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Carlson L. — Dialogue Games. An Approach to Discourse Analysis |
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Rieser, H. 272n
Robinson, J. 135
Rodman, R. 260
Ross, J. 260
Rules of a game xvi
Rules vs. strategies 55—56
Saarinen, E. xii 272n 273n
Sacks, H. 44 75 76
Sadock, J. 173
Sag, I. 276n
Schieffelin, B. 283n
Searle, L. 47 107 273n 277n
Semantical game see “Game-theoretical semantics”
Sgall, P. 238 239 242
Sincerity 48
Sincerity condition (Searle) 47 109
Situation see “Dialogue game situation”
Smaby, R. 255 256
Solution and rationality xvi
Solution of a dialogue game xviii
Speech acts 107—110
Steel, T. 276n
Stenius, E. 60 273n
strategies xvi
Strategies in dialogue games xviii
Strategies vs. rules 55—56
style xxi
Stylistic rules xi 186 188
Stylistic, markedness 184—186 189
Stylistics xxii
Subdialogues 67
Subject, dialogue xi xxii 244 246 250 262
Subject, direct dialogue 248—249
Subject, grammatical 187 254
Subject, psychological 238
Subjunctive see “Mood”
Sweet, H. 280n
Tarski, A. xi xvii 49
Text grammar xi 237 241
| Text linguistics xi
Text, analysis of connected 146—147
Thematic (old information) xxii 190—192
Theme xi xxii
Theme as aboutness 237
Theme as givenness 215 237
Theme, simple vs. thematic 216
Thinking 70
Topic (topical question) xi xiii xxii 58 64—66 153—154 222 243 250 256
Topic (topical question) change 66
Topic (topical question) coordinate 163—164
Topic (topical question) disjoint 181
Topic (topical question) hierarchy 75—77
Topic (topical question) vs. comment (Hockett) 238
Topic (topical question), sentence vs. discourse (Reinhart) 243 247
Topic position 187 199
Topicalization 188 199—214
Topicalization of focus 214 235
Topicalization, explanatory 212
Topicalization, instantiating 213
Utility function, epistemic xx 137—140
Utility function, expected epistemic 141
Value 246
von Neumann, J. xvi xvii
VP preposing (fronting) 202—207
Vygotsky, L. 267
Weil, H. 237
Weiner, S. 54
Well-formedness of discourse xiv 149
Wh-clefts 222—230
what 33—35
Whereas 163
which 42—43 86—89
who 35—41
Wittgenstein, L. xiv xv xxi 49 61 272n 273n
Word order 196—199 237
Yet 162 171 181—182
Yokoyama, O. 279n
“all-new” sentences 189—190 217
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