Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bolc L. — Natural language parsing systems |
Предметный указатель |
standard form 335
Activation 164
Active chart mechanism 203
Active memory 178
ADVANCE with an argument 235
Agenda 210
Algorithm, CASPAR 18 19
Algorithm, multi-strategy 24
Algorithm, scanning 203
Alternation 204
Alternation morphemic 230
Alternation, stem final 233
Alternation, stem internal 231
Ambiguity 109
Ambiguity representation 7
Analysis of a clause 242
Analysis, derivational 239
Analysis, morphological 228
Analysis, syntactic 242
Anchor 208
Argument, advance with 235
Argument, subrule may be activated with 246
Assignment, node 334
ATN (augmented transition networks) 33 269 275
ATN-grammar 329
Attainable 334
Attention, focus 194 197
AWAIT 168 180
Base of characters 225
Base-oriented operator 263
Best-first strategy 152
Bottom-up 270
Bounded direct ambiguity 276 281
Breadth-first 271
Calculus, predicate 330
CASE 171
Case framework 178 189
CASPAR algorithm 18 19
CASPAR parser 16ff 20 23 24
Catalan numbers 280 294 297 303ff 307ff
Categorial grammars 295
Channel 168 172
Channel, concept 172 182
Channel, signal 172
Character, base 225
Chart 203 270
Chart law, active 212
Chart mechanism, active 203 212
Chart parsing 269
Chomsky normal form 270 272ff
Clause, analysis 242
Cognitive modeling 164
Cognitive models 168
Commutative 151
Commutative, noncommutative 151
Compilation 287
complete 272 274 282 284
Compound verbs 184
Computer system, distributed 165
Computer, von Neumann 165
Concatenation 224
Concept channel 172 182
Concept structures 169 171 188 189
Conjunction 220 292 299 301 311
Conjunctive connection 350
Constituents, discontinuous 249
Constraints, local 333
Constraints, structural 329 330 333ff
Constraints, subconstraints 350
Construction specific parsing 3 6 9 12 15
Content words 164
context 193
Context free grammar 33 330 333
Context sensitivity languages 343
Context, discourse 193 195
Control signals 169 170
Control structures 203
Controlled partition grammar 139
Coordinate expressions 255
Coroutine control environment 166
CTX-system 146 148
Data-driven processing 259
DCG (definite clause grammar) 33
Decision hypothesis, post 165
Decision prior 165
Declarative knowledge 93
Demon 168 180
Demon, restart 168 172 180 182 184 189
Demon, timeout 169
Demon, word 185
Dependent disjunction 224
Derivation 338
Derivational analysis 239
Deterministic grammars 283ff
Diagram 139
Dictionary search 215 222
Dictionary search process 222
Disambiguation rule 155
Disambiguation, sense 188
Discontinuous constituents 249
Discourse context 193 195
Discrimination, sense 194
Discrimination, word sense 163
Disjunction, dependent 224
Disjunction, independent 236
Distinction, use-mention 51 85
Distributed computer system 165
Distributed processes 164
Domain specification 215
Dominance 204
Dotted-rule 273
Downward oriented 347
Dwight Bolinger 163
DYPAR parser 20ff 28
Earley's algorithm 267ff 272 276ff 282ff 310 313
Edges, active 212
Edges, complete 212
Edges, inactive 212
Edges, incomplete 212
Endogenous weighting 144
entry point 168 172 191
Equivalent 335
execution 174
Exogenic weighting, absolute 145
Exogenic weighting, relative 145
Expectation 188 195
expertise 109
Expressions, coordinate 255
Facility, subrule 224
features 288ff
Fibonacci numbers 302 304 308ff
Filter 172 182 188
Filter, preference 170
Focus of attention 194 197
Focused interaction 5
Framework, case 178 189
Function words 164
GD-oriented operators 262
GDs (grammatical discriptions) 214
Global parser 156
Grammar of varieties 138
Grammar, ATN-grammar 329
Grammar, context free 330 333
Grammar, controlled partition 139
Grammar, transformational 329 330
Grammar, translation 330 339
Grammar, tree directed 330 333 336
| Grammar-oriented operators 263
Group 186 187 190
Group, noun 190
Groupverb 190
GSP (general syntactic processor) 203
Handshaking 169
Hardware, parallel 192
Homograph analysis 145
Hypothesis, decision, post 165
Hypothesis, decision, prior 165
Idiomatic expressions 184
idioms 163
Independent disjunction 236
Inference module 199
Integrated knowledge base 51 52
Interaction, focused 5
Internal representation language 330
Interpreter 112
Knowledge base, integrated 51 52
Knowledge representation (KR) 49 51 54
Knowledge representation, declarative 51
Knowledge representation, techniques 54
Knowledge, declarative 93
Knowledge, lexicographic 112
Knowledge, pragmatic 104 126
Knowledge, real-world 193
Knowledge, semantic 112
Knowledge, syntactic 98
KRL 169
L(PSC) 348
LADDER-TODS 267 302 305 315
Language, context sensitivity 343
Language, internal representation 330
Language, lexical interaction (LIL) 161 173
Language, limited domain 9
Language, meta-language 49 50 81
Language, produced by M 341
Language, sense discrimination (SDL) 161 173 181
Language, understanding natural 132
last 224
Lexical interaction 166
Lexical sequences 186
Lexicographic knowledge 112
LFGs (lexical functional grammars) 46 268ff 294
LIL (lexical interaction language) 161 173
Limited-domain language 9
Linear grammar 276
Linear restricted 359
Linearly extended yT-transducer 345
Linearly extended yT-transducer with regular look-ahead 345
Linguistic operators 261
Linguistic processor 203
Lisp, Franz 174
Local constraints 333
Local memory 197
Logical variables 33
Look-ahead, yT-transducer with regular 344
Loop-free 357
Malhotra 267 269 293 298ff 302 307 314ff
MALHOTRA corpus 268 293 305
Mapping, representational 62 63
Marcus' determinism hypothesis 278
Meaning, representation 103 178
Meanings 171
Meanings of a word 103
Memory interaction 194
Memory limitation 169
Memory Model 164
Memory, active 178
Memory, local 197
Memory, short-term 168 169
Memory, working 168
Message 169 170
Metal 139 144
Metalanguage 49 50 81
Morphemes, zero-realization 235
Morphemic alternation 230
Morphographemic rewriting 208
Morphological analysis 228
Morphotactic rules 234
Multi-strategy algorithm 24
Multiple choice 194
Network grammar 203
Network, semantic 51ff 59
Neurolinguistic effort 164
NEW 224
NLU (NL understanding) 49 50
Node assignment 334
nodes 332
Noncommutative 151
Noun group 190
Noun-noun modification 278
NP-movement 294
Operator, base-oriented 263
Operators, GD-oriented 262
Operators, grammar-oriented 263
Operators, linguistic 261
Operators, process-oriented 261 262
Parallel hardware 192
Parallel processing 236
Parallelism 165
Parser 212
Parser, CASPAR 16ff 20 23 24
Parser, DYPAR 20ff 28
Parser, global 156
Parsing, construction specific 3 6 9 12 15
Parsing, word expert 161 166
Particle 185
Passive sentences 170 186
Pattern matching 3 4 6 10 17ff 22 24 25 27 30 172 181 190
Peek 184
Phrase structure trees 329
PLIDIS 329 359
Post decision hypothesis 165
Pragmatic knowledge 104 126
Precedence 204
Predicate calculus 330
Predict 272 282
Predictive 228
Preference filter 170
Prepositional phrase attachment 279ff 303
Preprocessor solution 156
presence 224
Prior decision hypothesis 165
Procedural UCP formalism 203
Process 216
Process-oriented operators 261 262
Processes, distributed 164
Processes, primitives 203
Processing, data-driven 259
Processing, parallel 236
Processing, rule-driven 259
Processor, general syntactic (GSP) 203
Processor, linguistic 203
Processor, Uppsala chart (UCP) 203
Production set 149
productions 337
Propositions 199
Prototype 170
Pseudo-attachment 278ff 280
Psycholinguistic concept 164
Quantification 84
Real-world knowledge 193
Regular extended yT-transducer 343
Representation language, internal 330
Реклама |