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Char B.W. — First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple V |
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local 123
local variables 124 126
Local variables, evaluation 126
Local variables, in procedures 123
Local variables, usage 146 147
Logarithms (log or In) or loglO 12
Loop, breaking execution, break 120
Loop, exiting 120
Loop, FOR 116
Loop, skipping statements, next 120
Loop, WHILE 115
looping constructs 115 116 120
lprint 35 111
MAC 30
Macintosh, initialization file 141
Macintosh, quitting a session 9
Macintosh, starting Maple 2
Mail to Maple 227
MAP 91
Maple, callable from C 153
Maple, information 225
Maple, interactive use 1
Maple, Newsletter 230
Maple, problems 225
Maple, programming language 53
Maple, publications 230
Maple, Roots Newsletter 223
Maple, share library 227
Maple, Technical Newsletter 223
Maple, users' group 226
MAPLEIHI file 141
Maplelnit file 141
Maple_graup 226
Mathematical functions, built-in 15
Mathematical objects types 73
Mathematical symbol 70
Mathematical variable 10
Matrices 93
Matrices, adding columns 103
Matrices, adding rows 103
Matrices, addition 96
Matrices, adjoint 96
Matrices, augment 103
Matrices, characteristic matrix 96
Matrices, characteristic polynomial 96
Matrices, coefficient 103
Matrices, column dimension 103
Matrices, combining 101
Matrices, concatenating 103
Matrices, defining 93
Matrices, deleting columns 103
Matrices, deleting rows 103
Matrices, determinant 96
Matrices, diagonal 103
Matrices, differential operations 99
Matrices, differentiation 99
Matrices, dimension 103
Matrices, eigenvalues 96
Matrices, eigenvectors 96
Matrices, evaluation 93
Matrices, exponential 96
Matrices, extending 103
Matrices, Gauss-Jordan form 96
Matrices, Gaussian elimination 96
Matrices, Hermite normal form 96
Matrices, hessian 99
Matrices, inverse 96
Matrices, Jacobian 99
Matrices, Jordan form 96
Matrices, Laplacian 99
Matrices, linaolve 96
Matrices, minimal polynomial 96
Matrices, multiplication 95 96
Matrices, multiplying rows by a constant 103
Matrices, operations 93 96
Matrices, permanent 96
Matrices, potential 99
Matrices, row dimension 103
Matrices, row-reduced echelon form 96
Matrices, rref 96
Matrices, Smith normal form 96
Matrices, solving 96
Matrices, solving equations 51
Matrices, stack 103
Matrices, structural operations 101 103
Matrices, submatrices 103
Matrices, swapping columns 103
Matrices, swapping rows 103
Matrices, symbolic entries 99
Matrices, trace 96
matrixplot 168
MAX 12
Maxima finding 198
maximize 51
Maximum function 12
Maxsols 25
Maxwell gas velocity formula 198
Memory, allocated during a session 185—187
Memory, allocated during a session, status[2] 189
Memory, clearing unused 187
Memory, recycled 187
Memory, unused 187
Memory, usage 185—187
Memory, usage, querying 188
Memory, usage, status[2] 189
Minimal polynomial, minpoly 96
Minimum function 12
Mint 75 145 146
minus 80
mistakes 4
MOD 91
Monomial 38
MS Windows, quitting a session 9
MS Windows, starting Maple 2
msolve 51
Mulrotr 103
Multidirectional limits 47 48
Multiplication 3
Multiplication, matrix 96 97
Multiply 96
Names 9
Names, aliasing 106 201
Names, underscore character in 10
nargs 124
Negation 8
Nested types 131 132
newsletter 230
NeXT 120
NeXT, quitting a session 9
NeXT, starting Maple 2
nops 73 75
normal 54 58 91
Normalized expression 58
NullSpace 99
Number (data type) 74
Number theory package (numtheory) 106
Numbers 11 21
Numbers, algebraic 18 67
Numbers, Bernoulli (bernoulli) 13
Numbers, Euler (Euler) 13
Numbers, Fibonacci ix 131
numbers, floating-point 11
Numbers, integers 2
Numbers, rational 11
numer 51
numeric 43
Numeric techniques for root-finding 204
Numerical, approximations 21
| Numerical, calculations 21
Numerical, integration example 43
Numerical, methods 23
Numerical, root-finding 19
Numerical, solutions to algebraic equations 23
numpoints 155 156
Numxy 165
Objects, types 73
Octal base 63
od 115 116 118
On-line help 5
One-level evaluation 69
op 19 73 75 79 80
Operations, matrix 93 94 96
Operations, matrix and vector 96 97
Operations, precedence 7
operations, set 80
Operations, vector 96
operators, concatenation 72
Operators, concatenation, evaluation 68
Operators, functional 136
Operators, functional, defining your own 137
Operators, inert 57
operators, precedence 7
Optimization 51
Optimization, example 198
Optimization, optimize 112
options 123
Options, remember 123 133 135 191
Options, system 192
Order 45
Order, default 6 45
Order, lexicographical 60
Order, of power series 45
Order, sets 80
Order, total degree 60
Ordering, elements in a list 60
Ordering, terms in an expression 60
Orientation 170
Orthogonal basis of a vector space 99
Orthogonal polynomial package (orthopoly) 106
Ouput line printing 35
output, formatting 35
Output, prettyprinting 3
Packages 138
Packages, creating your own 143
Packages, linear algebra 96
Packages, loading () 143
Packages, loading (with) 96 105
Packages, long names 105
Packages, pi ota 155
Packages, reading 144
Packages, user-defined 143
Packages, writing your own 138
Parametric plots 162
Parentheses 8
Parentheses, indicating precedence of operators 7
Parfrac 63
Partial derivatives 41
Partial fractions 63
Patch 170
performance, improving 189 192
Performance, improving, evalhf 194
Performance, programs 191
Permanent 96
PIC 30
Pic, argument to plotaetup command 30
plex 60
plot 26
Plotaetup 28 30
Plotoutput, option to interface command 31
Plots package 155
plotting 155
Plotting, adaptive 155
Plotting, character plot 27
Plotting, color patch 177
Plotting, colors 177
Plotting, combining plots 159
Plotting, conformal maps 164
Plotting, coords 156
Plotting, curve from points 158
Plotting, curves 160
Plotting, data structure of a plot 159
Plotting, display 159
Plotting, display device 155
Plotting, display3d 159
Plotting, examples 26
Plotting, expressions functional 182
Plotting, floating-point arithmetic 196
Plotting, functional expressions 182
Plotting, functions 26 162
Plotting, functions, user-defined 183
Plotting, hardware floating-point arithmetic 196
Plotting, hidden surface removal 170
Plotting, histograms 165 167
Plotting, histograms, color 168
Plotting, in polar coordinates 163
Plotting, list of points 158
Plotting, matrixplot 168
Plotting, numpoints 155 156
Plotting, options 155
Plotting, output 28 30
Plotting, package(plots) 106
Plotting, parameterized, of functions 162
Plotting, parametric plots 162
Plotting, perspective 170
Plotting, plot 26 155 162
Plotting, plot, options 155
Plotting, plot3d 155 169
Plotting, plot3d styles 177
Plotting, plot3d, evaluation points 169
Plotting, plot3d, evaluation points default 169
Plotting, plot3d, options 170
Plotting, plot3d, perspective 170
Plotting, plot3d, points 169
Plotting, plot3d, printing plots 170
Plotting, plot3d, projection 170
Plotting, plot3d, saving plots 170
Plotting, plotsetup 28 30
Plotting, point plots 160
Plotting, points 158
Plotting, polar plots 2D 163
Plotting, printer setup 28
Plotting, printing plots 28 30 170
Plotting, printing plots, Imagen 28
Plotting, printing plots, LN03 28
Plotting, printing plots, pic format 30
Plotting, printing plots, PostScript 28
Plotting, projection 170
Plotting, reading in plots 159
Plotting, redrawing plots 159
Plotting, resolution 155 156
Plotting, saving plots 159
Plotting, set of points 158
Plotting, several functions 27
Plotting, shading 177
Plotting, smooth curves 155
Plotting, style 156 177
Plotting, surfaces 169
Plotting, terminal setup 30
Plotting, three-dimensional plots 169
Plotting, tickmarks 156
Plotting, title 156
Plotting, title, user-defined functions 183
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots 170
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots, axes scaling 174
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots, orientation 173
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots, scaling 174
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots, view 173
Plotting, title, viewing 3D plots, viewing boundaries 173
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