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Char B.W. — First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple V |
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! 12
" 3
"" 3
""" 3
# ix
function Dirac(t) 13
function (GAMMA) 12 13 39 63
, Pi 11
function Psi 13 57
&* 93
&*, matrix multiplication 95
&^ (exponentiation mod p) 13
' 69
(* 16
(| 81
* 3
*) 16
** 3
+ 3 93
- 3
-> 37
. 68 72
.m (internal format) files 107
.maple init file 141
.mapleinit file 141
/ 3
2D and 3D plotting see “Plotting”
: 3 110
:= 9
; 2 3
;(statement terminator) 3
> 2
? 5
Aborting a computation 35
Aborting procedures 128
abs 12
Adaptive plotting 155 157 158
Add 96
addcol 103
Addition 3
Addition, matrix (linalg[add]) 96
addrow 103
Adjoint of a matrix (linalg[adjoint]) 96
Airy functions Ai(x), Bi(x) 13
Algebraic expressions 74
Algebraic numbers 18 67
Algol 68 119
Alias 67 106 201
Aliasing names 106 201
Antisymmetric array indexing 89
appendto 109
Applications, linking Maple 153
Approximate root-finding 19
Approximate solutions 21
Arcaec 12
Arccoa 12
ArcCosh 12
arccot 12
ArcCoth 12
arccsc 12
Arccsch 12
ArcSech 12
arcsin 12
ArcSinh 12
Arctaah 12
arctan 12
args 124
Arguments to a function 15 71 121
Arguments to a procedure 124
Arithmetic floating-point 192
Arithmetic, floating-point 192
Arithmetic, hardware 192
Array 78
Arrays 87
Arrays, changing 87
arrays, copying 87
Arrays, entries 90
Arrays, evalhf 195
Arrays, evaluation 68
Arrays, floating-point 195
Arrays, indexing functions 87 89
arrays, indices 90
Arrays, map 91
Arrays, operations on elements 91
Arrays, zipping together, zip 93
Arrow notations for function definition 37
assigned 68
Assignment, to variables 9
Assigu 17
Atsign 39
Attention key 35
augment 103
Automatic loading of library files 110
Automatic simplifications 38 39
Backquote 10
Backquoted names 32
Balancing chemical reactions, example 197
Base 10 logarithms, loglO 12
Base, numerical conversion 63
Bases, basis 99
Bases, of vector spaces 99
Bernoulli numbers 13
Bessel functions 201
Bessel functions, 13
Bessel functions, zeros 206
Beta (x, y) (Beta function) 13
Bi(x) (Airy wave function) 13
Bidirectional limits 47 48
bin 12
Binary powering 211
Binomial coefficient 12
Binomial functions 38 63
Bit (binary digit) computer memory 186
Boolean expressions, evalhf 194
Boolean expressions, in conditional statements 119
Boolean objects 73
Braces { } or (* *) 80
Brackets, [ ] or (| |) 81
break 120
Break key 35
Breaking from a loop 120
Bug reporting 226
built-in commands 11
Built-in data structures 53
Built-in mathematical functions 15
By 116
Byte, computer memory 186
Bytes used 187 188
Bytes used, messages (status [4]) 189
Bytes used, total (status [1]) 189
C-callable Maple kernel 153
Calculations involving unknowns 14
Calculus package (student) 106
Calculus, differential equations, solving 43
Calculus, differentiation 41
Calculus, examples 41
Calculus, integration 42
Calculus, limits 47
Calculus, partial derivatives 41
Cartesian coordinates plot3d 170
Case statement if-then-elif as 119
Case, lower and upper 10
Catalan's constant 11
Catastrophic errors 34 35
Changes to newest version 7
char 30
Character plot 27
character string 10
| Characteristic matrix, charmat 96
Characteristic polynomial, charpoly 96
Checking types 131
CI 13
Ci (cosine integral) 13
Clearing memory 187
Coeif 73 77
col 103
Coldim, number of columns in a matrix 103
Collatz conjecture, example 213
colon (:) 3 110 116
Color plots 177
Column space of a matrix 99
combine 54 56 63
Combine, options 56
Combining expressions 56
Combining plots 170
Commands 14
Comments ix
Communicating with other programs 153
Compilation of programs 192
Compiled floating-point programs 196
Complex, functions 47
Complex, infinity 48
Complex, limits 47 48
Composition operator 136
Computations, interrupting 35
Computer-specific documentation 1
Concatenation 78
Concatenation, operator 72
Concatenation, operator, evaluation 68
conditional execution 118
Conformal maps, conformal 165
Conformal maps, conformal options 165
Conformal maps, conformal options, grid 165
Conformal maps, conformal options, numxy 165
Conformal maps, plotting 164
Confrac 63
Constants, known to Maple 11
Constants, mathematical 11
constrained 170 174
Content, integer 58
Continued fractions 63
CONVERT 54 90 108 141
Convert, options 63
Converting, between data structures 90
Converting, expressions 63
Converting, from series to polynomial 47
Coordinates, Cartesian 170
Coordinates, cylindrical 170
Coordinates, plot3d 170
Coordinates, polar 163
Coordinates, spherical 170
coords 156
Copying tables, copy 87
copyinto 103
cos 12
cosh 12
cot 12
coth 12
Crashing Maple 34
Critical length of a rod, example 200
Cross product, croasprod 96
Cross product, vector cross product 96
Csc 12
csch 12
Curl 99
Curl of a vector expression 100
Curves, plotting 160
Cylindrical coordinates, plot3d 170
D 41
Data set 106
Data structures 53 78
Data structures, . 78
Data structures, array 78
Data structures, concatenation 78
Data structures, converting between 90
Data structures, expression sequence 78
Data structures, exprseq 78
Data structures, list 78
Data structures, name 78
Data structures, plot 159
Data structures, procedure 78
Data structures, procedure definition 78
Data structures, set 78
Data structures, table 78
Data structures, uneval 78
Data structures, unevaluated expression 78
debugging, procedures 150
Debugging, programs 145 146 148 150
Decimal fraction numbers 21
DECwindows quitting a session 9
Definite integration 42
delcols 103
delrows 103
denom 51
Determinant, linalg[det] 96
diag 103
diff 41 43
Difference equations 50
Differential equations, example 200
Differential equations, solution of 43
Differential equations, solving 43
Differential operations on matrices 99
Differentiation 41
Differentiation, operator (D) 41 136
Digits, default 10 21
Digits, evalhf 195
Dilogarithm function (dilog) 13
Dimension of a matrix or vector 103
Dirac delta function, Dirac(t) 13
Display 159
Display device 155
display3d 159 170
Distributed form for expressions 59
ditto 3
Divergence 99
Divergence, of a vector expression 100
Divide 71 119 122
Division 3
DO 115 116 118
Documentation, getting started 1
done 8
DOS, initialization file 141
DOS, quitting a session 9
DOS, starting Maple 2
Dot product, dotprod 96
Double-quote 3
DSOLVE 43 201
Dsolve, options 43
Dsolve, plotting solutions 183
e, E 11
Efficiency, improving 189
Efficiency, improving, evalhf 194
Efficiency, programs 191
EI 13
Eigenvals 96
eigenvects 96
Elapsed time 185
elif 119
else 118 119
END 121
Ending a session 8
entries 90
EQN 113
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