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Manturov O.V., Matveev N.M. — A course of higher mathematics: linear algebra, analytic geometry, differential calculus of functions of one variable
Manturov O.V., Matveev N.M. — A course of higher mathematics: linear algebra, analytic geometry, differential calculus of functions of one variable

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Название: A course of higher mathematics: linear algebra, analytic geometry, differential calculus of functions of one variable

Авторы: Manturov O.V., Matveev N.M.


Книга "Курс высшей математики" представлена на английском языке.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 470

Добавлена в каталог: 08.12.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Reducing a general second-degree equation to canonical form      129
Reducing a quadratic form to canonical form      127 360
Reducing an operator to canonical form      122
Relation, between a function and its limit      172 382
Relation, equivalence      293
Rule(s), for differentiating a complete function      200 275 402 436
Sarrus      73
Sarrus for transforming matrices in a Gaussian elimination      79
Scalar product of vectors in $R^{3}$ and its properties      305—309
Scalar triple product      74 336
Sequence(s)      164 376
Sequence(s) limit of      165 376
Sequence(s) number      164
Set(s)      156
Set(s) bounded      432
Set(s) closed      432
Set(s) complement of      157
Set(s) connected      432
Set(s) difference of      157
Set(s) empty      158
Set(s) equal      157
Set(s) intersection of      157—158
Set(s) null      158
Set(s) open      432
Set(s) union of      157
Solving matrix-vector equations      91
Space(s) adjoint linear Euclidean      321
Space(s) finite-dimensional      300
Space(s) infinite-dimensional      300
Space(s) isomorphic      305
Space(s) linear      298
Space(s) vector      298
Subset(s)      157
Sum(s) of matrices      39
Sum(s) of sets      158
Sum(s) of two vectors      13
Superposition      39
Surface(s) cylindrical      138
Surface(s) second-order      129
Symmetry      336
System(s) augmented matrix of      79 340
System(s) homogeneous      78
System(s) in matrix-vector form      89
System(s) linearly dependent      299
System(s) linearly independent      299
System(s) nonhomogeneous      78
System(s) of linear equations      78
System(s) of vectors      299
System(s) solution of      78
Tables of second-order curves and surfaces      142—147
Testing functions for convexity or concavity      242
Theorem(s) Bezout’s      268 428
Theorem(s) Cauchy’s      217 408
Theorem(s) Kronecker — Capelli      78 83 105
Theorem(s) Lagrange’s      217
Theorem(s) on a basis minor      65 333—335
Theorem(s) on completeness of eigenvectors      112 357
Theorem(s) on continuity of elementary functions      175
Theorem(s) on eigenvectors and eigenvalues      351
Theorem(s) on existence of limits      169—171
Theorem(s) on limits      357
Theorem(s) on matrices of linear operators      40 318
Theorem(s) on self-adjoint operators      112
Theorem(s) on the derivative of the inverse of a function      403
Theorem(s) Rolle’s      216 407
Transitivity      337
Transposition      56
Triangle rule      13
union of two sets      157 374
Variable(s) free      83
Variable(s) properties of      195
Vector(s)      12 15 293
Vector(s) basic properties of      74 338
Vector(s) collinear      19
Vector(s) free      293
Vector(s) function of a scalar argument      254 422
Vector(s) length of      23
Vector(s) linear combination of      16
Vector(s) linearly dependent      15
Vector(s) linearly independent      15
Vector(s) nonlocalized      293
Vector(s) nontrivial      16
Vector(s) normal, of a plane      33
Vector(s) of two vectors      73
Vector(s) origin of      12
Vector(s) product      71 336
Vector(s) space      298
Vector(s) system of      15
Vector(s) terminus of      12
Vector(s) trivial      16
Velocity      293
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