Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bolc L. — Natural language parsing systems |
Предметный указатель |
Representation, ambiguity 7
Representation, knowledge (KR) 49
Representation, meaning 103 178
Representational mapping 62 63
Restart demons 168 172 180 182 184 189
Robot 268
Roles 189
Rule body 215
Rule, disambiguation 155
Rule-driven processing 259
Rules 353
RULES, morphotactic 234
RULES, verbation 242
runtime 157
Satisfiable 335
Scanning algorithm 203
Science, theory 137
SDL (sense discrimination language) 161 173 186
Semantic Knowledge 112
Semantic network 51ff 59
Sense disambiguation 188
Sense discrimination 194
Sentences, passive 170 186
Short-term memory 168 169
Signal channel 172
Signal, control 169 170
Slot 171 188
SNePS (semantic network processing system) 52ff 60 84
Solution, preprocessor 156
Stem final alternation 233
Stem internal alternation 231
Strategy, best-first 152
Structural constraints 329 330 333ff
Structural individuals 333
Structure trees, phrase 329
Structure, concept 171 188 189
Subconstraint 350
Subject area 153
Subrule call, variable 247
Subrule facility 224
Subrule, activated with an argument 246
Subtree 332
SUSY 146
SUSY-E system 147
Symbol structures 164
Syntactic analysis 242
Syntactic knowledge 98
Task 209
TDG (tree directed grammar) 336 347
text function 153
Text type 153
Theorem proving 33
Theory of science 137
| Timeout demon 169
timeouts 184
Top-down 272
Top-down tree-to-string transducer (yT-transducer) 341
Trace 174
Trace package 216
Transducer, top-down tree-to-string (yT-transducer) 341
Transformational grammar 329 330
Translation 339
Translation grammar 330 339
Translation relation 339
Tree directed grammar 330 333 336
Tree domain 331
Tree, subtree 332
Trees 331ff
Trigger 172
Turing Machines 329
TYPE chart 216
UCP (Uppsala Chart Processor) 203
UCP formalism, procedural 203
Unbounded direct ambiguity 277ff 281
Understanding natural language 132
Unification 33 220
Use-mention distinction 51 85
Usefulness 295
Useless 282
Useless phrases 284
Variable subrule call 247
Variables 33
Varieties, grammar 138
Verb group 190
Verbation rules 242
Verbs, compound 184
von Neumann computers 165
Waitlist-entry 208
Weighting, endogenous 144
Weighting, exogenous 145
Weighting, exogenous, absolute 145
Weighting, exogenous, relative 145
wh-movement 292 295ff 298 300 303
Wilks 138
Word demon 185
Word expert functions 180
Word expert parsing 161 166
Word function 164
Word sense discrimination 163
Word, content 164
Word, meaning 103
Working memory 168
Yield 332
yT-transducer 347
yT-transducer with regular look-ahead 344
yT-transducer, linear extended 345
yT-transducer, linear extended, with regular look-ahead 345
yT-transducer, regular extended 343
yT-transducer, top-down tree-to-string transducer 341
Zero-realization of morphemes 235
ZMOB 192
Реклама |