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Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations (preliminary version of 10 September 1998) |
Предметный указатель |
a-adic solenoid 329
Abstract Cauchy problem see “Cauchy problem”
Abstract control system 440
Abstract Dyson-Phillips series 211
Abstract second-order Cauchy problem 364
Adjoint operator 490
Algebra homomorphisms 79
Approximate eigenvalue 254
Approximate eigenvector’ 254
Approximate point spectrum 254
Arveson Spectrum 293 295
Bohr compactification 329
Boundary spectrum 331
Calkin algebra 260
Cauchy problem 104 161 166 305 352 364 413
Cauchy problem, hyperbolic case 466
Cauchy problem, mild solution of 162
Cauchy problem, parabolic case 466
Cauchy problem, solution of 161
Cauchy problem, well-posed 167 465
Cesaro means 342 343
Character group 321 327
Characteristic equation 267 341 420 424
Characteristic function 267
Chernoff product formula 232
Classical solution 428
Closed convex hull 343
Closure of an operator 489
Compact operator groups 327
Compact semigroup 317
Complex inversion formula 246
Control Banach space 440
Control function 440
Control operator 440
Control system 440
Control system, approximately g-observable 454
Control system, approximately p-controllable 445
Control system, exactly g-observable 454
Control system, exactly p-controllable 444
Control system, exactly p-null controllable 445
Control system, exponentially detectable 458
Control system, exponentially stabilizable 456
Control system, external stability of 461
Control system, input-output stability of 461
Control system, internal stability of 461
Control system, strongly stabilizable 458
Control system, transfer function of 460
Controllability map 444
Controlled abstract wave system 442
Controlled heat equation 441 446 452 455 458 461 464
Controlled wave equation 442 447 452 455 459 461
Convolution of functions 177 495
Convolution of sequences 495
Core of an operator 74 79 490
Damping operator 364
Delay differential equation 112 266 414
Derivation 79
Diffusion semigroup 90
Diffusion, semigroup 88
Discrete spectrum 351
Distributional -derivative 399
Domain 70
Dominant eigenvalue 338
Duality set 107
Dyson — Phillips expansion 176
Dyson — Phillips series 199
Eigenvalue 254
Eigenvalue, dominant 36 338
Eigenvector 254
Elastic operator 364
Essential growth bound 269
Essential norm 260
Essential range 53
Essential spectral r adius 260
Essential spectrum 260
Essential supremum 54
Evolution family 465
Evolution family, exponentially bounded 467
Evolution family, exponentially stable 467
Evolution family, hyperbolic 467
Evolution family, with exponential dichotomy 467
Evolution semigroup 468
Extended transfer function 460
Extension of an operator 489
External stability 461
Extrapolation space 143
Favard space 147 203
Feedback operator 456
Flow 110
Fourier transform 495
Fredholm domain 260
Fredholm operator 260
Function, rapidly decreasing 396
Functional equation 26
Gaussian semigroup 90
Generator 40 69 70 99
Graph 489
Graph norm 74 489
Group, generator of 99
Group,induced by flow 110
Group,one-parameter 37
Group,periodic 57
Group,rotation 57
Group,solenoidal 327
Group,strongly continuous 59 99
Growth bound 62 262 308
Growth bound of an evolution family 466
Heat semigroup 90
Holder space 147
Ideal 317
Impulse response function 460
Inhomogeneous abstiact Cauchy problem 428
inhomogeneous differential equations 427
Initial state 440
Initial value problem 161
Input-output stability 461
Integrated semigroup 168
Internal stability 461
Isolated singularities 258
Isometric limit semigroup 274
Landau — Kolmogoroff Inequality 79
Laplace transform 494
Left multiplicative perturbation 213
Left translation 55
Left translation semigroup 56
Liapunov stability theorem 35
Linear dynamical system 29
Markov operator 338
Mean eigodic projection 344
Mild solution 162 428
Moment inequality 160
Multiplication operator 47
Multiplicative perturbations 213
Non-observable subspace 455
Nonautonomous Cauchy problem see “Cauchy problem”
Observability map 453
Observation 440
Observation Banach space 440
Observation operator 440
One-parameter group 32
One-parameter semigroup 32
Operator, adjoint 490
Operator, approximate eigenvalue of 254
Operator, approximate eigenvector of 254
Operator, approximate point spectrum of 254
Operator, bounded 490
Operator, closable 489
Operator, closed 489
Operator, closure 489
Operator, core of 74
| Operator, delay differential 111 266 414
Operator, differential 110
Operator, dissipative 102
Operator, domain of 70
Operator, doubly power bounded 294
Operator, eigenvalue of 254
Operator, fractional power of 154
Operator, Fredholm 260
Operator, Hille — Yosida 106
Operator, implemented 43
Operator, infinitely divisible 46
Operator, local 55 68
Operator, Markov 338
Operator, multiplication 47 53
Operator, part of 81 142 257 272
Operator, point spectrum of 254
Operator, relatively bounded 183
Operator, relatively compact 192
Operator, residual spectrum of 255
Operator, resolvent of 38 76 251
Operator, resolvent set of 38
Operator, second-order differential 113
Operator, sectorial 115
Operator, skew adjoint 108
Operator, spectral bound of 78 262
Operator, spectral decomposition of 256
Operator, spectrum of 38 76 251
Operator, Volteira 175 195 208
Operator, weakly closed 489
Operator, with compact resolvent 135
Orbit maps 58 69
Orbit, reversible 323
Orbit, stable 323
Order continuous norm 353
Output injection operator 458
Period 276
Perturbation, Desch — Schappacher 195
Perturbation, Miyadera — Voigt 208
Perturbation, multiplicative 213
Plancherel equation 399
Pliragmen inversion formula 249
Point spectrum 254
Pole 258
Pole, algebraic multiplicity of 258
Pole, algebraically simple 258
Pole, geometric multiplicity of 258
Pseudo resolvent 219
reachability space 453
Residual spectrum 255
Residue 258
Resolvent 38 251
Resolvent equation 252
Resolvent map 251
Resolvent map, isolated singularities of 258
Resolvent map, poles of 258
Resolvent map, residue of 258
Resolvent operator 69
Resolvent set 38 69 251
Resolvent, integral representation 76
Right multiplicative perturbation 213
Right tr anslation 55
Rotation group 57 327
Schwartz space 396
Second-order abstract Cauchy problem see “Second-order Cauchy problem”
Semiflow 114
Semigroup 317
Semigroup dual 82
Semigroup law 37
Semigroup, abstract Sobolev space of 142 143
Semigroup, adjoint 65
Semigroup, analytic 119
Semigroup, bounded 62
Semigroup, Co 58
Semigroup, compact 135 317
Semigroup, contractive 62
Semigroup, differentiable 128
Semigroup, diffusion 88 90
Semigroup, essential growth bound of 269
Semigroup, essentially compact 342
Semigroup, eventually compact 135
Semigroup, eventually differ entiable 128
Semigroup, eventually norm continuous 131
Semigroup, exponentially stable 308
Semigroup, extrapolation space of 143
Semigroup, fixed space 343
Semigroup, generator of 69
Semigroup, growth bound of 62
Semigroup, hyperbolic 36 46 314
Semigroup, immediately compact 135
Semigroup, immediately differ entiable 128
Semigroup, immediately norm continuous 131
Semigroup, isometric limit 274
Semigroup, matrix 32
Semigroup, mean ergodic 344
Semigroup, multiplication 49 140
Semigroup, nilpotent 57 138 141
Semigroup, norm continuous 39
Semigroup, norm continuous at infinity 298
Semigroup, on a Hilbert space 42
Semigroup, on an operator algebra 43
Semigroup, one-parameter 37
Semigroup, orbit of 29
Semigroup, periodic 276
Semigroup, positive 329
Semigroup, product 66 85
Semigroup, quasi-compact 339
Semigroup, quasicontractive 96
Semigroup, quotient 65 81
Semigroup, reseated 65 80
Semigroup, semitopological 317
Semigroup, similar 80
Semigroup, stable 35
Semigroup, strongly continuous 58
Semigroup, strongly stable 306 330
Semigroup, subspace 65 80
Semigroup, sun dual 82 151
Semigroup, superstable 336
Semigroup, translation 57
Semigroup, type of 62
Semigroup, ultrapower 67 336
Semigroup, uniformly continuous 39
Semigroup, uniformly exponentially stable 41 306
Semigroup, uniformly mean ergodic 347
Semigroup, uniformly stable 306
Semigroup, weak *-continuous 65
Semigroup, weak *-generatoi of 82
Semigroup, weakly continuous 62
Semigroup, weakly stable 306
Semigroup, with balanced exponential growth 342
Semigroups, isomorphic 65
Semigroups, similar 65
Semitopological semigroup 317
Similar control system 453
Sobolev lemma 402
Sobolev space 142 143 146 399
Sobolev tower 144
Solution, classical 428
Solution, mild 428
Spectral bound 78 262
Spectral decomposition 256
Spectral equal growth bound condition 290
Spectral inclusion theorem 286
Spectral mapping theorem 41 255 281
Spectral mapping theorem for eventually norm continuous semigroups 290
Spectral mapping theorem for the point and residual spectrum 287
Spectral mapping theorem for the resolvent 255
Spectral mapping theorem, weak 55 281
Spectral projection 256
Spectral radius 253
Spectral theorem 53
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