79 95 98 99
Parsing 152 154 155 see
Path augmentation 59 143
Patten, T. 86 120 125 129
Pattern matching 13 106 107 108 121 122 123 125 126 157—158 159 160
Penman see "Nigel"
Phenomenon 28
Phonological/orthographic stratum 44 45 51 61 62 149 152
Phonology 21 43 152
Phrase-structure 42 139
Physiology 23 40 51
Pike, K. 43
Planning 13 16 60 63 64 137 138 140 178
Planning, hierarchical 15 139
Potential 24 43 53 72
Potential, behaviour 53 63 75 142
Potential, lexico-grammatical 53
Potential, meaning 43 52 53 63 72
Pragmatics 2 3 45 134 136 141
predicates 82 97 139
Preselection 37—38 60 61 62 63 66 71 90 93 95 101 102 105 119 127 145 161 162 203
Preselection between ranks 88 143 149
Preselection between strata 44—45 47 48 66 68 88 135 143 149 152 154 156
Preselection, implementation of 123 125 126 130
Problem descriptions 98 99 101 102
Problem reduction 12 78 98—102 143—145 148
Problem solving 1—18 52—53 54—59 63 66 72 76 98 102 109 110 137 140 141 142 144 147—156
Problem solving in other text generation systems 137 140 141 142 149
Problem solving in the implementation 66 105 130 131 132
Problem solving, conflation with text generation 58—59
Problem solving, fundamental relationship with systemic grammar 52—55 76 147
Process 28 40 67 68 70
Production systems 7 8 55 104 130 157
productions 7 8 10 12 18 55 56 57 75 78 84 85 88 89 90 91 92 94 148 152 157—160
Productions in the implementation 105—108 115—118 121—126 127 128 129 131 132 149
Productions, OPS5 104—108 120 121
Pronoun 26 32
Proteus 134—135 136 137 142 149
Psychological description 2
Psychological implications 2 72
Punctuation 44 161
Quantifier 32 189—190
Quasi-modal 203
Quirk, R. 189 193
R1 11
Rank 33—34 37 41 44 52 80 81 82 88 93 153
Rank and preselection 37—38 44—45 149
Rank grammar 33
Rank, clause 36 37 44 45
Rank, clause-complex 33 66 149 152
Rank, group 36 37
Rank, morphological 39
Rank, word 36 37 44 45 71 109 161 193
Rankshifting 33 81
Realization 34—39 53 56 61 67 94
Realization in the implementation 108 110 121—126
Realization relations 34 35 36 39 42 78 94 107
Realization rules 34—39 66 131 143 152 153 155
Realization rules as problem-solving effects 55 56—59
Realization rules in the implementation 109 111 120 132 149
Realization rules, formalization of 78 82 84 86 87 93—94 95 96—98
Realization statements 98 108 109 115 118 120 121 122 132
Realizational view of language 21—22
Reasoning from first principles 17 63 131 153
Recursion 9 23 41 91 139
Recursive systems 41—43
Reduction operators 98 100 102
Referring expressions 134 135
register 21 22 46 49 51 60 63 135 139 144 150 151 153 154—156 181
Register and metafunction 47—48
Remove 159 160
Residual 31
Residue 30 31 35
Rheme 31 41
rhs 56 106 108 125 130 158 159—160
Rhythm 152
Ritchie, G. 2
Robustness 17
Root features 91 92 144
root nodes 79 81
S-features 87—93
Sacerdoti, E. 15 139
Satisfaction of a LHS 13 158
Satisfaction of a logical expression 83
Satisfaction of a realization rule 82
Sayer 28
Search 4 6 8—10 14 18 53 75 78 88 99 102 105 119 133 140 141 145
Search space 6 8—14 18 145 146
| Search, blind 9 15 119 141
Search, brute-force 9 14
Search, depth-first 9
Search, heuristic 9—10
Seed features 63 64 86 90 91 92 100 101 102 118 143 144 145 156 181 203
Semantic function 22
Semantic functions 48
Semantic networks 131
Semantic stratum 19 43 44 45—48 50 51 64 75 88 119 144 145 148—155 162 178 181 194—199
Semantic stratum, as compiled knowledge 59—63
Semantic structure 48
Semantic system network 44 49 178 181
Semantics 4 21 43 45 46 58 75 135 143 151 155
Semiotic 21 54 73 155
Senser 28
Sidner, C. 155
Sign systems 21
slang 5 52 64 72 76 100 105 130 142—143 143—145 146 148 149 150 151 152
SLANG-I 5 104 105 108 110 119 121—130 131 149 150 157 160 161 179 181
Smith, B.C. 23
Snort 104 110—121
Sociology 22 72
Solution graphs 99 102 145
Sorted logic 97
Soundness 5 89 148
Speech 32 47 50 52 152
Speech acts 136
Start nodes 99 100 102 144 145
Stefik, M. 7 11 16 119 130 152
Stenton, A. 23 26 33 52 72
Stratification 19 43—47
Stratification and preselection 44—45
Stratificational theory 21
Stratum, grammatical 44 46 47 48 51 57 60 61 63 66 131 143 148 150 152 153—154
Stratum, phonological/orthographic 44 45 51 61 149 152
Stratum, semantic 19 43 44 45—48 50 51 64 75 88 119 144 145 148—155 162 178 181 194—199
Stress 32
Structure 20 21 22 23 24 27 33 34 35 36 41 42 48 54 56 66 68 69 71 72 78 79 80 87 91 135
Structure, realization of 105 108—109 110 121 122 126 128 149 155
Sub-judice 110 118 127—128
Subject 27 28 31 34 35 36 37 38 41 44 66 70 108 109 127 129 144 203
substr 125 160
Successor nodes 99
Successor operator 102
Sullivan, M. 155
Svartvik, J. 189
Syntactic functions see "Grammatical functions"
Syntagmatic description 20 51 54 77
System label 25 113 120
System network 22 24 25—27 34 44 49 72 72 78 82 84 78 91 99—102 153
System network, LISP notation for 111—115 116 132
Systemic Grammar 1 2 4 5 19—51 73 78 79 87 93 94 102
Systemic grammar, as problem-solving knowledge 55—64 72 74 75
Systemic grammar, formalization of 77 81—86
Systemic grammar, fundamental relationship with problem solving 52—55 76 147
Systemic grammar, goals of 22—24
Systemic grammar, implementation of 105 110 121 149
Systemic grammar, searching of 119 134
Systemic syntactic structures 5 78—81 82 86 93—97 102 see
Tagfinite 31
Tagsubject 31
TELEGRAM 140—142 149
Teleology 153
Tenor 46 47—50 73 154 155
terminal nodes 79 80 95 99
Terminal strings 81 86
Terminal symbols 78 84 85
text 133
Text planning 2 64 161 178 179 181
textual 31 69
Textual metafunction 39 40 41 47 48 152
Theme 28 31 35 36 40 41 58 66 69 107 127 153
Theory of computation 147
Tone group 32
Topical 31 34 36 57 59 66 69 70 127 128
Transitivity 27—30 40
Truth functions 45
Truth values 97
Ullman, J. 79
Unification 140—141
Unification grammar see "Functional unification grammar"
UNITS 33 87 96 109 128
Unmarked features 61 152
Valid feature sets 85 86 87 90 91 92 94 102
Vectors 126 157 159
Ventilator Manager 11
Verb network 37 190—192
Waltzman, R. 126
Waterman, D. 13
well-formedness 82 86 96 97
Whorf, B. 19
Winograd, T. 24 26 28 32 34 35 37 38 39 113 140 152 155 190 192 203
Winograd, T. on functional linguistics 23 40
Winograd, T. on systemic grammar 22 27
Winograd, T. on the computational paradigm 73—74
Word rank 36 37 44 45 71 109 161 193
Working memory 6 7 8 11 106 121 123 125 127 130 132 157—160
WRITE 128 160
]- 111
^ 35 93 157 see
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