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Kaandorp J.A. — Fractal Modelling: Growth and Form in Biology |
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function 74
function 155
function 91
function in 3D 172
function 173
representation 137
representation, child 138
representation, parent 138
list of triangle lists 141
the list of triangles 134
list of vertex index lists 140
the vertex index list 134
Acropora palmata 60 178 182
Alcyonium glomeratum 12
Anastomosis 52 99 182
Anisotropic growth 155 164
Anti-collision rule in 3D 171 178
Apical dominance 51 56
Association rule 79
Association rule in 3D 160
Association rule in 3D, algorithm 160
Association rule, algorithm 80
Aulonia hexagona 12 149
Autotrophic organisms 51 57 91 100
Avoidance rule 84
base element 27 36
Basic building elements 3
Bio-monitoring 112 126 192
Bleaching of corals 5
Bresenham algorithm 94
Bresenham algorithm in 3D 144 180
Cellular automata 21
Coat patterns 8
Coherence conserving rules in 3D 164
Collision detection 84 97
Collision detection in 3D 166 181
Collision detection in 3D, algorithm 166
Continuity rule 74 150
Contour photographs 104 110
Cup form 165 193
Curv-index term 158
Deletion rule 83
Deletion rule 1 in 3D 165
Deletion rule 2 in 3D 164
Dichotomous branching 15
Diffusion equation 19
Diffusion Limited Aggregation 18
DLA 18
dodecahedron 12
Dragon sweep, Iterated Function Systems 24
Dragon sweep, iterative geometric constructions 40
Dragon sweep, L-systems 14
Erosion value, gypsum blocks 105 116
Face 130
Flattened growth forms 156
Flood-fill algorithm 144 147
Fractal dimension 10
Fractal dimension, Haliclona oculata 110
Generator 27
Generator processing function 32
Generator selection function 43
Growth axes in 3D 159
Growth axis 57
Growth in a moving fluid 182
Growth process, abrasion 182
Growth process, equilibrium 21
Growth process, non-equilibrium 21
h(rad-curv) function 86
h(rad-curv) function, 3D 158
Halichondria panicea 66
Halidona oculata 58 66 191
Halidona oculata, aquiferous system 67
Halidona oculata, growth form, toxic agents 193
Halidona oculata, growth velocity 124
Halidona oculata, longitudinal section 66
Halidona oculata, oscillations in width 172
Halidona oculata, palmate growth forms 122
Halidona oculata, tangential view 67
Halidona simulans 67 87 129 133 148 191
Heterotrophic organisms 52 57 100
Homogeneous transformations 15
Icosahedral geodesic domes 148
IFS 23
Initiator 27
Insertion rule 75
Insertion rule 1 in 3D 150
Insertion rule 2 in 3D 156
Isotropic growth 154 165
Iterated Function Systems 23
Iteration processes 9
Iterative geometric constructions 27 53
Iterative geometric constructions in 3D 130
Iterative geometric constructions, algorithm 41
Iterative geometric constructions, connection attribute 39
Iterative geometric constructions, fertilization attribute 30
Iterative geometric constructions, geometrical restrictions 48
Iterative geometric constructions, growth process, influence environment 44
Iterative geometric constructions, growth process, internal properties 44
Iterative geometric constructions, local information 46
Iterative geometric constructions, modelling system 43
Iterative geometric constructions, production rule 27
Iterative geometric constructions, types attribute 38
k(c) function 95
k(c) function in 3D 180
| Koch curve 10 27
L-Systems 13
Laplace equation 19 92 142
Laplace equation, approximation algorithm 22
Leaf, Iterated Function Systems 25
Light model, algorithm in 3D 173
Lindenmayer grammar 13
Linear fractals 30
Lithistids 13
local_light-intensity term 173
Longitudinal element 57
Longitudinal element in 3D 149
Marine organisms 4
Marking experiments, Halidona oculata 116
Maximum disc 105
Menger sponge 131
Millepora alcicornis 62
Modular growth 55
Modular growth, parallel 56
Monkeys tree 38
Monopodial branching 15
Montastrea annularis 60 64
Montastrea annularis, longitudinal section 64
Montastrea annularis, tangential view 64
Morphological skeleton 105
Non-intersection rule 48 84
Non-linear mappings 9
Objects 33
Oscillating max_curv 167
Phototropism, positive 178
Post-processing functions 48
Pythagoras tree 30
Radiate accretive growth 56
Radiate accretive growth in 3D 148
Radiate accretive growth, basic construction 69
Radiate accretive growth, basic construction in 3D 149
Radiate accretive growth, conservation of coherence 76
Radiate accretive growth, detection of local maxima in 3D 160
Radiate accretive growth, external rules 189
Radiate accretive growth, external secretion 92
Radiate accretive growth, fertilization 77
Radiate accretive growth, generator 69
Radiate accretive growth, generator processing function 69
Radiate accretive growth, generator processing function in 3D 149
Radiate accretive growth, growth axes 79
Radiate accretive growth, initiator 69
Radiate accretive growth, initiator in 3D 148
Radiate accretive growth, internal rules 189
Radiate accretive growth, internal secretion 74
Radiate accretive growth, light model 90
Radiate accretive growth, model of 69
Radiate accretive growth, nutrient distribution 92
Radiate accretive growth, nutrient distribution in 3D 180
Radiate accretive growth, nutrient distribution, algorithm 92
Radiate accretive growth, plate formation 83
Radiate accretive growth, radius of curvature 85
Radiate accretive growth, replacement system 83
Radiate accretive growth, replacement system in 3D 167
Radiate accretive growth, widening factor 79
Radiate accretive growth, widening factor in 3D 155
Radius of curvature in 3D 157 182
Ramifying object 30 45
Ramifying object, 3D equivalent 132
Ramifying object, irregular 32 46
Ramifying object, Iterated Function Systems 26
Ramifying object, self-avoiding 50
Ramifying object, vegetation of 35
Reaction diffusion mechanism 7
Relation D and max_curv 112
Relation da and erosion value 110
Relation da and max_curv 109
Relation db and erosion value 110
Relation db and max .curv 109
Relation rb and erosion value 110
Replacement system, base element 37
Replacement system, edge 29
Replacement system, face 131
Roots, seedplants 52
Scan-line filling algorithm in 3D 144
Secondary growth 118
Secretion of spicula 73
Sedimentation load 116
Self-seeding square 39
Self-seeding square, 3D equivalent 131
Self-similarity 10 103
Self-similarity, statistical 11
set_triangles( , ) the set of triangles 136 139
set_vertices( , ) the set of vertices 136
Shell patterns 8
Shielding by branches 95
Sierpinski arrowhead 39
Sierpinski arrowhead, 3D equivalent 130
Spicula 66
Spiny ball 37
Substrate-tropism, negative 95 114 126
Tangential element 57
Tangential element in 3D 150
Transplantation experiments 112
Triangular mesh, hierarchical description 140
Triangular tessellation, multi layered 140
Triangular tessellation, multi layered, lattice representation 142
Triangular tessellation, multi layered, virtual lattice representat 146
Triangular tessellation, single layered 134
Triangulated sphere 148
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