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Andrews G.E. — The Theory of Partitions
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Название: The Theory of Partitions
Автор: Andrews G.E.
Аннотация: This book develops the theory of partitions. Simply put, the partitions of a number are the ways of writing that number as sums of positive integers. For example, the five partitions of 4 are 4, 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, and 1+1+1+1. Surprisingly, such a simple matter requires some deep mathematics for its study. This book considers the many theoretical aspects of this subject, which have in turn recently found applications to statistical mechanics, computer science and other branches of mathematics.With minimal prerequisites, this book is suitable for students as well as researchers in combinatorics, analysis, and number theory.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1976
Количество страниц: 255
Добавлена в каталог: 06.12.2005
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Предметный указатель
Partition, perfect 136—137
Partition, protruded 51
Partition, restricted 33 210 243
Partition, restricted bipartite 207—209
Partition, self-conjugate 14
Partition, sieve methods 139 142 148 153 156
Partition, span 131
Partition, statistical aspects 101
Partition, successive rank 139 153 198
Partition, Sylvestered 30—31
Partition, tables of 237 244
Partition, three dimensional 234
Partition, vector 57 58
patience 59
Pedoe, D. 200
Pentagonal number 10
Pentagonal number theorem 9 11 14 29 202
Percus, J.K. xiii
permutations 244 see
Plane partition see also Generating function Partition
Plane partitions 97 179—180 183—185 188 198—200 236—237
Plane partitions with strict column decrease 188
Plane partitions, asymptotics 199
Plane partitions, conjugate 198
Plane partitions, Ferrars graph 198
Plane partitions, MacMahon's theorem 179
Poincare series 211
Protrusions 51
q-analog, binomial series 17
q-analog, Chu — Vandermonde summation 38 51
q-analog, Gauss's theorem 20
q-analog, Kummer's theorem 20
q-analog, Saalschutz's theorem 38
q-binomial coefficient see Gaussian polynomial
q-difference equations 104 121 128 130 132 135 136
q-multinomial coefficient see Gaussian multinomial coefficient
q-series see Basic hypergeometric series
r-partite number see multipartite number
Rademacher, H. xiii 15 68 69 71 85 87 177 178
Radix representation theorem 138
Ramamani, V. 24 31
Ramanuian's conjecture 160 167 170 174 177
Ramanujan's congruence see Ramanjan's conjecture
Ramanujan's continued fraction 103 105
Ramanujan, S. 50 68 69 72 85 86 94 101 103 105 109 113 121 123 155 158 159 160 161 167 170 174 177 178 200
Rank 142 175
Rational point 72
Real dimension 63
Reciprocal polynomial 45—48 55
Richmond, B. 100 101 102
Riemann zeta function 83
Riordan, J. xiii 14 15 66 210 211
Robertson, M.M. 211
Robinson, G. deB. 200 201 227 228
Rodseth's theorem 161 165
Roedseth, O. 160 161 165 177 178
Rogen — Szegoe polynomials 50
Rogen — Szegoe polynomials, generating function 49—51
Rogers — Ramanujan identities 50 103 105 109 113 123 155 158 177 200
Rogers — Ramanujan identities, general theorem 118—119
Rogers — Ramanujan identities, Gordon's generalization 109 118 123 156
Rogers — Ramanujan — Schur identities see Rogers — Ramanujan identities
Rogers, L.J. 31 32 49 50 52 53 103 105 109 113 118 120 121 123 155 158 177 200
Roselle, D. 65 66 67 210 211
Rota, G.-C. 227 228 229
Roth, K.F. 100 102
Run 60—61
Rutherford, D.E. 199 201 227 229
Saddle point method 89 93
Schensted, C. 184 200 201
Schrutka, L. von 158
Schuetzenberger, M.P. 51 52 65 66 200 201
Schur s partition theorem 116
Schur, I.J. 48 105 116 118 120 158
Schwarz, W. 100 102
Scoville, R. 66
Segment 217—218 220
Selberg, A. 118 120
Semi-ideal see Partition
Semi-invariant 48
Sets, inclusion 218
Sets, lattice of subsets 218
Sets, partial order 217
Sets, partition lattice 217
Sets, partition refinement 219
Sets, partitions 212 214—217 220—222
Shanks, D. 244
Sieve methods 139ff see
Sieve methods, generalized 218
Simon — Newcomb's problem 54 59—60 65
Singh, V.N. 118 120
Slater, L.J. 31 32
Sloane, N.J.A. 243 244
Snapper, E. 227 229
Solid partitions see Partition
Solomon, L. 211
span see Partition
stacks 52
Stanley, R.P. 45 51 52 53 65 67 200 201 227 229 244
Star, Z. 65 67
Starcher, G.W. 14 15
Steadily decreasing 207
Stenger, A. 158
Stirling numbers, first kind 219—220
Stirling numbers, second kind 219—220
Strehl, V. 67
Subbararo, M.V. 13 14 15 31 32 138 204 210 211
Subramanyasastri, V.V. 81 85 87
Subspaces 213—214 225
Subspaces, m-dimensional 213
Successive rank see Partition
Sum of squares of divisors 237
Summatory maximum 209
Swinnerton-Dyer, H.P.F. 161 175 178
Sylvester, J 1. 15 24 31 32 51 52 53 139 140
Symmetric functions 212 217 221
Symmetric functions, fundamental theorem 221 223—224
Symmetric group 211
Symmetric group, representation theory 199
Szegoe, G. 49 50 52 53
Szekeres, G. 100 101 102
Temperley, H.N.V. 100 101 227 229
Theta functions 105
Tietze, H. 200 201
Topological sequence 235—237 244
Trace 198 210
Trace conjugate 198
Triple product identity 17 21 30 49 108—109 176
Turan, P. 101 102
two-dimensional arrays 179
Unimodal distribution 100
Unimodal polynomial 45—48 55
union 217
Vahlen, K.T. 100 102 158
Valuation, 5-adic 168
Valuation, positive 122
Vector spaces, finite 212 225 227
Vector spaces, graded 211
Venkatachaliengar, K. 24 31 32
Watson, G.N. 31 32 51 53 82 85 87 101 102 105 118 120 160 177 178
Whiteman, A. 87
Wilf, H.S. 244
Wright, E.M. xiii 14 15 32 100 102 200 201 210 211 229
Young tableaux 199 237
Young, A. 199
Zeckendorf's theorem 138
Zeta function of a lattice 217